The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Disposable technology

OK, I'll admit it.

I am a geek.

A full fledged over the top geek.

No pocket protector, no taped glasses, no high water pants and a bucketfull of attitude but a geek nonetheless.

I start talking about computers or technology to normal people and the conversation will turn to clock cycles or frame rates or Front side bus speeds and I can literally see the eyes of the person I am talking to glaze over right before my eyes. It is an amazing thing. Sometimes instead of being rude I will say something like "Have you heard about the new dual core processors?", and then count how many people look at their watch and literally figure out a way to run from the conversation. It is downright amazing ! "Love to talk to you about it , but I gotta go, I have a thing..." "Wow, look at the time...". Makes my sides hurt from laughing.

On occasion I read the Atlanta Journal, as this is the nearest thing to a newspaper where I live. Not much of one but it is the best I can do from a vending machine. In this newspaper there is a guy named Bill Husted, who writes about technology for the masses. He is actually pretty good at what he does, which is to explain very complex things in very simple terms for those of you who don’t know or don’t care enough about computers to learn any of it on their own.

I couldn’t do it. It would be the same as working on a help desk. I can’t do stupidity. I know from reading his columns that he has explained Spyware at least a dozen times in the last 2 years.

Recently he had to stop recommending an excellent Spyware remover (Spybot- Search and Destroy) because so many people were so stupid they couldn’t differentiate between the real program at and a knock off that actually plants Spyware with a very similar name.

Can you imagine the need to dumb down your average everyday life to meet the needs of the mass audience (read idiots) who couldn’t understand a simple phrase if they wanted to? “Ok, Billy, this is called a “KEY”, can you say KEY?” “It is used to turn on a switch in a car. It makes the car go vroooom, vroooom”. Geez, give me a break. Just say if you are too stupid to understand this, go ask a car salesman to explain it to you and give the rest of us who do care the real scoop on the information.

Or maybe , I should write a column for geeks…


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