The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Football stupidity

Yesterday the big sports news of the day was that a humongous defensive player stomped on the un-helmeted head of a running back who had just scored a touchdown.

Took a bunch of stitches to close the guys wounds and the offending player was booted from the game. His coach later said he would be punished for what he did. He even had a talk with reporters where he said his own act was "disgusting", " and had no place in the game."


Give me a break.

How you gonna punish this guy?

The coach and the league has basically no power over millionaires anyway. You gonna make him not play for 6-8 games? Fine him 100 K? Throw him out for the season?

So what!

He gets to sit at home in his McMansion , counting the money he has in the bank already? He gets to be interviewed on ESPN about what a louse he is and how he is gonna atone for his mistake?

Is this the same game where it is OK to basically slam into anyone else on the opposing team with full speed just to prevent a first down? You can break his arm and both legs as long as the rules aren't violated?

You ever watched the pile after a fumble? Punches are thrown, heads are kicked, elbows are smashed into each others faces, and this is any worse? Just because the guy got a couple of stitches? Or because the camera caught him in the act?

I see all the time where a guy is basically down (by tackle) and some other guy will throw his body , head first into the fray to keep him from moving forward 3 inches.

I see all the time where a quarterback is slammed into the ground (rules notwithstanding) by some huge defensive player and they merely call that a sack.

You can put a player in the hospital with a "legal" hit and make doctors remove his spleen and that’s OK, but this is somehow different?

Get over it.

This is exactly why people watch football in the first place. Madness, mayhem, injuries and broken legs are what keeps fans coming back. I mean have you ever listened to the crown with their chants of "Kill the umpire", or "Murder the bums" or something like that?

Who watches NASCAR for the racing?

We all want to see the big wreck!

Pitchers pitch at the batters heads and then both benches clear into a fight on the field with coaches and players duking it out, Basketball players commit "Hard fouls" (by slamming the guy into the floor while he is shooting), hockey players slam into each other at full speed and then switch to boxing when they get pissed, golfers throw their clubs and get prissy with the audience (the gallery) when somebody makes a sound with a camera or a camera phone and on and on and on.

Yeah I know, what the guy did was stupid. Ignorant as a matter of fact.

It was also assault with intent to injure.

You want to stop this crap, make the penalty fit the crime in all sports.

If you or I kick a guy in the head and make him get stitches what do you think they would do to us?

Do the crime, do the time, is what I say.

Arrest his butt for assault and make him where pink jail clothes for a couple of years.

That'll teach him.


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