The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Yawn....Here we go again !!

We are a nation of sheep following a herd of lemmings who are defined by and are in love with the sound bite. Its the fall of another political season and the politicians are in full swing with TV ads, billboards, radio spots and newspaper stories.

You ever wonder why we put up with this crap? In the next 30 days a virtual storm of political ads will be seen by every television owner in the USA an average of 18 times per day. Most importantly they are in full swing with the empty “If elected….” promises.

We being the operative word here. “We the people” who are exposed to the lies and the half truths and the deceit that is the norm in this type of advertising that they think is important to get elected.

In my opinion the reason we put up with it has nothing to do with your political affiliation. It has nothing to do with your sensibility or with your ability to reason or with your politics.

It also has nothing in common at all with your values or your social status or your version of the American dream.

Hell, it probably has nothing to do with your social status or how much money you earn.

Pretty strong words here however , I think the reason we put up with negative political attack ads , is about the same reason we do not have a long term strategy (as a country) about how to really fix social security or demand that Congress fix the budgets or get really pissed that they spend money on ludicrous things like research that has no value.

Its about the same thing as always voting a straight political ticket or protesting where the latest trash dump is going (but only if it is anywhere near your own house).

We are a nation accustomed to creature comfort and in love with apathy. We adore passing the buck. We like to bitch and moan but really have no stomach for the work involved in doing the job. We are zealous about our condemnation of the “enemy “, and are absolutely thrilled to have somebody else define who the enemy is for us. We don’t care who goes broke as long as its not us and we can solve every problem we would ever possibly have if we could only win the lottery.

We are a bunch of fat lazy slobs who don’t pick up their own clothes if we don’t have to and we would rather know the latest gossip about Madonna or Brittany Spears than have our collective brains injured thinking about real problems in the society we live in.

We need Oprah to tell us what book to buy, Dr. Phil to tell us how to treat each other, Angelina Jolie to tell us what we should be concerned with in the world, Dr. Ruth to tell us how to love each other, Bill O’Reilly to tell us what we should be pissed off about and Jerry Springer to entertain us telling us stories about how “trashy people” act.

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, We make chicken right, you deserve a break today, The fresher picker upper. Wait , wait that’s not all ! I’m Billy Mayes. Buy our crap because its new and improved.

Politicians can lie because we want them to. They can cheat because we expect them to. They can toss out political ads like yesterdays garbage and some supposed “GURU” like James Carville can make a career of telling some politician to win by trashing his opponents character because we love to win, hate to lose yet don’t want to do the work it takes to get the job done.

The sad amazing and stupid thing is, all we would have to do to fix the whole mess is go to the polls on election day and vote. See Politico Speak is an art form .

I’d love to talk to you more about it , but football is on and I need to get my weekly vicarious thrill by living through my dream of being an NFL quarterback. Go Colts !@!@!@!