The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Get rid of the Dinosaurs

Last day in May of 2020 on the 30th at about 4:30 a.m. who needs sleep anyway

Sleep is overrated, its all you ever you do, once you're dead,

So like any other web site, I track visits or what is called hits. Specifically, I look at a couple of things, one is how many people made it as far as to open the blog and look at it, however brief that may be and the other is the referring URL, that is the basis of the visit, where was the link from that sent them here. I also look at other stuff but only because its there, things like what country are they from, what part of the USA referred them, etc.

Overwhelmingly, almost 100% of my visitors come from my Facebook feed on my personal page saying there is a blog post to go look at. About 50% of my readers use a mobile device and almost all of them that are mobile devices are using iPhones. I have occasional visitors from all over but for the high majority of them they are American, and within the 48 states, except for one person whom I know that looks at it that comes from Alaska. That's pretty cool, and so is she (wink, wink). One thing I found odd is that my Facebook friends in Canada don't seem to care for my blog? Oh well. Nothing I can do about that. It's not like I am selling books trying to appeal to a worldwide audience huh?

I haven't been able to sleep much in the past 48-72 hours. A few hours here and there but mostly I've been pondering the same questions in my mind that I know there are no answers to. Things like what in the hell where they thinking (the cop). What in hell were the other cops thinking? Why does it seem like Minnesota is always right in the middle of this stupid shit? Is it the cold weather in the winter? Do they have to many Somalian area refugees and it has made them all crazy dealing with "foreigners"? Why did those dumbass cops think it was a good idea to arrest a CNN news crew live on air? What did they think that was going to get them? I can't imagine a conversation going on in somebody's head saying "Man. I'm gonna be famous tonight! I locked up a news crew!" Did anybody call their boss and say "Hey Boss, we're locking up a CNN reporter of color right now and his crew, you got a problem with that?"  I'm guessing there was a police commander blowing his stack yelling "Have you idiots been paying attention to what's been going on at all for the past couple of days?.

It is pretty tough for me to stay completely out of the politics of all this. I want to bash somebody so bad, but know it would only inflame and do no good at all (and I'm not talking about the Orange Tornado). No politics though, whew!

I wonder if there is a tape, is there a 911 call where the boss is on record right now just absolutely losing his shit because they had to let them go and the Governor apologized for them? Can you imagine how much ass-kissing and ass-covering is going on right now in Minnesota? Do any of these questions seem to be ones that would have been good training scenario questions?  How long are good cops gonna keep covering up for bad cops like THAT jackass in keeping with the famous tradition of protecting their brothers and keeping a strong thin blue line? Does that make any sense to you at all? I'd pay money to hear that 911 tape though, I'll bet it's under lock and key with a quickness.

I think All that was missing this week was snarling dogs, rubber truncheons and a good old water cannon. That would have helped I'm sure.

You know, in the last 20 years we have spent literally millions and millions of dollars militarizing our police departments and doing idiotic shit like sending Hunmees and flak jackets and stormtrooper gear to all these cities in this so-called fight against terrorism. I believe they should come and take it all back. Calhoun Ga doesn't need military-style police gear, but we have a Humvee. We should take every piece of military supplied gear back. Then to replace it they should give the cities and the states the money to hire cops and then require that they actually train them. I mean real training, not this bunch of wink, wink, grab your nuts, and tell war stories training they are famous for. I'm not talking about a bunch of times on the range either.

We have enough square-jawed iron pumper crew cut wearing gung ho cops everywhere you look already. I don't really think we need any more of them. Do some rigorous Navy seal style weed out the nonhackers who can't make good decisions kind of training, and then do what? I'll tell you what, Do what our Sherrif Mitch Ralston in Gordon County Ga did and Go through the ranks and throw out every idiot you have that is wearing a badge and do not tolerate this shit in your departments, not one minute longer, police union or no police union. Enough is enough is enough is enough.

On a more introspective note, do you think any of the peaceful protesters, did any of them have any problem with an Auto Zone being burned to the ground? I saw a bunch of stories about how they were out picking up the trash left behind in the streets by the looters. and I believe that's pretty cool. Did burning the Auto Zone down somehow advance their cause of "George Floyd, I can't breathe, I need brakes for a '99 Chevy?" Did that help at all? Participating in your protest and wearing the same clothes, the same masks later on captured on surveillance video and news cameras and also rioting, did that do any damn good at all?

Several newscasters showed pictures of some young guys who I guess couldn't resist but to participate in both sides of the melee. One series of shots show these two guys protesting and when the sun went down it shows the same two guys apparently, knocking the crap out of a police SUV. What does the community of color gain when Ferguson or Atlanta or LA or Minneapolis is set on fire? I asked that question out loud and someone said "Black people are tired of being treated like shit on the bottom of the white man's shoe".  OK, well that begs a further inquisition? I am a curious kind of guy so please answer me this. I'm begging you for a serious answer, anyone, anyone at all, please explain to me how making an absolute mess of your own community,  of your own communities businesses, the place where you live and eat and do business, of leaving burning streets and cars and buildings and mountains of trash and flaming debris and then fighting for 2 or 3 nights with the police until the damn National Guard is called in promote your cause?

How in the hell does this help?, I'd sure like to know because I have not the first clue how this does any good. Just how do you think the politicians are going to react in this age of cameras and DNA and forensics and investigatory prowess? Do you think they will just roll over and give up? Oh well, nothing we can do, Ya THINK?

Do you think any politician in his or her right mind could stay in office for very long by advocating a policy of retreat and surrender? I am watching countless videos of mostly black but not all black and lots of dark-skinned protesters with very very few white folks (factually stated just look at the videos) fighting with police and burning things to the ground and looting and wondering how this gets justified this time, that somehow this is more "White Privilege", that absolutely stupid and infuriating phrase coined by some sociology professor who went back to his neat and tidy house in the gated community after the interview. I only heard one other worse piece of Garbage catchphrase, the one that thinks one skin color matters more than all the others.

And Don't say the N-word but you know we can, JUST get a grip.

Does any protester seriously think that a police officer in his right mind is going to approach a situation like this with anything other than the intention to stop it by the force that is necessary? Are you going to protest tomorrow when several people get shot and killed by police in running gun battles with other people and with the police? Do you seriously think the police are just going to stop enforcing the law because you are mad? Protests have erupted in at least 20 major US cities overnight. How many people are going to hospitalized or injured before you have a big enough TV and that is justification enough?

As dozens of people are arrested in Minneapolis for various nonprotest related crimes like burglary, arson, looting, and other acts of stupidity the Governor has activated over 1700 National Guard troops to come to town and restore order. Make no mistake, the military will restore order if they have to kill your ass to do it. Anybody remember the Rambo story? That was a movie and a made-up story, however, those kinds of actions actually happened.

Kent State actually happened. Soldiers are not cops.

When it gets this bad that the politicians hand over the fighting to the military, people usually die, its what they do. It's what we train them to do. Is this really what all of you idiots want? And for the record, Bob, I'm glad you were not there because I know you would have stopped that cop and you would have gone to jail yelling at his stupid ass the whole way. I would have bailed you out and even though you would have hated every second of it I would have turned your case into a national cause and had the ACLU defending your ass too. Like I said Bob, I'm glad you were not there. You know who you are. I love you too much to see you rot in Jail.
My favorite phrase, Jesus H. Katy Christ on a Crutch this is so freaking stupid.

  1. 1700 National Guard deployed in Minneapolis. These are citizen soldiers. I hope someone has locked up the ammo. More than 2500 officers from everywhere are helping to keep the peace. This is the largest deployment in Minnesota history.

    The kneeling Numbnuts bail is set at $500,000 and his wife has filed for divorce. I didn't know you could get bail for murder. I'm gonna have to ask Lucas Davenport about that. After all the BCA arrested him.

    Welcome to the club Minnesota. Your people are stupid too.

  2. The city of Portland Oregon has declared a riot underway and has ordered protesters to go home. The friggin tree huggin liberals are rioting for crying out loud!

    Their shootings and at least one death in Detroit, oh and riots too, but they are used to it. Hell Detroit has been on fire since about 1987 I think.

    Denver has been hit by unrest and the National Guard has been deployed in Atlanta as well. Governor Kemp has declared a state of emergency and has ordered everyone to leave the area and all businesses to close. I'll bet he had to ask somebody how to do all of that too. About 80 miles from me give or take a couple of miles with at least a bunch of broken windows, 2 cops hurt, burning stuff and LOTS AND LOTS of stupid on Patrol.

    Dallas says their protests have been mostly peaceful and they have the support of the mayor and the police.  And so forth and so on, I'm sure you get the drift here.

  3. LA has declared a curfew and ordered everyone to go home or face arrest. A few have been arrested, blocking the highway and breaking windows is discouraged in Hollywood. What a bunch of idiots. The impact would have been much bigger without the looting and the violence.

  4. Lost in all of this was the story that one of Space-X's other toys, the SN4 a so-called Starship, blew u on the pad today. It was a major explosion. From an article about it "SpaceX had just conducted yet another static fire test of the Raptor engine in its Starship SN4 prototype launch vehicle on Friday when the test vehicle exploded on the test stand in Boca Chica, Texas. This was the fourth static fire test of this engine on this prototype, so it’s unclear what went wrong versus other static fire attempts.
  5. In local news from the carpet capital of the world dalton Ga, the headline is "Unemployment rate in Dalton, Georgia, jumps above 20% in record job losses during April", This is right here around here where I live so this is news to us. 20.5% Unemployment is a big Fat Hairy deal.

    - From The website - The coronavirus pulled the rug out from the Carpet Capital last month, pushing unemployment in metropolitan Dalton to a record high rate of 20.5%. The Georgia Department of Labor and Workforce Development said Thursday that employers in Whitfield and Murray counties shed 1,657 jobs during April following major job cuts in March. Over the past 12 months, employment in the Dalton area fell by 13.8%, or 8,569 jobs, as carpet mills, restaurants, and other major employers furloughed workers due to government-ordered shutdowns and lower sales.
    Read the whole article here ---> Dalton Unemployment 20.50%

    Crap is occurring, keep your head down.
    High-Speed defecation is being impacted by whirling spreader devices.

    - BigMike

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