The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hold on to your ass Fred

5:00 a.m. on the most hallowed Taco Tuesday that is also Cinco de Mayo May 5th, 2020

Hey Lazer lips, Yo Mama was a snowblower!

A short Coronavirus update about the fake news COVID19 virus that is and is not killing people as fast and not as fast as the lamestream media has reported because by god my beer drinking, loud talking. truth spitting friends know more than your epidemiologists and doctors could ever know. Your facts don't scare me. Everybody knows that all hospitals and doctors want to do is make more money and everybody knows that hospitals make way more money by calling a death as a Covid19 death rather than as a regular death. Everybody knows that because duh! dead people pay their hospital bills way faster than live people do and you can cram that bill way high if you call it a coronavirus death. It makes perfect sense to me however this is why I could never be a good conspiracy theorist. Notwithstanding the impeccable and irrefutable logic and the long run-on sentences I just cannot think that stupidly and not spit my drink out while saying it.

Anyway as of yesterday evening sometime, the USA has 1,182,998 Covid19 cases and 68,932 people have died from this agonizing pandemic. That's a death rate of 5.82 % or if you are determined to drink wine spritzers instead of the hard liquor, 94.18 % of all people infected survive this crap. The ones that do die (for the most part) die agonizing hard-fought deaths and die alone and die in the most horrible ways possible, hooked up to breathing apparatus and surrounded by masked, gowned and gloved medical people they don't know and couldn't identify if they saw them on the street. A high percentage of these deaths are of the most susceptible and the frailest, but not all of them. A lot of them got infected by people who transmitted the disease to them and didn't show any of the symptoms of being sick. Medical personnel are dying at unheard-of rates, with more medical people dying from direct infection than ever did from being infected by HIV positive patients.

Hell, I'm probably wrong, ask any know it all on Facebook, they'll tell you what they heard their neighbor say different because he has a friend that has a cousin that works in the IT department of a major hospital in Wyoming, who said it ain't that bad. Who you gonna believe, them lying ass experts or your good friend that drinks your kind of beer?

Did you know the murder hornets have arrived? The 2-inch long Asian giant hornet was just discovered in the State of Washington. They say not to worry about it though because the federal government has a plan to find them and kill them. They are going to use psychics to tell them where they are.
Most Laugh tracks were recorded in the '50s. 

We've been listening to dead people laugh for decades.

  1. Here is an interesting tidbit.

    As a consequence of the Covid19 shutdown which basically shut down the entire economy, we have and are going to experience a small business die-off like we have never seen before. Many industries in various occupations like travel agents and Insurance agents will not be able to recover from this and will just go away. According to data gleaned from credit payment processors more than 30% of all small businesses have shuttered and many will never reopen. Most have less than 2 weeks of operating cash on hand and most are waiting on loans and relief from the government to pay basic bills. It is a damn shame.
  2. OH! Wait, What? The pandemic is not over? We still haven't peaked the death rate, as a country? and our death rate is still slightly increasing?, eh, anyway what the hell, UNLEASH THE PEOPLES, and let's have a party! The headline actually said "More states ease virus restrictions as US Cases on the rise".

    The predictive coronavirus statistical death models the government has been relying upon have all basically assumed various things, chief among them that we would stay home through May and that all states would order shelter in place initiatives. Once the models were adjusted to face reality and include what's actually happening two things happened. One (1) the death prediction rate doubled and two (2) the government stopped using those models. Sweet.
  3. I don't know where she learned it and I don't know how she got so good at it, however, my daughter Megan can cook like a Mofro. We didn't teach her as neither my wife nor I cook as well as she does (Sorry Honey, but you know its true!), The dishes she makes sometimes are so freakin cool that I think Emeril has been stayin over sometimes! So far I have not hated anything she has prepared and I've only given her advice one time on one thing I wanted her to cook for me, and everything has been tasty as heck durn! The only things I haven't been a big fan of are the overly spiced meats from the crockpot and that's been a couple of months ago.

    She asked me a few days ago what I was gonna do when she finally moved for good.
    I said "Starve probably"
  4. I found out this one today. Apparently as you die, you are totally aware that you are dying right up until the very last second when your brain shuts off for good. Great. So at least we have that to look forward to huh?
  5. I wrote about being a kid on a military base the other day. It struck me that there was also one great big difference between then and being a civilian kid. I might be wrong and I just remember the good stuff but I cannot remember experiencing racism (seeing it or hearing it) until after my Dad retired and we moved to civilian housing in Indiana from Montana. I mean maybe it was because Montana is 99.99 % white folks but I don't think that's really it because the base was not just white kids. I just never really felt it or saw it be anywhere as ugly as it was later on when he retired.

    One time I thought it was I was wrong. I got in trouble for talking to a girl, later at night (around 9 pm), through her bedroom window, I was in the yard, she was inside. Her Dad caught us, I ended up being escorted home by the Air Patrol because I was out after curfew.

    When I got home my Dad was explosive mad! I asked him (sort of accusingly) if he was mad at me because I was caught talking to a black girl? He was stunned and it took a second for him to gather himself. When he did he said "Listen here dipshit! I didn't know what color she was, I'm pissed off because she is my commanding General's daughter and you're getting my ass chewed out with your bullshit! Now go to bed, you're grounded."

    I'm pretty sure that was the only time I got grounded with a smile on my face.

    (Say it like a cadence) I don't know but I've been told, Ice cream is pretty darn cold,


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