The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Skeletons are not scary prove me wrong

Saturday April 04,2020 at ah I don't know about 9:25 a.m.

Hey you organic meat bags!

There is an old saying I have heard occasionally about how everyone has skeletons in their closets, or how occasionally the skeletons fall out of the closets and in haunted houses the skeleton jumps out and scares people to death. I understand the sayings but dont totally agree with the impact, as I don't think skeletons are all that scary. Remember that scene in one of the terminator movies where the T-800 was doing skin or eyeball repair? He was splashing blood and tissue in the sink and making a mess? See the skeleton wasn't scary , It was THE MEAT ! The meat is scary as hell. Just think, on the average 150 pound person there is over 100 pounds of living, breathing , bleeding MEAT, that you have to get through before the bones even matter.

That's the problem with this virus. It isn't a broken bone or something we totally understand how to treat and heal. On this thing we think we get the basics maybe , and I am talking about cell repair and regeneration and stuff like that, yet we have no clue how to prevent this disease nor do we know yet how to inoculate you from it's most serious symptoms. We have a rough understanding of how to save your life and prevent you from dying, IF you know enough to get to the doctor soon enough, IF you have a way to see the right kind of doctor and IF your doctor has the information, equipment , space ,medicine and training he/she needs to begin any kind of treatment regimen designed to keep this thing from killing you. And those are all big fat IF's too.

The ridiculous nature of life gives us too much thinking time

  1. Several things I've often wondered about and really never said it out loud before. They are ridiculous things I know, but they bug me sometimes. Things like :

    A) Why do we revere old people as wiser versions of ourselves when actually it's just US , older, still dumbasses and somehow we survived the mistakes? Generally speaking they are just as dumb as us, but with way more experience. My grandfather used to tell us that a sock soaked in bacon grease and tied around our neck would cure a common cold , or a migraine, or just about anything else too come to think of it. He was about 80 and that's pretty dumbass. How did he survive?
    B) How old were you when you realized there is / was never no parenting manual? That nobody knows what the hell they are doing and that in fact  EVERYONE is winging it and making it up as we go? Same thing with relationships, marriage, growing old and every other damn thing there is?
    C) How did evolution occur that turned certain words in certain societies into bad words , which later made into slang or curse words then become offensive words, but only when pronounced in a certain way in your language? (Words like shit, fuck and so forth)
    D) There are TV shows about these 600 pound people on now. Everything from how they want to be bigger, to they are too big,  to they now want to lose weight. What I want to know is if our society is getting to be obese, and 65% of us are fatties now, How do the Ultra Fat among us wipe our asses? Why don't they ever show any of these folks trying to straddle a normal sized toilet? Is there an underground society of specialized tools sold on fatty only websites to allow them to wipe their asses? And if there is , then why hasn't the rest of the world heard about it, since most of us are fatties now? What gives?
    E) You ever see the pictures of the women with the 10 foot long fingernails? So how do they do anything requiring the use of their hands? One woman had 28 feet 4 inch nails according to the Guiness Book of World Records. My God! And in relation to Point D above,hows that happen?
    F) Why is there braille' notation of the drive thru ATM Keypad?
    and the beat goes on.......
  2. I saw a meme the other day that said that the year 2020 was written by Stephen King and the movie was directed by Steven Spielberg.  My response was just to say I'm glad it was not directed by Michael Bay. Can you imagine?
  3. I reconnected with an old friend last night. A Man I really like and whom I call friend (and a helluva fisherman) and I don't use the term lightly. I am one of those people who know I have a big mouth and know I irritate folks sometimes. He asked me what happened? Why we are not friends on FaceBook anymore? He basically asked me if he got on my nerves? See that's my problem, I recognize it when I am running my own big mouth and I hate to bring disruption to anyone's life.

    See? I had already done that to another friend , whom I considered a very close friend and it cost us the friendship, she basically just stopped talking to me and I was pretty sad about it. It was over before I understood it, and I have regretted it ever since. It's never my intention to offend you or to make you want to shoot me. If I have done so , I am very sorry. It sucks to know that my opinionated loud mouthed ass drives people away. Normal life is a restraining order. I hate having too much time to think.
  4. The Mayor of NYC is asking for a National Draft of Health care workers, calling up those who have retired, left the field, served in the military, couldn't get credentialed here but were trained in other countries, etc. He says we need thousands of people , hundreds of thousands of volunteers. Can you imagine a knock at the front door, and some FBI agent or an Army captain is standing there saying "Hello, are you named such and such? Can you pack a small bag and come with us please?", I'm telling you , gurneys in hallways, people dying in tents, civil war medicine. It's all coming. Crap.
  5. The absolute correct term in order to describe society right now is "EffinShitShow". As bad as it is , its only get gonna get worse, because we have not peaked yet, ya feel me DAWG?
A friend of mine whom does not own or watch TV, does not receive much in the way of news just found out about the stay at home order yesterday. He was pretty shocked as I explained it to him. Made me sad.



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