The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

There was once a man from Nantucket

Thursday April 9th, 2020 at purt near 6:45 a.m.

Ha ha ha Made you look! (Random - How does spellcheck know what I was going to say when I completely screw up a word?) Also why have men seemingly forgotten to shave their faces oe brush their hair but there is apparently a thing called manscaping? Inquiring minds want to know.

There is a famous and nasty limerick that starts with those words, If you want to know the rest of it and Don't already know, find your favorite Uncle who was in the Navy and ask him, I'm sure he knows the end of that one and about 3 dozen more of them. I'm not repeating it here, I just used it as a "hook" to see if you would bite and see if I could get you to read the rest of this post.

Did it work?

Enough of that crap. I've always had this overriding philosophy about how we should treat each other. It's pretty simple and at the same time is hard to be honest with yourself and actually do it in real life. Too many things get in the way. We want to be successful and sometimes the one thing standing in our way is some other schmuck who is plodding along in his/her everyday life just trying to get by and the mere fact that they are there means you have to deal with them in order to move on. Sometimes it's an associate, occasionally a peer and all too often it's a supervisor. Man, wish there was an easy way to sidestep it yet, sometimes you just have to stop and take a look and what they are actually doing is asking for a tiny bit of help.

Sometimes that person making the cry for help is you.

I've made it to somewhat of an older age and have discovered that one thing is true and this may help some of you youngsters (like anyone younger than 30 is reading this) to deal with the pressure of modern life. Look back at whatever length of time you've been in the workforce. Follow the path of your career and what do you see? I always wanted to be able to look back and see a path of growth and friends and mentorship. All too often if you are honest with yourself what you will see is a path where an F-5 tornado has been, mostly because we are told in order to survive in the jungle you have to "Kill or be killed, you are victim or you are prey". I've even had people tell me the reason why I never become of the "Big Dogs" is because I didn't have athe "Killer instinct". They were wrong.

I have it, don't make me angry. I am just smart enough I hope,  to decide on my own when it was necessary, prudent and maybe even a smart time to use it. I have found that in my life, you really don't need to pound on people all that much to get what you want out of them. You may have to do that in order to be noticed by another meat eater and get promoted, but that was never my style and I knew it. I never wanted to be "That guy". I sleep better , however I didn't get the stock options. Oh well.

Philosophy really isn't a 4 year degree
  1. Why do we advocate as a species that we should do the right thing? Why do we embrace a guiding principle that contains advice that means to look out for others? My take on this is pretty easy and seems circular in nature until you go look at that person staring back at you in the mirror and say these words "You do the right thing , because It's the right thing to do." There is no other reason.

    There are explanations and justifications and such that apply to this principle but there is only one reason. You say things like "What you do in the dark will be exposed in the light" and "Mama said telling the truth means you have to lie a whole lot less" and a slew of others, but what it distills down to is a way of thinking. Basically, do you like sleeping? Do you want to stay sane? Do you want to be a sociopath the rest of your life? Its just that easy , and hard. The thinking about it is the easy part. Now go look in the mirror and do it. That's the hard part.
  2. Health care workers who are staring down death on every shift they work and are facing the worst days in their professional careers are some of the most principled people I know. They could have cut and run (I'm not sure where to but..) however they haven't done that so far. I've read virtually no stories about this. They pull up their pants and go to work. Scared, worried, crying and stoic, they just go to work. Their stores are amazing and I can see a slew of made for TV movies coming.They just soldier on. Day after Day. The fact that they do is astounding.
  3. I am in a battle of wits with my dogs and I am sure I have lost and am just now able to admit it. I have one dog that must be ex-infantry in another life based on the foxholes he digs. He sheds an entire dog from his underfur every other day. You should see it !! It's amazing. His buddy went through a phase on the hole digging like this and then stopped. I have one little dog that If you took it outside to do her business 20 times yesterday she would still usually find a way to crap on the floor somewhere. I have one that I think is mentally ill. He snaps at flies I can't see, barks at things I can't find, hears things no one else does, and seems ferocious. That is until there is a hint of a rainstorm, then he vibrates at a frequency which renders him invisible and goes under the bed until it's over.

    One is the big brother to all the little dogs and will start a fight with anybody especially if he is bored. One is old and grouchy and is a dog curmudgeon and yes, will bite your ass if you ain't paying attention and is nearing the end of his reign and now has started to be unable to hold it any longer than he told you , when he said "Open the door, I gotta go." If you weren't paying attention, sorry about your luck, Here's a pile of Cigar sized poop for ya. They all think they are magicians and escape artists and you would not believe the lengths I have had to go to in order to secure the 5 foot tall fencing holding them in the backyard. Literally dozens of no nonsense, prison grade barriers had to be constructed in order to keep these little mobsters in the can. Unbelievable.
  4. I have a lifetimes of former employees, associates, friends , peers and supervisors on my facebook profile from three industries, of people I have kept in touch with over the years. In that group just about every profession under the sun is represented from Executives to business owners to High class but blue collar workers to Supervisors in their own right to every other circumstance in between. Look at how successful you all have been! Amazing to think I knew you when you made milkshakes or were a long haired teen ager, or had just graduated from school and were out looking for employment. I'm astounded at how diverse and brilliant some of you turned out to be , and how resilient you all have shown your lives to have became. With teen agers of your own, I'm just a fading and long ago memory but through my lense looking from the past through to today I could not be more proud of you guys.

    If however If we were all to run a restaurant today (and were able to ignore the aches and pains of aging), do you know how Kick ass of a place it would be? Combined with all of your personalities and your talents , I'm convinced it was a right place, right time moment. Frozen in time, there was and is nobody who was ever better. I mean that.

    In another sort of look at the people from above, look at how many relationships you all have had that lasted 10 + years or more. I know one thing, we kicked the ass of every average there ever was concerning it.I'd put all of you up against any other group of folks and know we would win, big time, hands down, no contest.
  5. In the past few days I have seen mosquitoes the size of saltine crackers, black ants in the thousands and and we are inundated by goddamn June bugs out the ass. It's April for crying out loud! I've seen mice, snakes and rats this year like no other, so at least the birds of prey and the coyotes should be well fed. The number of fire ant colonies that look like freaking termite mounds from South Africa is amazing.

    In one half acre I had ten of those little jhadi bastards fer cryin' out loud! We have had about 20 or so inches of rain since December so I'm already into the grass harvest season this year. Usually it late April before that crap starts but not this year.

    As my Dad used to say "Jesus Katie Christ on a crutch". I always say Jesus H. Christ , but ever since Barack H. Obama was elected President,  I have always wondered if that "H" meant Hussein.

    I suppose without a long form birth certificate, the world will never know.



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