Goot Hagen-Dazz tuba yuba my dahlings,
I'm not Groot, and neither are you. Let's have a dance-off anyway you bunch of turdballs.
First I want to make an observation about my decision to allow others to protest without me.
As I think about the events of the last week or two I was struck by a realization yesterday evening. I'm reading the events of the day and watching videos and the like, paying attention to the world around me, & I have come to realize I really don't have anything of any real substance to add to the conversation that others are not already saying with more eloquence than I. It seems to me that there are already a lot of voices in the maelstrom of noise being created by the alleged pro and anti forces, of which all are compelling and competing for the same real estate in the public mind. As I analyzed my intent and my proposed content I realized my perceived context would be overwhelmed by the forces at play and it is a fairly pointless proposition to add to the din just and solely for the purpose of saying you have added to the content.
I am sort of thinking it would be like adding defined mass to a black hole, with the only purpose being able to say it is there and pointing out that it existed, however at the end of the day, I'm not sure it mattered all that much to have done it. I saw a very white red-haired female protester carrying a sign that said that "Silence is Violence". After thinking carefully about it, I really couldn't disagree more. Not only could I think of a couple of reason why silence is golden, I just don't see how my silence matters, If I cannot walk to participate, if I don't have the audience for my writings or videos and if the folks who know me best already understand my point of view better than I do. I really do not understand how it matters if I observe from the sidelines, which is where my capabilities lie.
Now, On with the show:
I understand why you always see these elaborate contraptions and inventions for sale that purport to be able to exclude squirrels from your bird feeders and the like. There are these youtube videos that show you these devices that are supposed to allow you to defeat the squirrels and still be able to feed the birds successfully, and they literally number in the low hundreds. These elaborate contraptions exist that look like something out of a DARPA challenge or were ones invented by Rube Goldberg because there are so many steps created in allowing you to defeat the crafty little varmints. They are everything from electrified traps, to ones that are sprung by weight to ones that use stupefying amounts of deception and grease that are all designed around keeping the birds fed and the squirrels hungry. See I don't really understand the nature of the fight.
People that go to that extreme are really just enjoying the battle and the conflict and the war of wits. I don't think they really give two rapid-fire shits whether a squirrel eats something or a bird does. I think if they knew the entire cast of characters they are supporting with a bird feeder or two then they would probably see it differently. Anyway, I did.
There is an ecosystem (Gack! did I just say that?) in the zone where birds and squirrels feed, live, and play. If there is room to roam or is a safe highway of sorts to allow it, you could see large animals around bird feeders like deer and coyotes and the like. If yours is a backyard feeder(s), then you are probably not seeing those bigger animals, however, I'll bet if you look hard enough you will find mice, rats, rabbits, snakes, moles, ants, bats, beetles and much more. It's always about more than just squirrels and birds. I decided very early on after watching my experimental habitat (Gack! There I go again!) and noting the diversity that I was not going to fight with the little boogers. It just seemed pointless and it meant to me that I was missing the larger picture anyhow. There were a lot of mouths to feed.
So I decided to not fight with them but didn't understand at the time what that meant in terms of the amount of feed needed or the frequency. My Gawd! Those little turds eat more than my grandkids do! I have 12 suet feeders and two seed stations. 3 or 4 days and all the food is gone and the ground is cleaner than the way the table looks after a Jordan family thanksgiving. The Tasmanian devil from the old bugs bunny cartoons doesn't consume food this fast! I don't try to keep up though. I'm sure they have a route of people they clean out because I refill everything about once a week and they don't come immediately back, it takes a day or so for them to notice there is food again, and then the rodent buzzsaws come in and clean everything up. In the meantime, the birds sorta bide their time, and guess what they do? They wait until I cut my acre and a half of grass and then they descend upon my yard like it was a Golden Corral after Sunday services. I've noticed a lot fewer bugs especially ants since I started feeding the birds. I am pretty sure I set something in motion because I see bats here looking for mosquitos too. That's on the list of projects now, I'm building bat houses to house the bats so they will have a home to go to roost at after they have ate their weight in mosquitos. I like being sneaky.
So anyway, the more squirrels the better I say. If there are squirrels then they make a mess of the birdseed feeders and then there are more rabbits digging around foraging for food. More rabbits are more rabbit poop in the forest and grass which is free fertilizer for the grass and the trees. More birds are fewer ants and beetles and grasshoppers and fewer pesticides. They are the natural predators in this process and that also draws the hawks to this area and sometimes the buzzards, so I don't smell animal decomposition either. I achieve the same or better results at keeping the fire ants under control because some of these birds love them little boogers too. Ever since I started this little project of feeding birds and providing birdhouses for a few of them, I've seen a dramatic decrease in the annoying bugs. It seems like the key to all of this is to feed everything and let them sort out where the rest of their diet comes from, Also, you should hear hundreds of birds singing at once in the mornings. It's sorta amazing!
I still don't know most birds from one another, however.
- Conor McGregor the UFC MMA fighter has said he is retiring from fighting again for about the 3rd time. Probably will last about as long as it takes for somebody to offer him a zillion dollars to fight somebody else for a pile of cash. Maybe him and Tyson. Who knows?
- Idiots everywhere are calling for politicians to defund the police. And you know political types, they will jump right on that bandwagon as long as the mud stays off their face and they can get votes with it. What they are proposing is some sort of reassignment of traditional police functions (??), which makes very little sense to me anyway, because if you ask most cops which call can they most reliably predict will be the ones where they will not be needed and they will look at you like you are stupid if you say domestic arguments or people threatening suicide.
For one, Domestic violence calls almost always result in arrests because of the actions that were taken that led to the 911 call being made in the first place. Secondly, suicide calls are about 50-50 people that want cops to kill them. so how is an EMT helping that situation? I know I am short-sighted and I'm supposed to believe that you can tell the future. These people think things exist in a vacuum and they believe that you can predefine how to deliver a situational based service by using an algorithm that will tell a dispatcher what service to send before anyone is on the scene giving an assessment of the situation.
The only device that can do that with any kind of reliability is this thing called a "shot spotter" which tells the police where the shots came from and how many shots were fired. That basically tells them whether to send one car or a swat TEAM. These people are in for a rude awakening when they start singing "Kumbaya" and trying to hold hands and run sports clinics in the hood, especially if their activities run afoul of the gangs or the cartels while they are trying to sell their merchandise for money. Let me know how that goes, OK? I for one, am not living in, visiting, or passing through an area that doesn't have a police department and anyone who does is stupid. - Active-duty troops have been recalled from Washington DC by the Pentagon.
- The USMC has banned the Confederate battle flag and all representations of it from all active-duty workplaces and they have banned it in every form, be it a bumper sticker, a shirt, or on a coffee cup or whatever else. They said it is a distraction and it affects unit cohesion and a bunch of other stuff.
If you're a Marine, you can still possess it, you cannot display it in any form whatsoever while on duty or in any public area. Basically, you can keep it in your quarters, however it should probably stay in a closet. - A twitter account that repeats and tweets out exactly word for word what DJT and POTUS tweets has just been suspended for one day for "GlorifyingViolence". The DJT and POTUS twitter accounts are not suspended at this time. They do however have disclaimers on them, however. Goose and Gander have separate rules it seems.
What a glorious world we live in. Still better than DPRK though, amiright?
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