The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Politico-Speak is an ART form !

I am a student of politics. Don't ask me why, but I've always enjoyed knowing what in the heck is going on. Or at least, lying to myself and pretending like I know what goes on.

The one thing that interests me more than anything else is a politicians ability to take what is to anyone else mundane or minutiae and turn it into something huge. Then sometimes they take major things and turn it into "spin" which favors them or "spin" which makes their "opponent" look bad.

Then I figured out how they do it. Most (I know, generalized!) politicians nowadays are lawyers or have law school training. I read the other day that over 90 % of the Senate are lawyers. Go figure. So, during the two most recent Supreme Court nominations, I saw Republicans ( use charts and graphs to explain how Sam Alito is just like Sandra Day O'Conner (whom he is replacing) and saw Democrats ( use charts and graphs to explain how he is the direct polar opposite of her. Both were pretty convincing and both made good points. The thing that struck me though, is how pretty much all the time they spent (the politicians) talking during their allotted time in both hearings, was posturing. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.....No direct questioning.

Do these guys even know what mainstream is anymore? How can a millionaire lawyer have a clue what it takes to live from paycheck to paycheck?

48 years in the Senate ( ?
It's not a job, its a lifetime appointment!

And they were worried about a judge ? Two words "TEDDY KENNEDY. He's killed more people than any other senator anyway. He does hold the record ( .

But, I digress.

Why do we put up with this junk and why don't we throw the bums out?

The point is Tom DeLay says he stepped down because he didn't want to hold his party back and become the focal point of a nasty campaign. Where in the heck has he been for the last 12 years anyway? He stepped down because he got caught.

Bill said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Anybody believe that crap?. His wife don't care.

One of my favorite comedians said that while riding a tour bus recently his wife asked him what a particular building was. He said "Well during the Clinton years honey, it was a "Hooters", but I heard that since George Bush came into office they turned it back into the Lincoln memorial........

Good old George said "Read my Lips, No New taxes".

Scooter Libby is the source? OJ got off didn't he. If it wasn't spit, you must acquit. ..No wait , that was Johnny Cochrans line not Bill Clintons lawyer, right? Sorry Miss Chaney this is complicatin' the issue ain't it ? To hell with it, "Bring 'em on. Mission accomplished.

Saddam has WMD's. Democrats said it too, but NO.........It's your fault, No its your fault, no its your fault... What a joke.

And now Humvees, fitted with armor, are overturning and killing more servicemen than IED's are?

There is no area 51 , if you believe the Air Force. It is a reflection from a weather balloon and the fog from hot swamp gas.

Next time I get the flashy thingee.

I just wish our politicians would for once do what we sent them there to do. Their job. Not one will speak straight English. John McCain is the closest you are gonna get. The rest of them count on the fact that no more than 30 % of us vote.

Of the 295 million people in our country:( the USA

estimates say that less than 30 % vote in any election (

Were roughly 50 % Republican, 50 % Democrat (or some flavor of either) with a smidgen of the anarchists, communists, etc thrown in for good mix. That means really that 40 million people or so control the destiny of the country. Really its just the ones who contributed. So really its a tenth of the forty million. More like 4 million control destiny.

Guess how many people in America have a net worth of one million dollars? You guessed it 8 million people. No really. Nah just kidding I made that one up. It's really only 7.5 million.

The politicians have doublespeak and the after life of "speaking fees". They sit on their thrones and invent new ways to spend money and when their hand is caught in the cookie jar, good old "Plausible Deniability" comes into play. It must be my fault.

After all, how can I blame this mess on the 206 and a half million eligible people in the fourth largest populous area who didn't vote to begin with.

They didn't put these bums in office. I did. I voted.

However I did because I only wanted to set a good example for my kids. So my Mayor is named "Jimmy", my Governor is named "Sonny", and Good old "Which way did he go George , which way did he go?" is the President.

Plausible Deniability. They been beating that one to death since Ike !

I wonder if my boss would buy that one.

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