The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time,
Well, gee whillikers, golly gosh and gee-whiz ain't life just a grand little chocolate covered peanut sometimes? You used to be able to get my fire LIT UP about some subjects in the past and it's not so much nowadays. I think I either have a much longer burning fuse than I used to have or I have a lot less testosterone free-floating in my system or it could be there is so much stupidity in the air that I'm just drowning in it and I just can't react to it fast enough. I just ain't sure. Is it arrogance to feel like the little boy from the movie the "Sixth Sense", (Haley Joel Osment, Bruce Willis ) only my line in the movie would be "I see stupid people" instead of what he actually says. I feel like it would be. It probably is, You know I can be a prickly jerk sometimes. Shaddup PJ. Shaddup Kelley Ann.
Why in the hell do I have to have a subscription account to see breaking national news from a few of the biggest news companies? It irritates the absolute crap out of me to see that paywall pop-up come up that gives you the old "You must have a subscription to view this content" or the other one you see is "You have reached your limit of 3 free articles this month, please verify your subscription to continue". It's absolute top-level brainiac genius marketing to get your reader to start to read an article you published, only to get stopped by your dumbass paywall (that everybody else has also) and then somehow this makes you think "Eureka I've got it, this will make the dumbasses plunk down $20" or so to be able to read this here story about beet production and the farm forecast. No wonder newspapers can't retain subscribers. Who is giving the people advice anyway? These people are so stupid.
It's just as bad if not worse with my local chain of birdcage fodder (or as Odie calls it "fish gut wrappers) because they have a policy that puts some of the oddest stories and things behind their paywall. You can never predict what is going to be behind it and what won't be. It's crazy as sometimes obituaries get behind the paywall (mostly not), but it has happened, and then there are the arrest reports. They publish standard and online new editions on Wednesday and Saturday and these open-source public records end up behind the paywall in every edition. What in the hell makes you think anyone is going to go to the effort to have an online access account to see if some other Methican American in your neighborhood has been arrested? This kind of stuff shouldn't be behind the wall at all.
It makes me crazy when they release blocked reporting to news aggregators such as Google News. If you aren't aware, these news sites are really nothing more than digital news racks that allow you to customize the display of stories to suit your tastes. However you never know what is going to be blocked and what is not. Sometimes there may be a teeny tiny disclaimer in the bottom edge of the box around the story however, you can't always see it. It happens to every gathering spot for news at one point or another. It really doesn't matter what homepage your ISP provides nor whether you use Google, Bing, or Yahoo or some other source so it has not much to do with that. They just scoop up the stories and categorize them, you have to deal with the news site garbage. I stopped allowing certain sources from displaying any content because it aggravates me so much. "Too much paywall? No soup for you!" There, I feel much better now. When is the next group therapy discussion?
They are closing in on the 400-mile range travel barrier on electric car travel. Well Elon Musk is anyway, I don't know about anyone else. He is being feisty as hell this week. Tesla is currently involved in a dispute over a 9-mile increase in average concerning their Tesla Model S Long Range they submitted for testing to someone. The testers say it gets a 391-mile range and Tesla says its right on 400 miles. There is some dispute about leaving the door open or leaving the keys in the ignition or something, anyway, my striking thought is that its funny to me as I can remember when this argument was about getting to the magic 75-mile mark and making it take less than 12 hours to recharge the batteries. How time is flying.
I had a laugh about this one. Until I read it and watched the video. 53-year-old Mike Tyson is in training to do 3-4 round charity boxing bouts. 53 years old. Last boxed and lost in 2005. The video currently circulating shows him hitting boxing mitts with speed and agility more like a 25-year-old. It would scare the crap out of me to just be the guy holding the mitts. Man, I don't care what you paid me, I would never get back in the ring at 53 years old and furthermore, you couldn't pay me enough to stand in the ring with this guy and then somebody is gonna ring a bell and let him start hitting me. Are you insane? What if something in his head goes off, he breaks a blood vessel and you somehow start to look like Michael Spinks. Scratch me from this undercard.
5 thoughts that aren't connected to reality.
- Why is there still a market for stories from Dear Abby and furthermore, why in the hell do people still think that Horoscopes are a real thing? Just two questions I wanted to ask. Nobody ever answers my random ignorance but I can't see the point in either thing for the life of me. Both of them are made up stupidity, well at least Horoscopes are. Dear Abby has just outlived its usefulness if you ask me. I guess it makes more sense to ask Dear Abby than it does to watch the friggin moron, Dr. Phil, in action, but that's like saying a turd floating in a pool is cleaner on the left end. Geeze.
- Fringe political craziness is either getting worse or its always been this bad and the internet has just made it easier to observe it in real-time. Yesterday I read about another Q-Anon loser conspiracy nut who had the absolute brain brain to think here is a good idea. Let me live-stream my experience in trying to find and attack the Democratic candidate for President, Joe Biden. She was supposedly, allegedly, wanting to "Take him out" live to prove the theory that he and Hillary are "Cannibal-Pedophiles", who kill and eat children so they must be stopped. She had more than 12 knives on her when arrested and said she was inspired by videos from various organizations, most importantly Q-Anon.
She is not the only one. Last month the story emerged about a train engineer who derailed his train on purpose in an attempt to stop the USN Comfort (a navy hospital ship), because they were proving comfort and aid to the enemy. Last year some guy shot up a pizza parlor on the East Coast (my details are fuzzy) to stop a Democratic-led child sex ring. I'm not making this up, even if my details are a tiny bit off. What in the hell is wrong with these people? - They are Oh so popular and engaging and handsome and I'm about sick and tired of the Property Brothers. The sound of Drew's voice is a cheese grater to me and the inspirational speeches they give people just make me want to hurl. That's all.
- I'm old. I get that. Reminding me of that continuously is a pointless endeavor. OK, boomer? Here's my question. Why does every food now, have to be hot in order for it to have a taste? I don't get it. Why would anyone (unless it is to drink beer), want to eat chicken that is so hot it makes your eyes water and it makes you want to wipe your tongue with a napkin? While I'm on it, I cannot be the only one that feels that way, I mean I don't care if you love the stuff, that's on you. Your taste is your taste. But why is there never a "This ain't hot option". Even mild salsa is too damn hot to eat (to me) sometimes. I went through about a dozen brands of salsa looking for some that didn't raise bubbles on my tongue and the best I could do is Pace Mild and that shit is still too hot. Don't even think about asking for mild at a Mexican restaurant, those torturers do not know the meaning of the word. I know, I know, I'm a lightweight. What a pussy. Yeah I get it. My point is still valid though.
- They are calling up 200 specialized reservists to active duty status to assist 22 partner nations in mounting anew concerted effort at stopping cartels and other drug smugglers and etc. My opinion is we do not go near hard enough at these assholes. All of the doctrines we have about each country being responsible for their own problems are fines except for one small thing. They don't control it now and can't get a grip on it, I do not see how allowing them to enforce their own laws that they don't enforce now solves the problem.
I don't know what I'm advocating here not exactly, I'm just saying we have satellites that can read a license plate from space. If that thing can spot illegal activity that is going to cause harm innocent (or drug-infested) Americans, why can't we call in a couple of fast movers on afterburner to blow their shit up? For example, I think we should deploy whatever number of snipers we need to shoot everybody with a weapon that threatens civilians just across our border with Mexico. Why don't we just get busy and burn all the poppy fields in Afghanistan and that whole area, instead of letting them continue to grow that crap and use the money to buy more weapons? Our policies regarding this nonsense are sheer ignorance if you ask me. I guess that is why they don't.
But then again, who would buy our weapons?
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