The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

When you Absolutely Positively want to fire them

Sunday morning 06/14/2020 at around 5:00 a.m. or so give or take a minute or two

Hello there you sexy beast (Oh wait I was looking in the mirror),

I rarely if ever use my blog to beat up on a person or a company individually. I've made some exceptions to that over the years as I went after Obama pretty hard and have been known to call Trump a few choice names before I swore off politics in the blog. Also if anyone knows me very well at all you probably know I get pretty pissed off at Microsoft from time to time. Most of that is in the past, however, it is there and It does fly contrary to my first sentence that I rarely if ever use my blog to beat up on a person or a company individually. Usually, that's because I do not want to embarrass anyone individually and I really don't think that writing something while I am still pretty heated about the subject is ever very fair and I think that my emotions will just color everything I have to say.

I'm gonna make a big fat huge hairy ass exception to that concept today. Today I want to write about a company that if I could excise it's existence from my life and never deal with them again, I surely would. I am so sick of their lies and their bullshit that If it were possible to actually continue some of my favorite companies for their products without having it delivered by FED-EX, then I absolutely, positively would. With a quickness, if it were possible to fire their asses and also still use some of the places I shop I would have already done so. For example, I love for their products, their prices, and their convenience and the people who work there. They are nice and professional and they actually care about solving your problems if you have one with an order you have placed. Then they ship it to you with Fed-Ex and the buggery begins. Jesus H. Katie Christ on a crutch these people have to be the absolute worst or the dumbest delivery drivers I have ever seen. It's either that or maybe they put so much pressure on them to cut corners and beat them up so badly about how long it takes to complete their routes or put so much work on each individual driver that it is impossible for them to do it in the time allotted that they hurry so much that mistakes are inevitable. I'm not sure which pointless excuse works, but they have used all of them, I don't think it matters anymore.

These people suck and just don't get it. I know if I am waiting on a delivery from a company and they ship with Fed-Ex that I need to be prepared for two things. One is I will more than likely have to go hunting for the packages because they could be laying anywhere on my property and Two, you better hurry because there is a better than even chance that your package is sitting out in the weather just waiting in the rain to start or the mud to soak through. I'm not exaggerating and not even joking not even a little bit.

Here's a crushed box laying on its side that was ordered from It's probably dog food however do you notice where the end of the box is laying? That's right, in the mud. This particular day it had rained the night before and when you tried to pick the box up, it busted open because the bottom was soaking wet. It turns out the dog food was fine because it is a watertight bag, but that is not the issue. I am not sure the driver knew that. Also, the delivery address in THEIR APP says "Deliver front door", not deliver to mud at bottom of stairs. This just makes me nuts.

In the past year, I have had deliveries from them left out in the rain, left in the mud, left on top of my car in an open-air dirt floor carport, hidden behind a car, left at the bottom of the stairs and get this, in the middle of the sidewalk. No Kidding. I'm not joking, I came home from the grocery store with my wife one day and found this.

This is a roll-away bed we ordered, it weighs under 100 pounds in total, Actually, I'm pretty sure that the chewy box and it weighed about the same, but that is not the point. Why is this the proper way to deliver something to a customer's house? I have had electronics delivered to the carport and once when I had to have a replacement HOPPER delivered from DISH, the delivery driver thought it would be a good idea to lay it on the trunk of my car in the carport, in the rain. What a great idea.

If I had a company and I wanted a delivery company to represent me, I would choose the people who would throw my shit off the back of the truck at top speed while they were driving by my house, laughing and honking all the way!

Beep, beep, beep, your shit is here, come and get it, TOSS!
  This is no way to run a railroad. I'm lying about that last part but hey, comedy has to be expressed where you find it, right? Dear Dish, this is what they think of your Hoppers!

For the record, the trunk is actually sitting in the open air as I was working on the car at the time and had it parked at the very edge of the carport at the time. Does that even matter? What is the defense or justification for this?

I mean come on man! The trunk of a car, the middle of a sidewalk, sitting on the ground in the mud, for what reason? When it absolutely, positively has to be ruined before 10 a.m. the next morning? I mean I have found packages on the right-hand side of this car, on the ground hidden from view. This isn't about hiding stuff from porch pirates either, my driveway is 300 feet long and this is about 30 feet from the house. This car is literally 15 feet from the edge of the house, and the sidewalk is literally 15 feet from the front bumper of the car, no kidding. How much time do they save by doing stupid crap like this?

It got so bad I finally went out to my building workshop and created a sign, mounted it to the side of the carport that said: "No Delivery here".  I also went and downloaded their app, created a delivery account, and added a line to my address that said in the Address2 line "Deliver Front Door", also put that as part of the delivery instructions. I also noted the account as an address that had a disabled person, asking for delivery compliance as they requested. I have called their home delivery division and complained, I have complained on twitter and on Facebook to my page and to theirs attempting to resolve this peacefully. I have called and did a lot of these same things with shippers such as Chewy that I know use these idiots as their delivery service.


So maybe just maybe putting them "On Blast" as the children say may help who knows. Maybe someone will see this cry for help and chew somebody's ass and make them do their job. Maybe pigs will fly outta my butt too.

Today they delivered the two wheelchair batteries I ordered from Guess where they left the 65 pounds each box of one battery each that were as heavy and just about as big as an automobile battery? Do you think it was at the front door?  HELL NO! They left them on the last step of the six stairs, just out in the weather waiting just to get rained on, literally 2 feet away from the handicapped wheelchair ramp.

I'm ready to just give up and ask every company that I deal with if they use Fed-Ex as their delivery service and if they do, I am ready to cancel the order and find somebody else. If I had it in my power to order from whomever I liked and also at the same time exclude Fed-Ex from ever setting foot on my property ever again, I would fire those bastards with a quickness. I'm sick of this crap.

It's embarrassing as hell to have to ask your wife to come and get the delivery because it is on the steps you almost cannot navigate.
Why can't I just tell my shippers I don't want to use
Fed-Ex without paying $79 to ship something! 
  1. An Atlanta Police Officer has been fired by the dumbass Mayor of Atlanta for shooting a suspect and killing him last night. The man grabbed an Officer's taser gun, ran, turned, and pointed it at another officer as if to fire it, and the officer who got fired for killing the man, shit him three times (or so). The Chief of Police thought the shooting was justified, The GBI investigated and in a preliminary statement said they thought it was justified, and the female black Mayor thought it was not and called the man a killer and fired him over the objection of the Chief. She told the Chief of Police to fire the Officer and he said No. The Chief resigned as a result. Protestors reacted by burning the Wendy's where it happened. So now ever if a fleeing felon turns and starts to fire an Unknown weapon at you, the only support you will get is from your wife, because everyone else deserts you and blames you for the idiot's actions and then the politicians make sure that you get fired.

    Tell me again why you would want to be a cop right now?

  2. The economy is bad right now. Everyone knows that, no secret there. But what you may not realize is the real economic impact of the Covid-19 closures and etc hasn't hit yet. Just you wait until August of this year.

    In about August, all of the forbearance measures begin to run out. Evictions become legal again, Student loans become due again, The 6-month break from Mortgage relief comes active again, the 6 months extension of Unemployment payments start to run out, then what?

    Six weeks into the future is going to be an absolute economic mess the likes of which we have never seen really, because as bad as it has been already, what is coming is going to be even worse because what has kept us afloat so far, like the stimulus checks, is going to run out and you are on your own once again.  And notice I have said nothing about a CoronaVirus resurgence either.

  3. Former FBI Chief William Sessions has died at the age of 90, succumbing to natural causes.

  4. You can buy an Amazon echo dot for 1$ right now.

  5. The human remains found in Idaho have been positively identified as the children of Lori Vallow that everybody has been looking for, They were found on land belonging to Chad Daybell, who had married her.

    Both of these bastards should be taken out at sunrise and shot.
    Worthless pieces of shit.


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