Fellow Occupiers of this moment in space time,
First Happy Anniversary to my lovely Daughter and Son In Law, Bradley and Kelley Ann. Happy Happy Joy joy.
Second, never and I mean never release tachyon particles into the Warp drive stream, I don't care what Commander Data says. His dumbass reason was to break out of time loop however everybody knows matter and anti-matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time. We'll just blow up and be gone forever. Forever is a long damn time.
I have a few of these ridiculous pet theories. Most of them are not comically stupid ones built on the backs of cancelled TV shows, but much like Gibbs, I also believe in not leaving the house without a knife. I used to carry two knives wherever I went, so Mike would always have a knife if he needed one too, but stopped doing that a while back. Now I just strap on a handgun, with a spare clip and think about placement and routine. Trigger discipline replaced practicing flipping the knife open quickly. I never have my finger on the trigger accidently. Well up until now I haven't, as anything can happen at any time.
Mostly I like to think of my theories as non-empirical ways to strategize doing the right thing. Can you say non-empirical? I knew that you could.
Here's a couple of them, only the very short versions.
I'm sure I will expound on them at some point, don't want to ruin the anticipation for those of you who tremble at the thought.
Think of them sorta like Gibbs rules.
- You are responsible for you.
- Do the right thing even when no one is looking.
- Be the person that tells on yourself when things go wrong.
- Just be nice, it ain't that damn hard.
- Respect your mother, you only get one.
- With Children you aint raising kids, you are raising adults. Act and Explain accordingly
So anyway, that's nowhere near all of them, but you get the idea. Right up there in the top five maybe too is one called "Tell the Truth" or maybe it is really do not lie. It's better to stay silent than to tell the elaborate lie. It's too damn tough to keep up with all the edges surrounding a lie. You have to keep up with who you lied to , what you lied to them about, if anybody else has heard a different version, explaining any differences to people that know different stories, etc. It is exhausting.
It really does take all kinds
- What kind of thinker are you? Do you know? Can you think critically? If you are a dumbass do you know it? I have this theory that people fit neatly into only two different categories when it comes to analysis and the way they think. That is assuming that they have the capacity to analyze and think, because without that they are just stupid and that is not their fault. That is genetics. I don't claim to be uber thoughtful or biggee smart however I have gave this a tiny bit of thought. People generally are either a linear thinker or they are a Global thinker, and usually they are truly one or the other. Types of personality are a whole different thing. Both of my neat types have been very very successful people by any measure.
A Linear thinker has a tendency to start at the beginning and work their way through a problem, retracing covered ground because all problems start at the beginning. A, B, C, D and so forth and so on. They can and do arrive at the answer however you would describe this as a plodding style. They are thorough leaving no stone unturned, however they cannot go to look at point G, until points A to F have been examined. It goes against their very nature. A Linear cook has a one burner stove, cooks one dish at a time and serves the meal when they are all done.
A Global thinker on the other hand can pick up a project at any place in the timeline and isn't bothered if that is point G or point A. They will start wherever and whenever is necessary to get started. These people while not necessarily more effective are often seen as so because there is activity surrounding them, whether it leads to a result or not. That is pretty much immaterial to their style. You would describe these types as a go-getter, as a hard charger and you frequently see this style in charge in the military. They are also usually responsible for a lot of their own troops being injured or killed. General Custer was a hard charger. A Global cook has a ten burner stove with ten dishes going all at once and while all the dishes may be done at once, the details usually suffer a little. - I watched the Movie Secondhand Lions the other day for about the 10th time. I'm pretty sure it has now crept up into my personal top ten movies of all time. The ending is a little drawn out and weak but watching Robert DuVall throw shit out of his hospital room and chasing the nurses and doctors out of his room, well, it's priceless. He tells his Brother that "Hospitals are useless" and his brother played by Michael Caine says "How would you know? You've never stayed in one long enough to find out?." It's a great young man coming of age story, Kyra Sedgewick is fabulous and I highly recommend it.
- Watching COVID protestors the other day, it struck me as the protest being stupid, but also there they are protesting the restrictions, fully masked and gowned and gloved, marching along. Guess who was marching right there with them? Their normally dressed, no masks, no gowns, no gloves children. Uh huh.
- 16 killed in Canada the other day , in Nova Scotia, deadliest shooting in Canadian history. I feel sorry for the innocent whatever this guys gripe was , it probably had very little to do with them. What motivates somebody to go kill a bunch of innocent people and then die and in a hail of police gunfire? NUTS if you ask me.
- Oil drops to the lowest price per bbl in the last 21 years @< $ 21 per barrel. More than a 20 % loss in price in the past week alone. Good for consumers, if you have a car, if you have a job, if you can leave the house, if you have any money . They say pretty soon the producers are going to be paying the refiners to take it off their hands because there will be nowhere for the producers to store it, and it will be cheaper to pay someone to take it (as opposed to buying it?) than it will be to sell it.
Heady times we are living Bro's and Bro-ettes,
Later Taters,
I agree with everything youre saying. What i could understand. Big words. Lol