The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Its either a birthday or an anniversary today

Sunday 04/05/2020 at 6:00 a.m.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Open the door dumbass, you saw me through the peephole,

Hello people persons who achieved maximum human waste control with the use of clean water,

Once upon a time in Indiana my parents got married. Later they also celebrated the birth of my youngest brother. One of those events took place on April 5th and the other on April 6th. I'll be damned if I can ever remember which one is which. So between today and tomorrow happy bithaaversay Geo. I can't ever get it right. I could cheat and look at my calendar, but wheres the fun in that?
Unidentified mental objects from the Multiverse

  1. I live in Georgia. Our illustrious Political leader, Our Brilliant Governor of the (R) behind his name variety, the brilliant man who gave us shotguns pointing at children in his political ads, the Brainiac who as Secretary of State for Georgia enacted reforms which kicked thousands of legitimate voters off the voting rolls because of the use or non use of commas, the man who did not know the meaning of the word asymptomatic until Wednesday despite several and repeated attempts to educate him, that guy, Brian Kemp, has decided to re-open the states parks and beaches as part of his stay at home and shelter in place order. Stay at home and go to the beach. OK. Huh?

    He's also decided that any local leader who refuses to do so, faces jail time for disobeying his executive order. I shit you not. Please do not ask me to explain the logic  it as I have no understanding of stupidity as complete as this. It is as completely faulty logic and is as ignorant a thought process as I have ever seen. This man is a complete idiot. He will probably get re-elected.
  2. 10 Million people have filed for Unemployment in the last two weeks. Without regard for your political bias in understanding or explaining these numbers, that's a lot of fucking people out of work at once. Not including any of the people they never count anyhow, KA-Pow - Bam no job. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.Too bad so sad, Little Timmy has to put water on his cereal now. Even if they get unemployment, it won't be anywhere near what they are used to receiving from their jobs, and won't last near long enough to pay the bills.

    3.3 million last week and 6.6 million this week.

    To make matters worse guess what infrastructure is not robust enough to handle this kind of unforseen influx? That's right, State unemployment web servers, who have been crashing like a 16 year old taking driving lessons from Ferris Bueller. Not to be a purveyor of doom and gloom, but the projections say this could be in a range of 20-40% unemployed before it peaks and no we ain't even close to peaking yet, nowhere near it.
  3. In the same vein of data mining but a different kind of  mineral, overall numbers don't tell the complete tale. As bad as those dumbass numbers sound here are some even more ignorant ones. Depending upon where you live and what size your town is, those numbers could be even worse. If your city has a vibrant and diverse employment base then you may not see anywhere near this kind of damage. You may never reach 15%. Yay! Silver Linings huh?

    However, if your town is largely dependant on a single style of industry . say like carpet mills for example, and you live in a town or county  of say 40,000 folks, you could be looking at the higher end of the scale. Image if your town suddenly had 16,000 people unemployed and all of them had to stay at home. Booo- No Silver Lining Huh? Just be glad you don't live in a coal town that they are going to revitalize somehow.

    Talk about a growth industry ? The criminal and divorce lawyers will be having their best year ever. Geeze. I hope I am so wrong I get laughed at and it never happens.
  4. You remember Samuel L. Jackson  reading the book "Go to fuck to sleep?"

    There is a new one. Samuel L. Jackson has a new reading called " Stay the Fuck at Home."

    Both are vulgar and both are funny as hell.
    Be forewarned, both contain the "F" word.
    Click the links to watch them.
  5. You can tell how bored people feel and how isolated they are if you read Facebook a lot. Where Meme's used to rule the day, there are now posts with actual user created content. Haven't saw that for 6-8 years or so. I've been asked to play along in several categories this week alone. Specific  Pictures, songs, Camera rolls and what not are all being used to stir up creativity. Also more and more quizzes and things like what does your astronomy sign say about you. One said because I was a Sagittarius that apparently because of that, I am Satan. Go figure.
Go have fun kids, play outside in your own yards, and stay in the backyard. Don't let the damn dog out either. Mommy and Daddy have to finish making the bouncy construction noises. We will let you know when the doors are unlocked again.



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