Look over yonder and sech and see ifn Grandma is home,
Hey younguns,
As you may know or not, I have a very high level of disregard for most advertising in most forms at most levels. Everything from the crap they hang on shopping buggies (yes, damn it, I said buggies) and put up on the side of Taxi Cabs to the junk they hang in fast food restaurants to the crappy television characters they create. They (the advertisers and the agencies responsible) create this crap and then they barrage you with it over and over and over, until you want to shoot the TV screen or change the channel at the very least. The ones I hate the most right now are produced by Liberty Mutual and star that sonofabitch Doug and his stupid Emu. That comes on in any form and I am quick draw McGraw with the mute button or I will change the channel. It straight pisses me off to have to watch or even listen to that drivel.
My wife says I am taking it to the extreme as most people can simply ignore it or leave the room. I have to curse at it and take some kind of action. When it comes to advertising and the mute button I am my own voice over actor and am a drama King. Same with the dumbass Gecko and I especially have a huge loathing wide fiery space in my heart that was full of kindling and a raging bonfire for the stupid BOX character from Progressive. I know it seems like its all Insurance, however trust me, that's just right now. I have a lot of hate in a lot of varieties for a lot of that stupid shit. If your company puts out this nonsense, trust me, I won't buy squat from you for any reason unless and until you cease and desist with the crap.
Here's one thing I want to know though? Why does the woman in the State Farm commercial care what "Jake from State Farm" is wearing , and I wonder why in the hell that was her first question? What if Jake had been someone like me who would have recognized the female change in voice and responded with something like "What do you want me to be wearing honey?". I wonder why wasn't she shown as embarrassed after she asked such a stupid question or why didn't she at the very least apologize to her husband? What did she think he was doing at 3 a.m. in the living room fully clothed asking questions? Listening to a video of Pornhub on the phone? It's just ridiculous and they are just stupid (or we are I'm not sure).
Deep Dives are sometimes boring not scary
- I am noticing stories that are starting to become more prevalent about how ammunition is becoming scarce. People are buying more and more and stocking up ( is it because they are scared?), and the usual places are running low on supplies. One of the people I follow on Facebook had a post where said he thought folks might be wiping their asses with it, hence the 45 caliber reference in the title, relating hoarding of bullets to the shortage of TP.
Anecdotally it seems like shooting, home invasions, daytime robberies and burglaries are on the rise so maybe there is something to that element. It would be a mistake for anyone to come here as everyone who lives here is armed most of the time. Oh well. Buy bigger trash bags I suppose. - I was educated about the existence of a concept / video / theory called "Event 201" yesterday. I have not had a chance to look at it or research it so this is not my opinion on it, but at first glance it looks interesting. If you have more knowledge I'd be interested in hearing about it.
Also apparently there are numbers which further illustrate the death issue surrounding Covid-19 and a different static measurement where by Closed Cases (Had the disease and either survived or did not, the disease had fully run it s course) and Deaths as a percentage of those cases are around 21%.
The death rate usually is expressed as a percentage of all cases (diagnosed, under treatment, survived and Died) versus those who have died. It is a different way to express the number and it excludes those diagnosed and in active treatment, unless the disease has run it course. I'm not sure I understand the significance. - The US Surgeon General Vice Admiral Jerome Adams (who is usually but not always a symbolic position), was quoted yesterday as saying (sic) "The next week will be our Pearl Harbor event", apparently he was referencing the rising death toll of the illness called Covid -19. Scary when anyone talks like this.
- How the hell does a tiger test positive for Covid-19 in a zoo, when there are allegedly not enough tests for humans to take, the labs are allegedly backed up for days/weeks and the vast majority of humans have no idea of their own exposure or status ? There is something odd and wrong about this and I'm not sure I get the logic.
- Went to Home Depot yesterday. Had to pick up some drywall. Wow !!, What an amazing Clusterfied forcible anal penetration that was.
First go stand in line, in the sun (and I mean all bunched up , but not me!!), then only one way in the store, one way only, one way to go shop, pay, exit either at the pro loading zone or the garden center.
Placing an order ahead of time to limit time spent was pointless as even though the email said your order is ready , it was not and it took 30+ minutes once we pulled into the loading zone to get our drywall and the rest of the items we ordered. I know companies are trying to do their best to help us survive, however I have no idea what good they thought this did. Apparently they are only allowing a certain number in the store at once however it was pretty negated by the bunching around both doors, it was a little crazy.
Have a wonderful sunny day friends and for God's sake, don't step in the dog poop!!
Big Mike
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