This is like shooting swamp rats back home in the canyon (Stay on Target!!),
Last evening was crash and burn night in more ways than one. As many American cities were being set on fire and were burning, I went off to take a nap about 4p.m. or so and the next thing I remember is this morning at about 6:30 a.m., After I sat up for about 2 cups of coffee and then went into the bedroom to get dressed, I woke up again about an hour ago. I finally got showered and dressed and here we are.
That's what happens when you barely sleep at all. Usually, I sleep somewhere between 3-5 hours a night and sometimes dramatically less, then about 2 o'clock in the afternoon I am ready for another nap until my wife gets home from work and we chat for a bit, she eats dinner and then we go to bed again. Lather, rinse, repeat until at some point I run totally out of gas and it eventually catches up with me and I crash into the brick wall and you couldn't wake me up with a shotgun blast. Have you ever experienced that weird feeling where you wake up and look at the light coming in the window, and it is sort of like daylight, so you look at the clock to see what time it is except you don't really know if it is telling you that it is morning or it's evening? Yeah, that was me this morning. While I was asleep last evening, riots were happening all across America.
So it is my understanding that police departments all across America got totally re-trained on-the-fly the last few days using practical OJT training, sponsored by the same good people who are complaining about the legacy being left to them by the last few generations. I guess living among burning embers and burned out apartments is preferable to standard housing but what do I know? Over 30+ (I don't know the exact number) of cities experienced rioting, demonstrating, and major clashes with the police all across the country last night. It is tough to write about this being about our so-called advanced societies like we are supposed to be.
I'll bet Canada regrets signing that lease they have above that crazy-ass meth lab now huh?
Allegedly, supposedly, purportedly, this was all set off by the actions of one corrupt patrolman cop in the town Minneapolis in the State of Minnesota in the US. The actions of one man killing another one-man are what some of the media says is the cause of these disruptions to life and these clashes with authority. If you buy that one I have a little swampland and a bridge I want you to take a look at, low money down, move in right away, free financing.
The actual cause of this goes a long way back in our society and we add to that cause like adding a match head to a tinderbox of dry grass and twigs every time we tolerate this nasty racist attitude that is so deep-seated in our society. We like to say that we are a tolerant society except for the HELL we are. If we were a tolerant society for whom there is a prevalent attitude of forgiveness and love and respect, we wouldn't have places like Chinatown (NYC has 8 of them), or schools that are more than 95% black students or neighborhoods all across this country that are segregated into color and race by choice and those that are not. If we were tolerant we would not tolerate singers of any color using racial words in their music. Because we are not tolerant we have abdicated our responsibilities to each other and to society and abandoned our morality by ceding the use of certain race and class words as "belonging" to one race or the other. If we were actually anywhere close to tolerant there would be no prison gangs run by color and race, and no need to even think about this as we classify and assign new inmates to wing and bunk assignments as they enter prison life.
The national security adviser doesn't agree with me. No systemic racism in Police departments
If we're really interested in changing our society for the better, we would have figured out long ago that to tolerate this way of thinking is to extend it not to extinguish it. We instead turn our head and let it flourish. We feed it by celebrating white supremacy and we celebrate it by allowing it. We allow it by glorifying drug use and gang life in our TV shows and movies, we give it a soul by lifting up our biggest stars for whom gangs were a way of life as they became famous and for whom recognition if not active participation has made them platinum artists and filthy rich millionaires. We feed this toleration of separate and unequal by laughing at old men for whom integration was a stain on their memories. We tolerate this type of society by not demanding that our police departments lead the way in racial and gender harmony and in racial and gender equality. We give this incipient bigotry an underlying place to fester and to live by allowing our defenders of law and truth and justice to only be so inclined when it doesn't involve one of their own.
When it involves one of their own, well, it's an us against them attitude and then we worry about protecting and defending and all that other crap it says on the outside of the cars. Make no mistake, I am NOT saying that this is every cop and every department and certainly it is not in every case, however it is prevalent enough and it happens enough and exists enough so that everyone knows it exists and no one takes any action to grind it out of existence. In my opinion, this is the first thing that must change if we want George Floyd to be the last time a person of color dies because no one was strong enough or thought it was right enough to make that asshole get off of his neck. All it would have taken was one of those cops to say "Get off of the man's neck", and then pulled him off if he wouldn't move and Mr. Floyd would still be alive. It's funny how in God, Beans, Butter, and Bullets land in small-town America everywhere there were no riots or rioters huh?
That's because there are also almost no people of color there either.
- Space-X put two American astronauts into orbit yesterday. It didn't blow up either. Yay!!
Full coverage here---> Space-X launch to docking with the ISS - In the age of social media and instant messaging just about anything anymore is fair game. Today in the News out of the good ole boy network in Thomaston Georgia, a Police Officer from that city has been terminated (for poor judgment), for sharing a picture of a Latino police officer wearing a black beauty masking product next to a blonde white woman and the caption read "I date a Black Man."
Long Live the Dinosaurs! - The US Supreme Court has decided that the religious objections filed against orders and restrictions placed on church services are invalid and have allowed the restrictions to remain in place. These were obviously restrictions ordered by the government concerning social distancing and the like in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The ruling was 5-4, Chief Justice John Roberts and the courts 4 liberals voted in favor. - Denzel Washington was spotted earlier this week putting his hand where his heart is. He was seen helping a distraught homeless man who was in the street back to the curb and he stuck around when police showed up and helped the man remain calm. Video and pictures show him holding the man's hand and encouraging him. This happened in West Hollywood CA, according to bystanders he was unaware of the filming until it was basically over. It was amazing how calm it stayed and the man was not detained after they determined he was not a danger to himself or others.
I love feel-good stories. - It turns out however that the white ex-fired ass cop who knelt on Mr. Floy'd neck and killed him (I'm never saying the assholes name ever), worked together with Mr. Flotd as a security guard at the same Latin night club as recently as last year. The club's owner says this cop has a background of racist and over the top reactions.
Imagine that. Maybe that will come out at trial.
"Your Honor, our next ten witnesses are folks arrested by the defendant who all have broken legs, knees, fingers, or knuckles and the like from the defendant. Their police reports all say "They fell down".