The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I should just shut my pie hole

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020 at about 6 a.m. or so

We are in the land of milk and honey and the milk is spoiled and the Honey is under attack by murder hornets!!,

Hey, there fellow believers in sleeping and bathing,

So yesterday I went a little bit off the deep end and got what I call mouth Diarrhea. That's where I just go on and on and even repeat myself to the point where it looks like I begin to circle back to the beginning to try to make a point or two. I really wish I wouldn't do it but I get PISSED OFF at this ignorant stuff that comes out of other people's mouths that we are supposed to believe. Hannity makes me like that, Maddow makes me like that, that creep Al Sharpton makes me like that the race-baiting liar that he is, that idiot that used to think he was cool because he wore a bow tie, Tucker Carlson makes me like that. They say some of the stupidest and most ignorant things and then repeat them so often that I'm convinced they believe their own garbage. It just makes me scream at the TV people and everyone in my house then looks on with pity as the poor curmudgeon loses his mind once again and they show me a great pity party and all is good.

Really what happens is they make fun of me (PJ, Megan), they ignore me (LaDonna), or they bark at me (the dogs) until I come back to reality and shut my pie hole. I am just so sick and tired of this indirect sound bite society we live in.  No one ever says what is on their mind, they talk all the way around it and you are supposed to figure it out because some media consultant had told them it's better for their reputation that way. Man does that ever suck! I think it is worse today than it has ever been, IMHO.

I mean Elmer Fudd isn't going to be carrying a gun anymore, because he has a gun. Find the logic in that statement. It's what they said announcing their decisions (the same thing has been said about Yosemite Sam- No guns),  Even though outsmarting Elmer in spite of his gun has always been the point and he never kills a damn thing, he can't be shown with a gun because, you know, the children. Most if not all of the cartoons from the 70s and 80s have been effectively banned from TV because the characters exhibit violent tendencies and exhibit violence as their preferred method for solving the problems of our society and that supposedly sends a very bad message to our kids who we left parked in front of the boob tube in the first place by their parents who have long ago abandoned any pretense of parenting because you know, the children.

I really cannot imagine why there is no room for TV shows like "All in the family" or  "The Jeffersons" anymore, but we can make and show this absolutely useless drivel genius of product placement and commercial success that is those two shows "Black-ish" and "Mixed-ish".

Hey MJ, didn't you know there is a serious dialogue going on in this country about race and violence? There is a dialogue about race in this country? What dialogue is that? Which sound bite being promoted by which side is the right one to listen to. Hell, even our smartest people are being sucked in to and are displaying this "It's Us versus Them" mentality. Honestly, the only one I have seen make a serious attempt at a discussion in the last 5 years is Geroge Will and he was pretty much just ignored after he left the Republicans in disgust. Until the day he announced his departure he was a "Senior Statesman" and an arbiter of conservative values. To make it clear, he is the same guy, the party has shifted so dramatically to the right he doesn't fit anymore. That is hard to imagine. Who are those people anyway? Shepherd Smith left Fox News and suddenly he is a media darling for the left because of his commitment to the values in our country. The same guy, except yesterday he was a conservative nutjob, today he is a committed value maker.

It's a bunch of crap we are being fed day after day and we consuming it at a voracious rate. We are being fed it one commercial segment at a time. We are being fed a continuous stream of lies and made up junk and twisted bits of truth so fast and in such a high volume we don't even recognize it anymore as a matter of public discourse. The narrative is made of swiss cheese on purpose and is full of plot holes so big it seems obvious yet, only complaints about the "Other side" are ever entertained. Oh? What so ever do you mean BigMike? Whatever are you talking about? I'm convinced somewhere above all this is an entity of some kind that plays both sides against the other for their amusement.

Consider this scenario. One side of the political persuasion wants to dramatically limit your rights to own, display, or carry a gun under just about every scenario you can imagine. The other side wants to expand those rights in such a fashion that they have beach clothing designed for concealed carry. They also want to enshrine your indemnification in the law. All of these issues are being litigated right now as we speak, in every court in this country, even in the hallowed halls of the court of public opinion. In every way that is possible, it is being manipulated for and against in the media as well.

Guess who owns the media companies? Guess who controls the legislative and the Court systems? While the Democratically controlled left-wing extremists tell you that Elmer Fudd cannot have a weapon anymore because it enshrines violence and you know, the children, The Conservative Right-wing Republican legislatures and Courts are trying to hard code the Second Amendment in gold and make it off-limits forever. Using laws, Judicial appointments, court decisions cartoons, and any other means as they think is necessary to get the job done even if they consume the Republic during the battles for the soul that occurs because you know, say it with me, The Children dammit!!

Here is the problem with ALL of that action and EVERY type of thinking like that. The truth has nothing to do with the outcome and very little to do with either point of view. The truth doesn't exist in either narrative and hasn't had much to do with it for a very long time. That's the part that just totally pisses me off. We haven't yet told the truth in media or in politics about most of the famous deaths "in custody" in this country. The only ones that have been presented with even a modicum of a factual basis are those with video. Virtually every other incident has a series of lies attached to the occurrence and mostly for political expediency.
"Those bums won their court case.", "Who?",  "The Nazis". "I hate Illinois Nazi's."

  1. Georgia has received and installed an entirely new voting system and used it in this election. The news is calling it a slow-motion unmitigated disaster, with long lines, extended voting hours, non-working machines, and a slew of other problems. I used it yesterday and it was pretty flawless. I guess where I live it was an exception to the rule. I was in and out of the polling location in 10 minutes or less.

    Here is how its supposed to work. You first fill out an affidavit and then if its a primary, get a ballot card for your party assigned to you. You then take the electronic ballet card that is the size of a credit card and slip it into a touch screen voting machine and it loads your ballot. You then proceed to use a touch screen panel to select the candidates that you want to vote for. Once you have reviewed and finalized your selections you tell the machine you are done and it spits out your card. Then an attached printer prints out a ballot confirmation sheet, listing who you have voted for complete with QSR bar code. You then take this sheet up to the exit area of the polling location and slip it into a machine that looks similar to a copier. Once you have affirmed that you have previewed the votes on the ballot confirmation sheet and the sheet is inserted into the machine and it has accepted it, you see a display on the machine that says "Success", which means the ballot has been recorded. You hand in your ballot card and you are done.

  2. Why does every damn thing anyone says is any good to eat have to be so freaking hot that it burns going in, going down and coming out?

  3. There are currently 1,979,971 cases of Covid-19 in this country.
    There have been 112,006 confirmed deaths so far.

  4. Michael Jordan entered a Marlin fishing tournament where he and his crew and a huge fishing boat caught a 442 Lb Marlin the other day in North Carolina. That wasn't even big enough to be in the top 3!! Jesus Christ, who needs a  fish that big?

  5. Why does the media keep asking that dumbass LeBron James questions about social policy or really anything else? He is just an overpaid athlete, and not much of one at that.

    Have I ever told you how much I cannot stand that guy?

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