The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Yes I am aware some folks do not like me

sa-TURD-ay April 11th, 2020 at almost 7:15 a dot m dot

Fellow 3rd planet from the Sun dwellers,

Guttan Targ, (he said it wrong and spelled it wrong). Thats why I'm cute and cuddly. I can fracture the language like no one else. Well, having said that I am sure there are lots and lots of people who regularly commit worse daily infractions to the language than I do, however It's my lie and I will tell it like I want to. I heard someone say one time that "What others think about you is none of your business." I've seen it attributed to Deepak Chopra, Eleanor Roosevelt and many more. Essentially it means you have better things to to do and more important things to worry about than what somebody else is gossiping about, even if it is about you. It can really mean a lot more than that, however it also matters in what context it is used and what others say in return. Personally, I do not pay any attention to this drivel because I happen to believe that you are entitled to your own opinion no matter how wrong you are and without regard to the context it is presented in. It rolls off my back like water off a ducks ass. I've seen others just absolutely get IGNITED by this stuff and for the life of me I cannot fathom why, as it just doesn't matter. It never has, never should and never will.

Usually it is younger folks but not always. Some older folks confuse activity with result just as often. They get all worked up, angry and self-righteous when someone just tells them the truth. They (these people who get pissed off) think that in order for their words , deeds and actions to be of value they mus have "RESPECT". which they have misidentified, misunderstood and misapplied as fear. They have believed every gang banger TV show thug who has said the words. To hear someone yell "You better respect me." , when they actually mean "Shut up because you fear me" is a ludicrous concept, yet it is what drives poor , drunken, drug fueled behavior in almost every domestic violence call that the Police department ever responds to. To me it's just the embodiment of ignorance and bullshit.

One of the people whom I respect the most is my brother who is one generation above me. He has been providing guidance and answers for me for my whole life. One thing I can always count on from him is the unvarnished absolute truth. Most people don't care for this and cannot abide it, however I believe that is what defines our relationship. He has a ton of experience I don't have and never will have. He was an active US Marine, he is left handed, he is smarter than anyone I have ever met and my respect for him has zero to do with my fear of him, although that sonofabitch has the quickest left handed slap I've ever seen (or actually didn't see as the case may be, but that's another story). I respect him for the right reasons and it's because I trust him. He is one of the handful of people on this planet I do actually trust. There ya go. That's why I don't actually care if people like me.

A left handed guy can't teach you to hit a golf ball
  1. Who should play the part of Jack Reacher when they resume the movie productions around the world? I mean as far as the acting , Tom Cruise is a wonderful great actor and he had the right attitude, he had the right delivery, he even has the long term credibility as an actor. As Ethan Hunt he is perfect. He has the acting chops to pull it off except for one very tiny , miniscule problem. He is about a foot and half too short and about 125 pounds too light with muscle tone nowhere near the description of the legendary Reacher.

    It strained credulity to hear Tom Cruise say "I'm gonna drink your blood from my boot", when I think my old age decrepit ass could kick his. He needed too many weapons to pull it off. So who should it be next time the part is cast? Some unknown muscle man like one of those behemoths from the worlds strongest man competition shows? Someone who has competed and won on the Ultimate Ninja shows? Or should we just look at one of the current crop of action heros, like the Thor guy, or Captain America? Personally, I think their is one or two choices. Either Dwayne Johnson or John Cena would fill the bill and please no more tiny assed actors.
  2. Did you see the story about these people who have recreated the opening sequence to the Simpsons TV show, including the couch gag , during the quarantine and pulled it off to perfection? It is hilarious. You probably will have to search for it to see the video, I can't find it right now. Trust me it is worth spending the time to watch it.
  3. It seems as if  reinvention is all the rage right now. Just this week i have read stories about the reinvention of self from the likes as divergent as Ronda Rousey, Tom Brady and even Mike Tyson. I think what they are really selling is the story of being yourself. I can relate. I truly believe that my biggest aspect of me is just allowing me to be me.I don't try to be someway for somebody else. In terms of how I'm influenced, I think my wife is my biggest influence. She keeps me calm sometimes or makes me think sometimes especially when I can feel me getting pissed off and starting to blow up. All she has to do sometimes is touch my neck, boom, I'm calmer. It's so cool.
  4. My doctors office visit went well yesterday. Talking to those folks while they were wearing shields and masks was a little difficult, but not really bad. The worst thing was that I am deaf. I'll tell you about that later.
  5. When this crisis is over, I think we will see an overhaul of the restaurant business. Menus will and should shrink. SKU's should and will decline and some of the crazy expensive choices may disappear. I sure hope so. I can't wait to see what is next.

    Have a great weekend you crazy peeple!!


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