The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Hey Dumbass Atlanta is on Fire

Sunday 06/21/2020 at about 5:30 a.m. because sleeping is for dead people

Eat pineapple on your pizza I could care less you weirdo. I won't do it, but whatever,

So, as old and out of touch as I am and as unprogressive as I must be and as an ultra weenie nonliberal as I must appear I cannot seem to grasp something about these protest movements that quite frankly make no damn sense to me at all. I suppose it may make sense to some pimple-faced mama's boy who lives in his parents' basement and spends all day drinking Mountain Dew Code Red who has been schooled in the ways of the protestor by the bleeding heart liberals of twitter, but I don't get what they are trying to accomplish. I'm not sure that they get it either because the points of view being expressed are all over the map and have so many permutations going at the same time that the only thing about any of it that makes any sense at all is the looting. Looting I do not agree with, but I understand. There is a diamond bracelet in the window of the jewelry store, there are no cops, you smash the window and steal it because you can. I don't agree with doing so, but I understand it.

What is the end game these people have envisioned? As brilliant as they seem to be and as hard as I try to see the finish line of this chapter in American life, I'm having trouble trying to figure out just exactly what all of these screaming morons hope to accomplish by burning down buildings, breaking every piece of glass they can see, spray painting everything they can reach and pulling every statue and monument down that is in every city park in America. Coherently, if I had to put a name to it what would I call this strategy, and what would be the purpose? Marching down the main street in a bigger city or maybe all 8 of you standing in front of the fountain in my little town peacefully protesting, chanting Black Lives Matter and end Police brutality at least has a sound message attached to it. You are agitating for a change in the system that exists. I get that, makes perfect sense, is coherent, doesn't stand a damn chance in hell of changing things in any state legislature in America, but at least I get it,

If I start with the end goal in mind and work your strategy and logic backward, not only do I get lost in a maze and also covered in a fog of weird strategy, because if the stupidity in the city of Seattle WA, is the ultimate goal, then something is totally warped and FUBARed about the way you are going about this. If I understand the goal you've stated you are protesting against armed police who shoot you at every opportunity, so you set up our own police free society (called C.H.O.P.), that is surrounded by walls, collects dues from residents (if they want to stay in the zone) and is patrolled by armed but untrained citizens who shoot each other at the slightest provocation? When things burn because arsonists are having a heyday, you cannot call the fire department, because your armed forces guarding the zone, will not let the trained first responders into the zone, and business (for example) will just have to be sacrificed for the greater good of the people under the protection of your occupying force. Is that about right? What did I miss?

If the end goal is to remove the police departments then was the end strategy to have roving gangs of street thugs with handguns and fully automatic AK-47's control the roadways? Was the idea to deny white people access to these areas because you are only looking to kill each other? When nighttime happens (like every day), is the end goal to allow a street war to happen every day where people get shot, bleed, and die for your cause (even if you cannot verbalize it?)

If none of this is your ultimate goal, the pray tell just what in the hell are you, idiots, trying to prove except to possibly be certain that everyone in your area either cannot get insurance anymore because it is too dangerous or to raise the rates so high that no one can operate a business anymore for the same reasons? Is the ultimate goal to make everyone in these roving gangs virtually guaranteed employable as private police or security because you now know that the actual Police will; come nowhere near this place?

In my view, all of these actions are treasonous and should be dealt with by the National Guard. Everyone involved in these activities belongs in federal prison, for a very long time. Where in the hell is the State Police? Why hasn't the Guard been activated? How long do everyday citizens have to be held hostage before someone acts? Where is the Mayor of these cities? What happened to the Governor? I mean MY GOD, people are shooting and looting and this phrase is the only thing any of the leadership has gotten right about this mess from the beginning!

The bullshit started in Minneapolis MN and it exploded from there. It should have been stopped there and it could have been If the Mayor or the Governor there had made a call and had the balls to have gotten the National Guard involved on day one. Protests would have been allowed and rioting would have been stopped. Instead, he made some dumbass statement and pandered to the poor victims and cried on camera and unilaterally acted as if somehow the people had a right to burn down an AutoParts store. Instead of saying that those responsible would be held accountable and acting on that statement, he was all over the board and let it rot and fester until one moment it was a protest and the next it was a riot. I blame him for inaction and weak leadership.

Day after day the crisis has been fed fresh fuel by every incident that happens between the police and any black person without regard to their criminality. It is so much stupid nonsense and has been engorged by the emotional context whipped up by politicians kneeling at coffins, National Leaders wearing kente cloth, and now the shooting of a black man in Atlanta Georgia. Day after day politicians seeking to increase their national exposure at the expense of the police officers or cover their own criminal conduct have said and done whatever is necessary to place their portraits in the best light. Their conduct has been disgusting and makes me angry. I just wish to hell everyone in the News media would quit pandering to these two idiots in Fulton County and look at the facts instead.  What do they think is going to happen as soon as the case of this shooting makes it in front of a dispassionate judge? At some level, this will be dismissed with prejudice so fast it will make your head spin and these two idiots, the Mayor of Atlanta and this District Attorney are setting the city up for disaster when the public that has been rioting in favor of defunding the police (whatever that stupid phrase means) hears the charges have been dismissed. What is going to happen then? Gov. Kemp better think about staging the National Guard in Fulton County GA on that day.

Look, guys, we have to admit it, it is simple really. This is not utopia. The reality is that our society has way too many gangs, thugs, criminals, and low-level, provocateurs, to get rid of a single police officer. We are kidding ourselves if we think that social workers and inspectors that are unarmed and in unmarked cars are going to make a damn bit of difference in our bigger inner-cities where we haven't put any resources in decades. You are dreaming if you think that sending a social worker into a dispute in the middle of a lower socio-economic area to discuss the problems the groups are having will have any effect on gang turf, drug sales, street wars or strife that is fed by chronic unemployment and the lack of social services at every other level. It is political suicide to attach your name to programs like these where you are destined to see killings of the unarmed, non-uniformed officials become a common act. After that happens and you were unprepared for it, then what? You people are crazy who think this has a chance at success. It's Al Gore talking about midnight basketball and Hillary who is giving us the old "It takes a village" speech all over again, only this time it is packaged differently, by activists who have no vested interest in there ever being a solution because then who needs them?

We simply cannot leave the people to defend themselves. Its an ignorant idea and it makes no sense. On only the 3rd day of a Blu-Flu epidemic, there are videos on youtube showing hundreds of armed civilians roaming Fulton County starting running gun battles with each other. The video looks similar to war footage I've seen except none of the people shooting are soldiers, in any traditional sense. Then there is the idiocy in Seattle. Take a look at this
 ---> CHOP Zone in Seattle We are supposed to believe that this is a better way of life? Give me a freaking break.

In this fine video example that was furnished by our man on the scene, you will see a Blue Warrior in a tracksuit walk by with a "chopper" in his hands, which is an AK-47 and a few minutes later you will hear it shooting. This is what it looks like to remove the police. Is this what you are looking for? How stupid is this
 ---> Not Soldiers but in action exciting yes? What do you think the woman on the ground is thinking right now? You think she is saying to herself "I would love to report this to the police, but you know, Snitches get Stitches"

If you do not have a solid voter-approved plan in place, it makes no sense to take any action against the current structure of the police department that exists. While all of the marchers are trying to rile everybody up and make a point about how black citizens have been treated in the past, the actions taken by a few idiotic politicians are endangering the citizens of the present. What about future victims? Every single shooting victim from this day forward is preventable and has not one damn thing to do with defunding the police structure. It's a foolish concept.

If it is allowed to grow, people will die, it is just that simple and not hard to predict.

Politicians must lose the ability to make snap judgments on police action shootings. District Attorneys must not be able to circumvent established investigative priorities for the purpose of political expediency. Knee jerk decision making has to go away, at every level. Citizens should no more be able to affect the outcome of an investigation (or Al Sharpton) than the Mayor. It cannot be a political call to terminate a police officer just to satisfy the whims of a few radical ideologues. Black Lives do matter, but on an equal level to every other life, not in a superseding way. Blocking a highway is just not a protest, it is a criminal act. Can no one remember Reginald Denny? Do you wonder why no one wants to stop for your dumbass highway blocking maneuvers? Here is what happens when you stop for a crowd of rioters
 ----> Stopping for rioters- Dumb Idea

Municipalities that are their own brand of cutting edge knee-jerk reactions to "fix" their public safety issues are creating nightmares for their citizens to deal with. I really don't see how they think this will work? It's almost like they haven't lived in Detroit and Atlanta and Chicago and every other big city for the last 25 years. The fake news will show you more than 300 murders every year in Chicago alone, how does a social worker or further cuts to the L.A.P.D. solve this problem in Los Angeles?

It is nuts.

Some of the new "rules" that they have come up with are in plain English, IGNORANT. Some of them are bad enough to make me want to quit being a cop (If I were one, which I am not), because I would never be able to put my family in second place behind some of this stupidity. Some of them are so dumb, for example, one department is being told they can no longer use "deadly force" on someone who is threatening them with a knife. They are not even supposed to have their weapons drawn. WHAT? THE? HELL? Most gunplay happens within 7 yards. That's 21 feet, do you have any idea how fast someone can travel 21 feet and how long it would take to unholster and aim a weapon if someone did decide to attack you? This is the most arrogant misuse of public liability law I have ever seen.

Some of the new "Laws and Regulations" may make sense, some of them are just staggering in their stupidity. It's like they think police officers exist in a vacuum. In some areas already the Politicians have passed laws that say :

  • Chokeholds have been banned in every form
  • Done away with qualified immunity in some areas.
  • Toning down the Militarization of police
  • Banning so-called neck restraint techniques
  • Made reporting Illegal treatment of detainees mandatory. Made it illegal to not report on fellow officers.
  • Mandated the use, storage of body cameras, or dash cameras on police and made citizen accessibility a priority.
  • They want to create a National Registry of Police Misconduct
  • Banning of No-Knock search warrants
  • and so forth
Ok, I get the need for some of these and agree with some of it. But to make an officer required action to be criminal if not taken is the same as the sentencing requirements that everybody is against everywhere else. Foolish. If you believe however that we need to do completely away with police departments then you are a fool. If you think some feel-good approach is a one-sized fit all solution then you have no business discussing this as your brain isn't developed enough to be in the discussion.

If you think a social worker can take the place of a well trained Police Officer in Domestic disputes then you need to call an ambulance, because you are delusional and you need to go see a doctor Quickly!!

Oh and Senator Tom Cotton? He not only doesn't understand the US Supreme Court or how it works, but he also doesn't understand the role of a US Senator either.

He is an Idiot too. Defund his dumb ass!

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