Hey there Fred World,
I sometimes wonder not whether, but how long it will be until I start to just mindlessly repeat myself and tell the same story over and over to the point where somebody actually notices it? I mean it' hard enough to tell the lies straight the first time.
I remember in high school there were all these little "cliques" of people that hung out together, little groups of kids that formed into their own little societies that had leaders, communicators, enforcers and just about every key position where somebody in that little society had a function, a job if you will that they fulfilled that was a part of their existence within the clique. I'm positive I never talked about this with anyone and no one ever discussed it with me, but I distinctly remember thinking about it while I observed it in action. Usually, it was best observed in the lunchrooms but I had vocational school in the morning, and lunchtime was spent getting back to high school and eating lunch somewhere, so it didn't happen there. I saw it a lot in classes where it could be observed like PE and science. In science class, we sat at these lab tables where maybe 6 or 8 of us sat around these work like benches and it suited the segregation required to be split into these little groups.
I always wondered why it happened and then it gradually dawned on me that people seek the comfort of others like themselves so that they are comfortable and don't feel threatened. Because it is high school however it is really difficult to ingratiate yourself into one of these groups. The cool kids stuck with other cool kids and jocks stuck with jocks and so forth. I found a way around some of these natural barriers and it was quite by accident, so I can't claim any stealthy methods or tricky ways to get it done. It was just pure stupid teenager luck.
One night while I was waiting on cars at Steak 'n Shake, I looked into the car I was taking an order from and there were a boy and girl in the front seat and a boy and girl in the back seat. Nothing abnormal about that, that's how it was. Nobody could afford to date by going to fancier restaurants, so drive-ins it was. What was abnormal was the boy-girl in the back seat was one of the cool girls was sitting with and talking to one of the smart boys from a distinctly different group. Since I had been paying attention to the phenomenon of the dynamic of the group behavior, it seemed odd but hey?, what do I care, so I just tucked it into my little boy brain and went about my merry day. It registered but wasn't a seismic event of any kind so I hardly gave it a second thought.
Sometime within the next week or so, the "cool girl" I had seen with the nerd, walked over to me in science class and asked me if I wanted to come to a party at her house after school. Of course, I had nothing better to do than that so I cooly said "sure, why not". I didn't have to work and didn't have anything on the agenda, because, hell, I rarely ever planned anything in advance. So anyway, I went to the party, half expecting some kind of ambush or something because why else invite a nonmember of your group to come and hang out with a bunch of cool kids when you were obviously not one of them. So anyhow they let me in the house, and the party was out back by the pool, no booze and it was still just a little too cold for water so it really was just a bunch of kids hanging out, playing music and smoking marijuana (Yes in the 70s I smoked pot, go figure). The girl who invited me and one of her friends came up to me and the cool girl said to the other one something like "Here's the guy I was telling you about, He's cool because he never ran his mouth about who I was out with last weekend", or something very similar to that.
Apparently, she didn't want her boyfriend to know she had a date with another guy and the fact that she recognized me from Steak `n Shake, remembered I went to her high school and had classes with her now ex-boyfriend, as I found out later, made an impression on her and she thought I was being all kinds of helpful and thoughtful and kind by keeping my mouth shut. I just smiled and didn't say anything much at all except "cool party". I went to a lot more of her get-togethers and had a lot of things happen as a result of that chance encounter at work while I was thinking about the group dynamics of the whole thing. I never did bother to let her know that I just didn't gossip about anyone (and still don't) and it never really occurred to me to tell anyone about it, let alone a boyfriend I barely knew in the first place. As a matter of fact, I didn't really like her boyfriend all that much because he was a bully and a jerk most of the time anyway. I know it doesn't matter much now, and he probably doesn't read the blog I write but if he does I just want to admit to him it was me. I'm the one that kept doing it.
He was a jerk and he treated people like crap and pushed around weaker kids and people who wouldn't fight back so I used to screw with this guy like crazy. I used to do things like steal the shoestrings out of him gym shoes, I threw away his gym clothes so he had to run laps for "forgetting" his gym clothes. I superglued his lock on his locker shut and then took another unlocked lock I found one day and swapped it out with his. He went nuts trying the combination over and over until he finally had to get the gym teacher to come and unlock his locker with a key. I put dog poop into his locker. Every time I observed him treating a classmate like shit, I did something to him in retaliation and he never suspected it was me. So hey Bully boy? It was me. Hahaha, you dumbass.
Usually, the only other way to get noticed or accepted into one of these groups beyond growing up next door or in the neighborhood was to fight with someone. Nobody ever wanted to fight with me because I liked to fight having boxed with other kids for quite a while as a kid on a military base, didn't just fold and run like almost every other kid did and, I have 4 brothers. Three of them were older than me so if you didn't learn to take a punch or to fight back you would get picked on all the time. If your older brother can just punch you and you can just get over it instead of crying then they get over being pissed off a lot quicker for whatever you did to make them punch you in the first place. Simple brother dynamics. Early on my oldest brother Clyde, got left in charge a lot so if you screwed around with him he would punch you with quickness and you didn't want him to think he had to hit you again, so you either behave or get lost. I chose both and learned to stay out of range and out of trouble, for the most part, pretty quickly. That paid off when I was growing up because my brother right above me was left-handed and he could slap you with that sonofabitch before you ever saw it move. I hated that shit.
So anyway, I didn't have a big desire to join a lot of cliques (or groups) and I spent all of my time going to school and working, so the idea of running around with a bunch of clueless kids held little interest for me anyhow. I really never thought about it because there were more interesting people to run around with from work anyway. These were other high school students, dropouts, and most importantly OLDER GIRLS! I mean I was 16-18 years old and the allure of hanging out with a 25-30-year-old woman was thrilling, to say the least. The idea of going to a girls house where she had her own apartment, versus going to a girls house where the parents were asleep in the bedroom was sort of a no-brainer. For a while anyway. That sorta stopped once I met LaDonna the first time. I used to go to her house all the time. Occasionally, I wonder what in the hell I was trying to accomplish and other times I look back at those times with fondness because those older women sometimes had kids. I've always gotten along with kids better than adults anyway because kids are honest and usually a lot funnier. Let me be clear though, the mothers were way more interesting than the kids were, for various reasons I won't go into on a blog. See me after class.
Contrary to what commercials tell you, there is no fun way to change a poopy diaper.
- Here is a problem some homeless shelter should have. A man living in Belgium has been getting food deliveries to his house for a number of years, mainly pizzas but sometimes other stuff too. He has never ordered a single order of anything and sometimes it happens several times a day. It's also happened to one of his best friends as well, but not for as long. He has tried everything he can to figure out where the food is coming from with no luck. The food is always pre-paid with tips always included so he never owes anything but he never, not once has he ever placed any of the orders.
It sounds like the lengths I would go to, in order to pull off a great practical joke. I would look at the friend that gets them too if it were me because he is probably who is doing it. He had them sent to himself to throw you off the scent. - AMC theatres are having a terrible time with their plans to reopen, as there are very cash poor and are bleeding money with no revenue right now. They are not the only movie company however they are one of the biggest ones and a lot of communities would not have a theatre if they don't reopen.
I wonder how long it will be before Marvel announces that they are opening their own brand of theatres or somebody like them does it? Some company will step in to fill the void I'll betcha!! - This man in Laredo Texas bought a car at an auto auction one night and took it home. While cleaning it up and inspecting the vehicle he discovered a hidden compartment with suspicious packages in it. He called the local Sherrif and explained the situation. They came right out and inspected his car and found 17 packages of cocaine in the vehicle weighing around 75 pounds.
The packages of cocaine had an estimated street value of $850,000. No word was received as to whether or not the man was given a reward for turning it in. - Rioting and looting is one thing, Criminal activity to be sure however I do not see how even this sort of behavior measures up to the absolutely despicable things that so-called protestors are doing to our monuments that remember the sacrifice made by our service members during recent wars. Not civil war monuments but more recent ones that attempt to memorialize the valiant efforts and sacrifice given by soldiers of all colors that have fought and died in the war.
I really don't get how defacing and breaking war memorials and being destructive advances any sort of ideal at all. A bunch of clueless dumbasses is all I can figure. - A man who is suspected of killing one and maiming another Sheriffs deputy by ambush has been captured and get this, the guy is an active member of the US Air Force. He allegedly attacked two deputies with explosives and gunfire and ended up killing one deputy outright and sent the other to a hospital in critical condition.
I hope he gets the chair the bastard.
If no one has volunteered can I throw the switch for you?
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