The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Some sayings I want to put on T-Shirts

Hey, these probably won't sell, but here is what I want to put on a bunch of T-Shirts and sell them.

It would make me happy anyway....

  • "I see dumb people....."
  • "Yes, as a matter of Fact, I do own the sidewalk, why do you ask?"
  • "Your village just called, they want their idiot back"
  • "I can only please ONE person per day. Today is not your day !."
  • "Definition of stupidity. Look it up, you'll see your picture."
  • "First Ammendment Rules !"
  • "Sit down, shut up, Hold On.
  • "Aw NO, not you !"
  • "Don't go away mad, just go away !"
  • "Defecation Occurs"
  • "Life is just a bunch of Bovine Defecation"
  • "As a matter of Fact, the world does revolve around me. Thankx for asking."
  • "Hey Vanna, buy a vowel."
  • "Ron White was right. You can't fix stupidity."
  • "Do I look like a People person ?"
  • "Lets say I got smart with you. How would you know it?"
  • "Just because you keep looking, doesn't mean my brilliance will rub off."
  • "Why are you stupid?, not my area."
  • "Sorry, I don't know how to speak dumber, only slower."
  • "The human excrement is about to impact the high speed device"
  • "Dr. House is not amused with your B.S."
  • "Don't speak, you'll ruin the illusion."
  • "Hush ! Use your inside your head voice!"
  • "Is it possible that you are as dumb as you look?"
  • "Random selection is proven by your existence."
  • "Remember that weird kid in third grade? You grew up."
  • "Beauty goes skin deep. Ugly goes clear to the bone."
  • "Yeah, I'm fat. But your UGLY and I can lose weight."
  • "If you can read this, you can read."
  • "Hydrogen is abundant. So is stupidity."
  • "I looked up the definition of moron in the dictionary. It shows your picture."

Thankx for reading my rant.


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We would love to have your voice added to the noise !!

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