The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Idiocracy is upon us

Sunday is Funday !! 04/26/2020 at 6:00 a.m. in the morning !!

Dude! What's mine say?,

It is not difficult to sit here and type at this keyboard everyday and say a bunch of stuff until you have said enough. Word vomit is easy. I don't think it takes talent or skill to be able to put thoughts to paper. No sweat. Now writing things that someone else may want to read or is interesting enough in terms of the stories or ones anecdotes that are compelling enough to make one want to share with a friend? That is the tough part I think. Well that and putting one word in behind another in such a fashion that any of it makes any sense to the average human. Have you read some of the sentences or thoughts that people post about? Sometimes the grammar makes no sense and sometimes, although less likely to occur, sometimes the subject matter is a vapid collection of useless nonsense. Much like this blog.

My initial response when I read something that doesn't make any sense it to deride the author and maybe correct them grammar nazi style, and then I think , wait a second dude, there are tons of people out there that are smarter and have sharper better minds than yours and you could be the next one to be roasted. That happens to me all the time, because I hardly ever have all the information about something before I have an opinion about it. Opinions of mine are in huge supply on any number of subjects and having an opinion is only half of the battle. Having a coherent thought process to expound upon the opinion is a logical and thoughtful way is the other part. If you are lucky you may even be right about something once in a while.

I think if you wait until all of the evidence is in about something, then you will just end up reading the book on the subject that someone else wrote. I like to have discussion about things and am not afraid to change my mind based on new information. To me being mentally agile and having the ability to make different decisions and having a changed opinion about something based on new better  information is a sign of mental toughness.

Otherwise what does it mean when you refuse to ever see another point of view? What does it say about you if you make your mind up about something early on in the discussion and refuse to listen to any other thoughts on the issue? What kind of reliability would you have as an investigator for example if you focused only on the first suspect you came across in every case?

I see this every day in a lot of discussions on Facebook concerning just about every category whether it be political, legal, religious or anything else. To some folks , you just cannot argue past their dogma because their mind is locked and closed down and the discussion is over before it ever began. I feel a little sorry for these folks as the joy of discovery is forever locked away from them by their own methodology.

They are the victims of their own stupidness and are basically crippled by their own incompetence. It is and was their choice. They actively choose to be ignorant and will not consider a point of view that is structured around arguments not created by them. There are plenty of examples of this in our climate , however I do not talk politics on this blog. Too many people get butthurt for no reason.

In my mind when dealing with someone like this it is sort of like feeling sorry for the criminal. It is like having a soft spot for a racist, you know , as in you say "Ah, they don't mean it, they were just raised that way". It's hard to wrap your brain stem around because it is even tougher to excuse. We end up excluding that person from the discussion because we know he/she is just going to pop off with an ignorant N-bomb and then everybody is going to be pissed off and that's way too hard to deal with. While the topics can vary widely , it is virtually the same argument with closed minded political activists, feministas, terrorists, racists, misogynists  and anyone else who has an unpopular point of view that you cannot defend. Because you cannot defend them, you exclude them instead of confronting them. It's easier and less painful to go about your business like that.

The primary issue most minds face when this conundrum occurs is the central question prevalent to the discussion. Whose responsibility is it to teach the uneducated potatoes in the world? If you are one of those people for example who think that women are second class citizens and who are nothing more than organic reproducers then is it my responsibility to set you "straight" whenever you expand upon your misguided viewpoint in public? Should I "fix" you by rebutting your viewpoint, exclude you or let it ride? Most situations among equals will dictate that you are to "Fix" them. The problem becomes more apparent when that miscreant is your boss or is a person of authority like a police officer.  Bad boys, Bad boys, what cha gonna do?

Five signs of the coming apocalypse
Can you catch COVID-19 Twice? Click the Link

  1. Up until I was about 40, I've had a buttload of cars. Mostly pieces of junk that if I would have kept them, I would be rich today. I had just about every now rare $100,000 car you see at auctions. I was going to drone on and list a bunch of them until I looked at the list. Nobody wants to see that pathetic crap.
  2. Italians are a peculiar bunch. They have spent literally millions of dollars investigating, finding, charging and convicting the mafia leaders in their country. Now, over fears that the coronavirus may kill them in prison (they said this not me), they are releasing a bunch of them under a compassionate release program.

  3. Here is a question I have always wondered about and I have never seen answered anywhere. If you know why this is, please let me know. Why didn't R2D2 ever tell Luke Skywalker that Aniken Skywalker (Darth Vader) was his Father? How Luke found out was weird because R2 knew the whole time, and his memory was never wiped out like C3PO's was. I don't get this one. Been thinking about it for a while now.
  4. Oops. Spoke too soon. The 9th Circuit court of appeals has reversed the judge who struck down the controversial ammunition law in California. I'll bet this one is decided at the SCOTUS level next term.
  5. Just a question? Have any of you ever actually read the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution or the Bill of rights. All together or separately? I have three of four copies in my left hand desk drawer right next to me, I've read it hundreds of times. I would venture to say that the way most people have never read it based on how they talk about it. Just my thoughts.

    I'll just sign off and say , Amendment X,


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