Jesus man I am still going on and on blathering at the lip,
Bear with me here before you start screaming stupid crap at me. Read the story at least ok? Then yell away. At least you will be willfully screaming at that point.
Imagine if you will a country where the white man is not the dominant color of the population. That won't be very hard to imagine in a few years because the scales are already tilting towards a population browner than ever before, due to a lot of factors, none of which I'm going into here. Just suffice it to say that the moniker of a "white man" will be a passe` statement in not so many years. I won't be here to see it because they predict less than 200 years and my fat ass won't live that long but that's not the point. You will have to forgive me for being so grating and thoughtless as to bring any of this up right now, but I feel manipulated by the press and by the politicians and I am wary that it is a carefully staged pile of garbage.
Whatever you call that society (and I do not care, use your own terms), imagine it already exists. Now imagine that the minority society we are imagining is mostly all-white or at least non-brown, non-black folks. Now imagine that we would see a TV network that is owned by a rich and famous white person in that imaginary society. In this imaginary society we are describing, imagine we had a series of incidents like those that are constantly described in the media where people of color are attacked and killed by the police. Imagine those people of color are white and the minority and the police are black. In other words, just invert the facts on the ground as they exist today, don't invent new facts just polarize them to a different hue, and then look at the scenario that already exists.
Could you imagine a TV special being called "Where do we go from here", led by the famous white personality who owned the network and one of the taglines is "What are our demands?". Once you have got this all straight in your mind please tell me how the scenario I have described will in any way help to reset the structure and/or the systemic issues that are in the society. Isn't this just another way to complete the divide and drive us apart? I don't get why the special I described is real and going to be led by Oprah and will include not one single white person and not one single person of authority. It seems to me that the purpose is predefined and the outcome is prearranged because it seems scripted. How are we supposed to trust that setup I've described?
Anyway, I am sorry if I just pissed you off, it was not my intent. I just do not like being manipulated. Here is my next question. What good does it do to publish a picture with a caption but no story, of a child who has been allegedly been sprayed with pepper spray directly in the eyes, without any supporting context, story, or additional pictures? I've seen this scenario a dozen times in three different social media platforms, and all it is and says, without further narrative or description, is "Adults are seen pouring milk of the eyes of a child who has been pepper-sprayed". OK. Where, When, by What department, on what day? at what time? , during a protest of during looting? On a roadway? Was this the only person? See this kind of crap just pisses me off because it looks like a designed hit piece with no backup whatsoever. What would you say If I published this kind of rhetoric and accused a famous person of doing it to my child? It's aggravating.
It has been about two weeks (or maybe has been two weeks) since the death of George Floyd at the hands of the white asshole police officer. In those two weeks, I have watched numerous youtube videos (remember I am retired, I have time to do nothing at all like that), I have read almost everything I can find on these subjects and all the interconnected ones as well, such as the rioting, the protests, the looting, the treatment of protesters, how the politicians have reacted (or not) and just about every angle that has been dissected with regard to the treatment of our citizens at the hands of police and police like entities (security guards, military police, National Guard, etc). I'm fairly well-read on all the various subjects in regard to this with the glaring exception of two points of view. I can't wrap my mind around the neoconservative hawkish point of view that sees protestors and demonstrators as the enemy and I just can't get in line with the extreme Libertarian point of view. The mainstream Libertarian I get. Less government, less regulation, get out of my checkbook and my life, etc. I cannot for the life of me begin to understand the extremist point of view on either side that distorts the facts so rigidly and bends the truth so violently that the less educated among us start to believe their nonsense (Infowars bullshirt, Breitbart nonsense, etc). Ranking right in there is the Ultra Liberal point of view although I have to admit I do not read a lot of that because it enrages me to try to understand their illogical viewpoints in the first place.
See here is the thing. No One, not one of the aforementioned entities gives two shits about truth or the facts or the value of the timelines or accurate reporting of anything that happens. Even if they are called out on their love of the twisted crap they sell, they embrace the twist as if because Hannity or Rachel said it, there can be no other way of looking at it. That is such a goofy concept I can't even contribute to the argument or the discussion.
All of the latest demonstrations and political catchphrases have this narrative that sticks in the headlines, but the truth about these phrases doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what happened to Michael Brown actually, because of what actually happened to Eric Garner. I know you don't want to hear this kind of thing in general because it seems like a rehashing of things already settled, however, that is exactly the point and is exactly why it should not be settled thought, it should not be closed and the facts should be reported accurately. By Lumping Michael Brown (for example only) in with and on par with the death of Eric Garner, you have not only legitimized the actions of Brown, but you have cheapened the death of Garner. It's not about who deserved to die, it is however all about circumstance. The narrative would have you believe facts that don't exist for the absolute stupidest reason I can think of and that is political expediency. I'm going to dive deep today ladies and gentlemen, and If you think I am disrespecting you in the process, well, just understand that all I care about is an accurate set of facts and an accurate recounting of the events. That's all.
This is a video you won't watch, but should----> These are facts boys and Girls
The very latest data we have seem to indicate that this whole mantra of "Police Brutality" is a fairly bogus concept overall. It does happen and is a part of life in the black community, but and this a big but, it doesn't happen like anybody in the media (right or left) would have you believe. Most of what you hear and see on TV is just not true in the absolute, without regard to whom you listen to when examined in the entirety of our society. This is not a popular opinion I know, but by looking at the statistics and seeing the actual data you actually see a wholly different story than the media or the politicians would have you believe. I was sort of stunned when looking at the data. I know I won't change your determined mind with a bunch of number whiz-bang stuff however you should at least be armed with facts before you make a bad decision.
For all the hoopla there should be thousands upon thousands of bodies lining the streets if all the accusations about brutality were true. factually it just doesn't ring even a little bit true, there are neither the complaints against police nor incidents in any number to back up any kind of claim such as that. Now I admit I have not experienced life as a black person, that's not hard to figure out. There is discrimination in the real world and I'm not even touching on that. We all know it exists, and in some areas, it can and has been deadly for Black Americans. I'm not saying that it hasn't. I have seen the shitty side of the human experience, however. I've seen what happens to people when they are shot and lost a lot of blood. I've experienced the pain of murder of a family member at the hands of others. I've seen the aftermath of when humans treat other humans like bags of garbage. It is real and it is visceral and it is true. It happens every day, to a lot of people, a staggering amount really. But it doesn't and never has belonged to a singular race. Low life assholes kill people of all colors. Usually, it's not a cop though. The facts are, that when measured against all races, blacks are not killed by police at a rate above any other race. No matter how you slice the data, even when you equalize the data sets on a per capita basis, it just doesn't shake out that way.
I am sorry that we ever have to experience a George Floyd or any other person ever has to die at the hands of the authorities or anyone else. His death was not necessary, no matter what his history, no matter what went on, no matter what the actual cause that led up to the conflict that killed him. Nothing is worth dying over, nothing in this regard at any rate.
The actual facts about Police abuse of power do not back up the narrative, however. There are a number of false narratives at play here that only serve to inflame passion and have little to nothing to do with what happened. For example, protestors have made the widely used phrase "Hands up, don't shoot", a popular rallying cry, because it harkens the memory of Ferguson, MO and the death of Michael Brown, in that the first stories that were written about the incident that cost him his life, were later proven to be false, untrue and it never happened. The story was that he had his hands up, was surrendering and was killed execution-style by the white cop involved, even though his hands were up. Factually, the DEMOCRATIC OBAMA LED ERIC HOLDER JUSTICE department, concluded that the police officer acted in self-defense, that Michael Brown attacked the police officer, that the police officer was never indicted at the state level or at the federal level after 3 separate investigations.
You won't read this, but you should---> Hands up Dont shoot never happened
Once the facts were ascertained, and although he was forced to give up his job as a policeman and he will never be a police officer again, he was cleared of any wrongdoing in the death Of Michael Brown. What is amazing is that it has never been widely publicized, because as I said earlier, if it doesn't fit the needed narrative and isn't useful to one group or another, it just doesn't matter. Hands up, don't shoot my ass.
You won't read this but you should---> Michael Brown DOJ report
It must be my white privilege which allows me to read the facts and research the incidents at many sources and draw reasonable conclusions based on an analysis of the data, however. That is all I can figure. That is what it must be because I cannot subjectively cherry-pick things I like about the stories I read and discard the things I don't. I cannot regurgitate the pablum because it is popular with the media or to the activists and say what they would like me to say. I mean of course Black lives matter, who said they didn't? They should matter most of all to the citizenry who experiences these horrors and others like them. I mean to answer the only question that is ever asked and not the other ones, is there, and has there been the use of excessive force by police, and has it been used against black people? Yes, It has happened. That is not all that has happened but it is one of the things that has occurred.
Does that somehow make it magically ok to deface monuments that have nothing to do with this movement? Does that make it ok to spray paint everything in sight with curse words and A.C.A.B.? I mean, HELL NO, it doesn't and you and I both know that if the truth about all of these incidents were ever reported and the bad cops were charged and thrown in jail, it still would never justify the damage caused by rioting and looting no matter how you arrange the alliances. If the actual facts were ever reported then Michael Brown is not a cultural hero, the murder of George Floyd is still wrong, and Travon Martin would have been characterized correctly as the 6 foot 2 inches, muscular 17 years old he actually was instead of the picture of the tiny little 12-year old boy that was used by the media.
Without regard to anything else, if those reporting the incident had been honest with us, then 5 ft 8 inch 185 lb George Zimmerman of ethnic descent is shown with his broken nose and his head injuries on the back of his head and we could have made our own mind up instead of being pushed into a narrative just like we are with this story and every other one so far. The truth would have been good enough.
The reason why it seems like none of it makes any sense? I really cannot explain it, however, I can define why you can't explain it. It's because a primary basis for logic is consistency. You must have a consistent bedrock of principles upon which to build your foundation of knowledge. I've yet to meet a person with a political agenda that really has a foundation that can't shift for the right amount of money or power or influence. Take any one of those things out of the mix and you are left with the morass of the many. We are a naturally chaotic species, we don't think alike, we don't behave rationally and we don't do group consensus unless you want to talk about the "Wave" in a football stadium and then it never rises above 70% at best. I believe that the best you can hope for are ideals that appeal to enough people so as to create a society of order out of the chaos.
Otherwise? There are enough warmongers on the planet to kill us all many times over. I believe in realism most of all. There is no room for that in a political idealogues life.
The truth is not enough, you can't handle the truth
- An actor names Hartley Sawyer has been fired from the Flash TV show because of some racist and misogynistic tweets from 2012 and 2014.
Another one bites the dust, and another one gone and another one is gone... - A man named Henry Rogers ran over a group of protestors is an admitted leader of the KKK in Virginia. He is an admitted propaganda maker of theirs and a spreader of Confederate ideology.
That explains how he confused his left and right feet. - Chicago just registered its deadliest 24 hour period in over 60 years. They had 18 murders in one day. On the weekend accompanying the 18 murders, they had 85 people shot and 25 people were killed over the two days. Most of the victims were young black males and so are a majority of the suspects.
I want to say something smartass here, but I will refrain. - France has banned the use of the chokehold by ALL of its police forces nationwide.
- Prince Andrew has been requested by US Investigators for interviews concerning Jeffery Epstein and his activities. They say he is not a target nor a suspect.
His pedophile ass should be though.
Have I mentioned how much I abhor pedophiles?
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