The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to Defeat Terrorism in 2 easy steps

OK, before everybody gets all prissy, know I am writing this tongue in cheek. This probably would not work, but it would be pretty fun to try.

I have a suggestion on how to defeat terrorism. I think it would be easy to wipe it out and it would never come back.

See we are approaching the problem all wrong. We are approaching this issue like it is a military struggle and it isn’t. Militaries fight wars against other nations or nations states that have opposing armies. Using military strategies to defeat an opponent who doesn’t use conventional command and control structures is doomed to fail. Who do you go after if no one is really in charge? How do you defeat an enemy who does not have a traditional structure, who doesn’t group soldiers on the battlefield and whom you cannot even identify by uniform?

Its nuts.

Then we cripple the effort we do provide by instituting so called “rules of engagement” which basically are the way a politician has their say in a process where they do not belong in the first place.

The military doesn’t need more rules, if anything I would argue they need less rules.

  1. 1. What would happen do you think, if we abandoned the traditional rules we fight under and just did to them , what they do to us only, make our response to their crap, a hundred fold in response?

Attack a building or a city in America, we fly a bunch of B-52’s and B1B Bombers to your home town once we figure out who you are and we just level it. Warn the residents if you like, but just make a pile of rubble out of anything connected to the terrorists. Then warn the rest of the world, you harbor terrorists or allow them to operate from your soil, sell them weapons, allow them safe haven, or assist them in any way and you are just as guilty as those bastards are.

How many cities would we have to just decimate until these buttholes got the message do you think?

  1. 2. If that doesn’t work, go ask the big city cops to identify the Crips, Bloods, MS-13 members, the Aryan nation, every serial killer, the Mexican mafia and the biker gangs in their home towns and prisons in their states. These idiots don’t want to live free in America anyway, they want to live in prison. Take all of the toughest SOB’s you can find in every prison and street gang, and put them all on planes and put them in the middle of this crap.

Give them whatever arms they need and tell them if they ever want to come back to America, they have to fight these buttholes into submission and earn their way back in.

Who is Muqtada_al-Sadr ?

How long before every idiot who thinks they can issue a fatwa is wondering how to get their kids off of crack or meth and they won’t have any more time to screw with us?

How long before Muqtada al-Sadr , gets sick of drive by shootings before he asks us for help do you think?

How long before you could answer the phone in the White House and a Mullah would be calling saying “Please Mr. Obama, come back and help us get rid of the Hells Angels?”. Too bad there isn’t an Al Qaeda city we could bomb into submission , huh?

Sometimes I am a maniac !

Thankx for reading my rant !


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