Waldo, that moron, was a nasty nasty man, never changing his shirt. Man if he ever put a clean shirt on NOBODY would have been able to find him. Maybe he was an exhibitionist and he liked showing off? Who else would even wear a shirt like that one? I never looked because I still don't care where he is.
Did you ever stop to think maybe Carmen SanDiego didn't want to be found? Maybe she was the victim of domestic violence, you ever think of that? You were busy leading her abusive ex-husband right to her, following her accidental clues on her travels around the globe, all while she was trying to get away from this guy? Maybe that was the reason she wore the big floppy hat and sunglasses, because she was trying to hide the black eyes and facial marks, you ever think of that ? That poor woman was hounded until she was killed I bet and it's all your fault.
And what about Dora the Explorer? Whose idea was it to let a little 6 year old girl traipse all over the country leading an illegal animal back and forth across the border? What was she all about anyhow ? Was she a tiny coyote or a diminutive drug mule? I want to just once yank that backpack off of her and take a look at what she was carrying back and forth all the time. Cocaine I'll bet. I mean what the heck? Why else was she always trying to get everybody to speak the same language unless it was because it made it easier for her to do her job moving illegal aliens or drugs into the United States? And don't even get me started about those weird looking Winky, blinky characters. C'mon!
I am a firm believer that Barney the freaking purple dinosaur, was a low level pimp. I think his job was to get the kids, especially little girls, hooked on drugs with the first free doses and then slowly but surely reel them in and force them to to all kinds of wacky crap in exchange for more drugs.
I get it, I know I know, you think I'm nuts. OK, but you tell me ? How else do explain the walking and talking french fries and soda cup? What other explanation besides acid explains Squidbillies? Barney got them hooked , told the kids to follow him, taught them cool little dancing songs just like Charles Manson and then BOOM talking squids that were hillbillies and they played the fiddle and talked shit? That's not Acid? Right!! You do not even want to hear my Theory about Cat-Dog. Cat on one end, dog on the other, two mouths, no sexual organs, no way to crap and no way to take a pee and that had NOT A DAMN thing to do with drugs? You have to be kidding me?
You have the right to remain silent
- The Governor of South Dakota has decided that her state does not need a shelter in place, stay at home order of any kind. She (Kristi Noem), said "We are not NY City, we just don't need it." Over 500 positive tests of the Corona Virus were just discovered in a (pork?) meat processing facility in her state, that was just shut down. What do you make of that?
- Who is in charge of wacky crap for sale on TV late at night? Is this now a degree they offer in college? Is it available at the Wharton Business School? I wonder if each network has their own person in charge of finding the weirdest crap? I mean stuff that is way way beyond good old Ron Popeil, the inventor of such late night classics as the Pocket Fisherman, Mr. Microphone, The Set it and Forget it Rotisserie cooker and many many others.
Now we have even better items that they keep bringing back over and over or adding to the line up of goods sold, like Phil Swift the guy who sells the sticky hole filling caulk tape spray in a can that you can make see through fishing boats out of or plug up the inconvenient fish tank holes that suddenly appear while you are holding a roll of their sticky crap tape. Each seasonal change we are treated to newer and better version of the battery operated dog nail sander that's just that easy.When are they going to bring back the Baby-Smasher 5000?
- I would not really want to be an attorney that works with generalized cases once this pandemic has subsided. They are going to be busier than they ever have been with wills, divorces, lawsuits, class actions and everything else. Maybe for them that is a good thing however I think they will be buried under.
- I know everyone has tastes that are all their own however for the life of me I cannot understand the appeal of certain forms of TV. I'm sure some folks would probably be bored out of their skulls watching what I watch sometimes , I know my wife wants to scream if I put another Science or Nature show on. She absolutely will not watch documentaries with me that show Lions or Tigers or whatnot looking up from a fresh kill. You know the ones where they look up over the body with a big old bloody face? The blood still dripping from their snouts after they just had their head buried in the belly of a still breathing Wildebeest , entrails flipping off their noses like looking like What?
She will pack up and leave the room , quickness with a sickness!! She will sit and watch hour upon hour of the latest murder, death, kill show in every form, so she doesn't mind the people dying or blood, its just them poor widdle animals....
I on the other hand, cannot watch more than a couple of hours of that sort before I start to wonder if she is looking for a foolproof way to off me. The ones that have no appeal to me at all (and others just LOVE) are all of this so called "Reality TV" shows, that actually , have no reality built into them at all. Stuff like The Amazing Race, Naked and Afraid, Every version of Survivor, all editions of Big Brother, Everything on ABC right now no matter how "ish" it is, The Bachelor and the female version of it, Tiger King etc.
I honestly do not know if it is any good as I have never watched one minute of any of it and Honestly? I Probably won't. It could be the best TV ever, however it has ZERO appeal to me. I've never watched a second of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul , The Motorcycle Gang show with Katy Seagal or the derivatives of that show as it just doesn't interest me. I know why, it's because I am the wrong demographic.
Let me just leave it at that as I am not working up a big insult. Each to their own. - Wal-Mart put a health Clinic on the end of their store in my town.
Oh Oh Goody Goody Goody. Wonderiffic. I can't wait to get my physical at a health Clinic ran by a cut rate cheap crap retailer where everything in the place falls apart in one week and is all plated with the cheapest most horrific junk you can find. That should be a terrific experience getting a shot from somebody whose training will consist of drinking beer and throwing darts.
Let me just say this, so I will be clear.
I cannot stand going to the store in the first place and I damn sure am not trusting my health to a place that thinks it's a good idea to set a shipping crate in the middle of an aisle full of old useless DVD's and expects you to dig through them for a $4 prize.
Anyway, Gotta Go, Paw Patrol is on,
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