Dear Fellow believers of the Uncertainty Principle,
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (click here for the definition)
Newscasters and politicians keep saying that these are "uncertain times" we are living in. They keep beating the phrase over and over like it has a special meaning. Actually, every moment in time is an uncertain one. Only a past moment is a certain one. I make that distinction because if you listen to "them" , it's almost like "they" believe that "you"are waiting on "them" to tell you what to do and what to think next.
To me, that presumption is preposterous. It is Ludicrous. It is silly.
Of course we are not waiting on them to tell us what to do.That is what our wives are for. Or our significant others. Or our spouses. Or our Partners. Or whatever in the hell you call that person who puts up with your shit everyday. If you don't have anyone like that in your life, first, let me say, Sorry for you, hope that is not because you are a waste of human flesh. Second, Go Kiss your mother for doing your laundry and Third, Jesus H. Christ, grow up. Get a job. Get an apartment, Get a car, pay for your own gas, get on board the misery train like all the rest of us you schmuck.
Djibouti City is the capital city of the country of Djibouti.
- Big Big different big corporation news today is that The Disney Company has announced that it is going to furlough 43,000 of their staff members effective April 19th, 2020. To furlough someone is to effectively lay them off , however there is a distinct difference between being laid off and being furloughed. Not much difference to your bank account but there is a difference. A layoff means you don't have a job anymore. You might in the future , but probably not. A furlough means they are saving your job for you. Both definitions mean you can get unemployment , a furlough means you will probably get called back to work and you may still have some benefits.
In Disney's case they are promising to pay 100 % of their employees insurance costs for up to a year. They also promise to pay 100 % of any Coronavirus testing they may need for all employees covered by Insurance. Those with Insurance also retain all medical, dental and life benefits for one year. All ranks and rates of pay are also guaranteed for one year or through the furlough. Job seniority will continue as long as the furlough does. All of their staff will be able to return to work if they desire once the crisis is over. All of their staff are able to claim unemployment benefits effective at the time of the furlough or 04/19/2020. Amazing.
What kind of Mickey Mouse operation are these guys running anyway? - I am a big fan of TV shows like The Zoo and the derivatives, like The other locations zoo shows and The Aquarium which is shot at the Georgia Aquarium. I especially like the one shot at the Bronx Zoo that has that guy Jim Breheny , who I believe is the Director of The Bronx Zoo. I also believe I read he is the National President of a Zoological society of sorts (?? help) and is the main bass voice you hear when the show comes on and then hear throughout the show. He seems like a decent guy and he obviously knows a lot of what he is talking about. If you watch it long enough you see him working right along with his staff , training staff to do certain things (like handling big Raptors like Eagles) and utilizing his background to advance the mission of the zoo. He is quietly impressive.
Also if you pay close attention there are lessons in leadership , mentorship, managing upwards, Respect, How to treat others and a few others continually demonstrated by him and others on the show. One thing that immediately struck me is how approachable he is. He rolls up his sleeves and goes to work when the situation demands it. He stopped one time to watch a little boy watching a polar bear, pointed out a couple of things, answered the boys questions and then he just sorta walked away. Not once did he feel the need to say to the kid or his mother "I'm the Director of this zoo, I'm a big shot", and the staff member that was with him was comfortable in his presence. Now that was leadership. - Why are we still falling for dumbass scams? People are still answering questions online they should not be answering, playing "quizzes" that have all kinds of personal information in them, posting pictures of their houses, cars, jobs, salary, kids and everything else? Why the hell don't we understand that this is where scammers look for information? Why do we willingly give away information that we would not even answer if someone were to directly ask us? Why do you think you and everyone you know gets friend requests from people who have one picture and the only friends in their profile they have are ones in common with you? Doesn't anyone else find it strange or alarming that the so called "quiz" or "game" you just played have the same sorts of questions in them that the bank uses for their security questions? Don't you understand that the default setting for someone to see all of your information is for "Friends and Friends of Friends" to have access? It is so easy to see your stuff its stupid.
I just don't get it. STOP IT. Dumbass. - What is it going to take before we understand that so called "Red Flag" laws are thinly veiled attempts to undermine our most basic rights? I am not against taking guns away from crazy people, I am against taking guns (or any property, belongings, rights or freedoms) , away from anyone without a proper court hearing, without a charge, without legal representation. The way this new law in Virginia and in 18 other states are being used is like having a warrant approved by a judge, you are not involved in any way, except your property and rights are taken away and then you may be able to challenge the order. After the guns are gone, after they have been forcefully taken, then you MIGHT get a hearing. It's bullshit the way they are doing this, and this is what will lead to more shootings as people defend themselves against what they see as unconstitutional exercises of power.
- I would just like to say one thing about the way that Airlines treat ticketing and refunds and changes. ITS BULLSHIT. Why do we put up with this nonsense? Non-refundable my hairy ass. Non changeable my fat ass. What a bunch of stupidity.
If we didn't put up with this crap it wouldn't be happening.
That's where I am, How about you?
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