Greetings Commander and fellow time travelers,
Warning the following contains a few down-home technical terms.
Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey and about 15 other people have more money than their heirs and small countries could ever spend, ever. They have and control hundreds of billions of dollars, maybe even trillions. I can't be sure or even hazard a guess as to an accurate guesstimation of their net worths collectively, suffice it to say its more money than you can probably visualize.
- As an example, one million seconds is 12 days, one billion seconds is 31 years, and one step further one trillion seconds is 31,688 years. So to accurately describe their richness you could say that they have shitloads of money, or maybe it's better called a shit ton because they have so much it has to weigh heavily in their pockets.
- The reason I used these people specifically is that they are frequently held up as powerful and knowledgable because of the weight of their money.
So why don't these R.A.M.F 'ers get together and help the rest of us out in ways that make sense to common people? People are dying and starving and making the best choices they can and they want to advertise their ten-point plans to fix our pathetic response to the coronavirus. Shit, we don't need that, not really. What we need is for you to fix the web sites that still will not let folks file for unemployment. If Billy G. was trying to use the system in FL, and it crashed on him like it has on virtually everyone else, heads would roll and the shit would work in one week.
We don't need their foundations and their cumbersome rules and we sure as hell don't need them working on getting shoes for kids in Biafra when we actually need clean water in Flint MI YESTERDAY!!! Oprah wants to buy everybody a new car and she makes a big fat hairy deal that she sponsored The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls – South Africa (OWLAG) (a boarding school for girls) grades 8-12, in Henley on Klip, Gauteng Province, South Africa. Fine. But that's not what we need here. It's not we needed then. It's not what we need now.
See I don't get why these so-called high powered VIP idiots cannot recognize the needs right under their noses? If they want to solve social problems, usually they can stay within 2 miles of their house and fix a lot of crap right next door to their own home. How about providing funding for the schools in your own communities so little kids can stop selling candy door to door so their teachers can have chalk or art supplies. How about funding sports programs so when schools had to make stupid choices like cut sports or cut free lunches they won't have to make that choice? How about funding school lunch programs so they aren't serving ketchup packets and calling it a vegetable. I mean if they are not going to help at home, I don't give two shits what else the B&MG foundation is working on.
Warning! Objects in the mirror are on your ass
- Once the dust has settled and we can peek back at what we did and at what worked and at what didn't we will learn a couple of valuable lessons I'm sure. Sad things will be learned I think as the death of the handshake will probably happen, because it spreads disease pretty easily and should have gone away a long time ago. It was always a dumb thing to do because of men using it as a power play to establish dominance. If you've ever had your hand crushed by some square-jawed iron pumper who thinks being "Swole" and crushing your hand makes him a man, then you understand. If you've ever been judged badly because your handshake was "limp wristed" then I feel your pain.
Experts decry the loss of close contact and think it will kill friendships and close associates. I think they are a bunch of dumbshits. Not being able to drink coffee with my friends is a pain in the butt, however, we adapted, we overcame, we improvised by God! With some of them it just means we had to make more phone calls and actually answer the phone. With others, I actually started using Facebook Messenger (Which I hate by the way) and now have frequent video chats with my friends and their kids and grandkids, with others I send emails to try to keep in touch. The point is you have to do something, anything if you do not want to watch the friendship wither and die. - We have had a lot of miscues and economic mishaps in the last two months or so. I can't imagine I will get them all, however, there are things I really don't think we ever anticipated would be a problem before we had to deal with this pandemic. Things like farmers that have to plow absolutely wonderful food back into the ground because there is no market for it once restaurants closed. Thousands of acres of vegetables just wasted. Millions of gallons of milk being dumped in to open fields because there is no market for it. Schools were closed, restaurants were closed and some brilliant media experts thought it would be a good idea to decry the consumption of milk as animal cruelty because of how it is made and then harvested.
It's sort of like the whole "gluten-free" debacle, where people were convinced that gluten is an added ingredient when it is the normal product of the creation of so many products. No one knows how hard it is to remove gluten, what they are adding to the products instead of gluten, why they are removing it, what you miss nutritionally when gluten is removed, or pretty much anything else. They just know that the marketing says "Gluten-free" on the bag and then they read it on Facebook or have a friend who dropped out in the 10th-grade (that is so brilliant) who told them that gluten is bad for you. Totally amazing and Totally stupid. - This morning there are reportedly 30 million unemployed. This is the current peak, but it is not "The Peak". It is going to get way worse, as bad as I don't want to say that. Economists are saying we could see a rise in this number like we never have before. Experts say we could see numbers that will eclipse the great depression. We in big trouble now Cletus.
Our Gross domestic product shrank over 4% last quarter, and we could see - 30% or more.
- I have always wondered why cell phones that are smuggled into prisons and jails are such a big problem. I get why the cell phone is a problem in and of itself. Gangs run operations though them, criminals do business with them, coordinated attacks can be planned with them, and so forth. What I don't get is why the prison managers, wardens, governors, etc don't all band together and lobby the government to allow them to block cell signals within their prisons. We have the technology, we know it works, we know it will save lives, we have terrific arguments for it and there is virtually no argument against it except for the FCC not allowing it. It seems like this wouldn't be that hard for somebody to spearhead and fix. There must be money to made by not allowing it is all I can think of.
- Speaking of Prisons, isn't it about time we admit that our prison system is a huge mess and it's time to do something about it? I mean, after all, we think we are such good and righteous people and there are so many so-called "justice warriors" fighting for some pretty ignorant meaningless things, like promoting veganism, fish harvesting protests, rallies against "wall street" that never go anywhere and so forth. Why can't we ever get behind fixing real issues?
The federal system including the SuperMax prisons, (beyond being the right place for The Unabomber moron and the Centennial Park Bomber), is probably in the best shape and they need work too. How did we ever get to the point where Pelican Bay in California is actually a training school to be a better criminal.
Things that never get addressed such as staffing shortages, crazy staffing ratios, monstrous prison conditions, weak budgets, terrible prison healthcare are never improved. It just continues to be a problem. I don't know why anyone would ever want to enter these professions, as badly as they are treated and budgeted. Piled on top of that are clueless judges and criminal district attorneys that are complicit in sending millions of people to prison for longer and longer periods of time for crimes that probably should not even be in prison for in the first place. I get that if you break the law you should be punished, but why do we always adopt the approach that breaks the bank in order to do it? There's gotta be a better way.
Rikers Island and more like it are not the answer and never was.
Unless of course the objective was to create a better class of criminal.
Gotta go, time for count,
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