The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Perfect Storm is Brewing !

Right up until the elections of 2004, you could have pigeonholed me into the "Conservative" category and you wouldn't have been wrong. I think I even thought of myself exclusively that way until recently. That definition changed for me when I took a good hard look at what either major political party had to say and how they were saying it and I realized that I really didn't fit comfortably into either party's dogma. There are things they both say and do that just piss me off they are so stupid.

I have always been somewhat of a political junkie and have been following politics since I was old enough to read. When other kids were groaning about the President being on all three channels, I would think "Cool", and then race to the TV to listen. My youngest brother used to think I was nuts, probably still does.

A storm has been brewing for the last several years, and we are starting to see the evidence of its arrival for the last 18 months or so. Individually, many events have occurred, which if not taken as a whole , don't seem like much to think about. My view is that we are fast approaching a "perfect storm" in America and if we don't understand it and recognize it and do something different than we are doing right now, then we are in for some very rough times ahead.

Right now is rough enough, what do you think it will be like if things get worse?

We are in the eye of the hurricane, the lull before the real storm. Enough platitudes. Enough generalizations. Here is our perfect storm and its gonna be painful and won't miss many of us because of the depth and breadth of the damage that is coming.

Where to start?

Frankly, it doesn't matter because the order in which it occurs doesn't really matter all that much, because all of it is so interconnected to begin with.

Any of these trends will start the decline.
  1. When interest rates begin to rise once again the shock to the economy will be as devastating as the burst of the housing bubble was. Money is very fragile right now. Sooner or later the FED will have to raise rates, because the rates being so low is allowing inflation to rise ever so slightly. Credit becomes more expensive and more unavailable than it is right now. Credit payments go up, mortgage payments go up, profits will start to fall. Once that happens...
  2. You think unemployment is high right now? Put any more pressure on business to maintain profits and/or share price and see where they begin to cut back. First thing to go will be new hires, then pay freezes, then plant and business closings, then layoffs. Once that happens....
  3. The price of every day commodities goes up. Milk, bread, coffee , tea, gasoline, things made with plastic, natural gas, all rise to record levels, because companies and their stock prices that make these products are judged on how much their sales increase over time FIRST without regard to the profit made from current sales. Once that happens...
  4. Consumers spend less and have less to spend. Hard purchases fall off to nothing (Appliances, cars, furniture etc) Once that happens....
  5. More banks fail. Liquidity goes down (available bank assets decline) . Credit gets even tighter, and most businesses will not have access to credit. Once that happens....
  6. More pressure is put on employment. More people are on unemployment. Once that happens...
  7. Housing takes a huge hit (5 times bigger than now). Foreclosures rise to over 20 %, Bankruptcies rise to record levels (and that is more than now as well). While this is occurring, more and more pressure is put on the stability of the dollar. The value of the dollar falls. What that means is that when the value of the dollar falls, it is worth less and less against other currencies. The reason that is important is because we are very import heavy. When our money versus other currencies is worth less, every thing costs more. Once that happens...
  8. That leads to inflation. See point number One, because we are now in a viscous deadlock where inflation rises , liquidity falls, the dollar falls, more people lose their jobs and their houses which then causes ? You guessed it. Inflation. Wash, rinse, repeat. Christmas is cancelled. Cut up the credit cards. Forget about new car sales, housing starts, economic indicators, plant closings etc. It will be more common to talk about who is still in business than it will be to talk about who isn't. Once that happens...
  9. Stock prices start falling again. Once that happens....
  10. The government (Congress and the President) and the Federal Reserve will feel tremendous pressure to "Act", to stop the crisis and to turn the economy around. It doesn't matter that they had little to do with the cause of the crisis because being a politician means doing things that will lead to being re-elected, not doing things that should be done. It hasn't meant that for a long time.

A lot more talk will ensue about "Stimulating the Economy", which means exactly what anyway ? Giving more money to banks? It will not matter by this time because the banks will not have any of our money anyhow as we have already spent it trying to pay for our houses and food. We the People are broke and in debt up to our eyeballs with no way out. How helped do you feel by the last round of car company and bank bailouts? Shouldn't Studebaker have gotten some of that money? How will the Government propose to "Act" anyway?

Well lets see.

  1. One of the first things they always do is to extend unemployment pay. Sure, It helps short term, but is nowhere near enough. 25 % of what you are used to living on doesn't cure the problem. All it does is give you enough money to know you don't have enough money.
  2. Congress will start to talk about and pass another "Jobs Bill". What the heck is a jobs bill anyway? Well friends what it is (and will always be) is a tax credit given to companies who hire the unemployed worker and a denial of sorts to those companies who do not. The end affect of this is to drive wages down. It has to. It has to be worth the companies investment in order to pay for itself or get a return on the investment. It gives a company a perfectly legitimate way to cut costs that is socially and politically acceptable. Never mind the fact that it is wrong.
  3. More money will be thrown at projects and various "hard targets" because every one of these so called politicians want to be thought of as the next FDR. Every one of them wants a new catchy campaign slogan something like "The New Deal", "A chicken in every pot" or some such nonsense, because they see their job as to be reelected not to serve their constituencies. Think "Stimulus Package of 2009". That helped you a lot I am sure.
  4. More money will be thrown at various entitlement programs (medicaid, medicare, SS) because this shows compassion for our helpless citizens who cannot defend themselves. Looks good come re-election time too.
  5. Another well intended but meaningless "Home buyers" program will be introduced. There will be lots of rules and qualifiers and only a few million people will be eligible and fewer will wade through the red tape to use it, but, it looks good on paper and looks great and sounds great in a campaign speech.

What did all of this do? What is the answer?

(And never mind that there is more , much more because Congress can be very inventive when it comes to throwing away money.)

See here is the stupid part. They want our vote but do not trust us to do the right thing and we keep re-electing these bozo's. What they should have done was send every man , woman and child some money using some formula and said "Pay some bills" with this money. It would have been just as effective as the stimulus package was I think.

Or, maybe , just maybe, somebody could have realized that being upside down and under water over a hundred K is a "big freakin deal" when you are talking about a single family home.

I think it would have been cheaper in the long run, more effective and would have been a faster impact to do just three things

  1. Realize that 80 % of us screwed up when we refinanced our homes and just pay down our principle on the overvalued portion of our homes or make the banks modify the loan terms and give them tax breaks to make up the difference. Don't bother giving me a tax break I can only use in April once per year. That is the ultimate in stupidity. How does it help to give me a break on next years taxes , when I can't afford gas for my car, my house or car payment and I don't have a job right now? How much sense does that make? Can someone please explain that to me? What if my mortgage company said to me "Beginning next month your payment goes down $500." Think that would help?
  2. Give the judge in a bankruptcy hearing the power to modify terms of a mortgage. Current laws almost make certain I lose my house if I am in bankruptcy because they cannot do this. Hell if I am in Bankruptcy and my house if my biggest expense per month, would I be bankrupt if my house was not as expensive as it is? Yeah yeah, whomever borrowed the money is at fault. Whatever. 100 million foreclosures will make the great depression look like a lawn party, let me tell you. Put unemployment at 30 % and see how happy you are with your "Let em eat cake" attitude.
  3. Don't barely lower taxes. It doesn't help at all. Screw adjusting the tax rate. Most of us would be hard pressed to see much of a difference in teeny tiny tax numbers anyway. I know you can stand around at big fancy dinner parties and talk about the 40 billion dollar tax cut you got passed for low income workers, but that extra $4 dollars on my individual paycheck doesn't mean squat. Eliminate taxes on people who make less than 25,000 dollars per year. Eliminate loopholes on people who make more than 250,000 dollars per year. Problem solved.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

14 States sue to block Health Care law !

Okay. Maybe I am not 100 % percent right. Maybe, just maybe, the supremacy clause of the constitution will be the way the health care law is decided. Read the constitution at

But, you have to admit I called the next steps on this exactly right, without knowing what would be in the news today ! 14 states have filed suit to block the new law, claiming various constitutional difficulties with its implementation. 14 States! Lawsuits, hearings, depositions, document requests back and forth, jurisdictional issues, appeals and eventually the supreme court probably more than once and a decade or more will pass before any of this is a done deal.

Quoting from a CNN article "Officials from 14 states have gone to court to block the historic overhaul of the U.S. health care system that President Obama signed into law Tuesday, arguing the law's requirement that individuals buy health insurance violates the Constitution.
Thirteen of those officials filed suit in a federal court in Pensacola, Florida, minutes after Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The complaint calls the act an "unprecedented encroachment on the sovereignty of the states" and asks a judge to block its enforcement."

In 15 years when this is all resolved we will see how much of this law is left to enact. The next thing is probably going to be an ultra-conservative federal judge somewhere granting an injunction against the statute until the legal issues are settled. You watch !

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The Health Care Overhaul is unconstitutional

Part of the language in the health care overhaul is unconstitutional. The Constitution states that no state shall impair the obligation of contracts. Subsequent Supreme Court decisions would likely apply this prohibition to the Federal government.

The constitution says (Article I, section 10) "..SECTION. 10. 1 No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." This is an exact quote from it.

The new Democrat health care bill provides that uninsured people must buy insurance or face prosecution and penalties. It is no great stretch of the imagination to argue that if Congress cannot impair an existing contract, it cannot force individuals to enter into contracts, on the same basis that minors cannot be forced into binding contracts. They have no legal standing to do so.

The essence of the Constitutional provision is to prohibit the government from interfering into the private affairs of an individual.

On this basis a lawsuit to declare this new statute unconstitutional is inevitable, if not expected. Don't cheer too hard just yet liberals, this will be in court for the next 15 years before it is resolved.

Draconian measures are the harbinger of tyranny.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The economic crisis, what caused it.

This crisis started because we are allowing our companies to not pay taxes due to tax loopholes big enough to launch the space shuttle through.

It is because we are allowing our employers to grow their own bank accounts by merging with each other and then firing thousands of workers at once to manage their share price.

Its because we allow analysts to predict what a company's earnings "should be" and then a company is expected to react to that news.

It was caused because a company is allowed to have "Earnings Guidance calls" with reporters and analysts. Fannie mae and Freddie mac failed because the price of food went up, because ethanol increased the price of everything that is made with corn, oil and plastic by huge numbers.

They failed because we sat idly by and watched our auto makers pay workers almost 100$ per hour (averaged including retirement benefits based on the average price of a car) and then we wonder and fret about why they lost money and cannot sell cars.

They failed because the price of a gallon of gasoline doubled in 8-12 months and a fill up was 2-4 times as expensive at the end of the year as it was on the first day of the year.

They failed because electricity, natural gas, jet fuel, diesel fuel and heating oil rose to levels never seen before while we did nothing but wring our hands, if we reacted at all.

It failed because it was and is legal to raise the interest rate on your credit card to absurd rates and on your home loan to more than a 40% higher payment per month in less than one year.

It failed because we allowed insurance companies to price their policies based on your credit score.

This current crisis wasn't caused by a bank, it was caused by classic greed, and its name is Wall street greed and we stood idly by and let them do it.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Some curious questions

Here is some questions you should think about asking the next celebrity, rich person, politician or sports star you want to idolize , put on a pedestal or worship like they are gods. If you knew then answers to this and they didn’t would you think any differently about them or would you just be jealous because they have money and a lifestyle that you don’t ? I pose this to see if it makes any sense to anyone else. The ideal way to find this kind of stuff out would be to pose them directly to the other person, without their representatives, lawyers, servants, aides and no time to prepare.

Am I smarter than a fifth grader?

Maybe not, but based on these kinds of questions I’ll bet I’m smarter than a celebrity !!

I will wager that most if not all real, working , normal Americans can answer at least 90 % of these.

Can you?

Why do we idolize people who are so out of touch with what happens to real people ?

How much does a gallon of milk, a gallon of gas and a gallon of water cost?

Do you have a gardener? If so, how much does his assistant make per hour?

How many meals per month are prepared and consumed in your house exclusively by members of your family?

Name the last 5 parties you went to.

Name the amount and the last time you wrote the check for your mortgage payment. How much was it and when?

How much are the following 5 items available at any grocery store. (Diapers, Cereal, a can of soup, a loaf of bread, dog food)

Name the utility companies that serve your main home. How much was each bill last month?

How much is the co-pay at your doctor’s office?

What did it cost you the last time you hired a babysitter?

How much money is in your savings account right now?

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jesse James is a Dead Man and an Idiot.

I don't know if it is true, but, the rag papers and the internet is all abuzzin with the news that Jesse James has had an affair. His wife is actress Sandra Bullock. Supposedly their marriage is on the rocks.

If it is not true, then , well, oops! My bad. Sorry.

If true, then all I can say is "What an IDIOT".

How bad to you do you have to want to screw up to be an ugly mutt like him and screw up this bad with a wife like her? I am laughing he is such an idiot, if its true that is.

I cannot imagine. With my current wife, I've never even thought about it. If somebody were to say to me (and they won't , trust me, no one wants Fat, old and opinionated), "Do you want to do the nasty?, My answer has to be "Are you high?".

Why would I want to screw up the best thing that has ever happened to me ? Maybe I am fortunate, but , I cannot see an occasion where I could rationalize it and make it ok and then go do it. I would probably talk about it , but I would never do it. I don't think I am any exception to genetics, I think all guys are stupid enough to talk about it.

Good thing I am in charge of both heads huh?

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

I am really sick of this "No Child left Behind BS"

I am sick to death of listening to the politicians and the news reporters talk about this so called "No Child left Behind " crap. Its crap, its always been crap, it will always be crap. The name of it should have been the "More crap from the politicians act" or the "No child left behind except yours act".

Somehow these political PINHEADS think that by teaching a test or a series of tests, then by measuring various factors they can use some magical algorithm to say whether or not a school, a school system or a teacher is any good. What a load of stinky smelly useless crap.

It is drivel to the highest degree.

I would venture to say that this single act has done more harm than good and I would also say that I would be hard pressed to say anything good could ever come of it. How are you going to be doing things "better" by taking funds away and by not measuring the same things in every school system ?

Look, here are my concerns and this is not even everything that is wrong with this stupidity, not even 25 % of what is wrong with it.

First - There is no such thing as a standardized test. Not one state uses the exact same curriculum or test as any other. So if you don't use the same test, then how do you rank the results? The answer is you do it arbitrarily. You assign a value that projects how you think the test in one area measures over the test in another area. No value is given to what really matters , which is the rate of increase or decrease in knowledge gained by students. The only value that really counts is the rate of increase or decrease in your students versus my students. Anyone even competent with logic or math will tell you if the variables are not the same they are not directly comparable. Anyone with any sense will tell you that people who already have high test scores will have a much more difficult time raising their scores when measured against a school with already low scores. What are these idiots measuring ?

Second - This act was approved into law and signed by the President (GWB) and took affect a lot of years ago. The paperwork requirements to meet the stringent requirements of this law are staggering. Everything from accounting for each paper copy of each test to individual assessments of each student are required to be tracked by this law. There are hundreds of individual elements that all require attorneys to interpret and tons of manpower for each school district to be able to meet the onerous requirements of the act. So ? You ask? So what? Well one tiny detail wasn't attended to. Congress mandated the law and mandated the requirements, and then didn't actually fund the implementation. Each school district has to pay for this crap on their own basically. Where do you think the money came from to make this happen?

Third - As soon as this law went into effect guess what happened. Funding for all extra curricular activities dried up. To be a cheer leader your kid has to have a car wash or sell candy to pay for it. Teachers worried about losing their jobs started teaching the test, and that is the emphasis of their day. No more creativity, no more passion, only worry about pensions. School districts started seeing the writing on the wall and began to measure the variables. Guess what happened next ? That's right, schools actually for the first time in history started encouraging students to drop out of high school or were encouraged to switch to adult schools. Why ? Because the students that were encouraged to quit were those who have a lower chance of graduation (thereby hurting the graduation rates), had a greater chance of dropping out , without a school plan (and it doesn't count as a dropout if you checked the box that says "Going to Adult School"), and most importantly these kids were the ones scoring the lowest on the tests, thereby hurting the districts improvement rates. So if you eliminate the kids who are hurting your rate, you have increased your rate haven't you?

So do me and everybody else a favor and the next time you want to tell me about how great the "No Child left behind act" is , save it and just shut up. You are lying to me and everybody else if you think this piece of crap has done anything for our children except make teachers fearful of losing their jobs and drove our educational problems deep underground.

If you are dumb enough to think it has done one bit of good, then I feel pretty sorry for you.

I also think you probably have what it takes to be President.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Some sayings I want to put on T-Shirts

Hey, these probably won't sell, but here is what I want to put on a bunch of T-Shirts and sell them.

It would make me happy anyway....

  • "I see dumb people....."
  • "Yes, as a matter of Fact, I do own the sidewalk, why do you ask?"
  • "Your village just called, they want their idiot back"
  • "I can only please ONE person per day. Today is not your day !."
  • "Definition of stupidity. Look it up, you'll see your picture."
  • "First Ammendment Rules !"
  • "Sit down, shut up, Hold On.
  • "Aw NO, not you !"
  • "Don't go away mad, just go away !"
  • "Defecation Occurs"
  • "Life is just a bunch of Bovine Defecation"
  • "As a matter of Fact, the world does revolve around me. Thankx for asking."
  • "Hey Vanna, buy a vowel."
  • "Ron White was right. You can't fix stupidity."
  • "Do I look like a People person ?"
  • "Lets say I got smart with you. How would you know it?"
  • "Just because you keep looking, doesn't mean my brilliance will rub off."
  • "Why are you stupid?, not my area."
  • "Sorry, I don't know how to speak dumber, only slower."
  • "The human excrement is about to impact the high speed device"
  • "Dr. House is not amused with your B.S."
  • "Don't speak, you'll ruin the illusion."
  • "Hush ! Use your inside your head voice!"
  • "Is it possible that you are as dumb as you look?"
  • "Random selection is proven by your existence."
  • "Remember that weird kid in third grade? You grew up."
  • "Beauty goes skin deep. Ugly goes clear to the bone."
  • "Yeah, I'm fat. But your UGLY and I can lose weight."
  • "If you can read this, you can read."
  • "Hydrogen is abundant. So is stupidity."
  • "I looked up the definition of moron in the dictionary. It shows your picture."

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to Defeat Terrorism in 2 easy steps

OK, before everybody gets all prissy, know I am writing this tongue in cheek. This probably would not work, but it would be pretty fun to try.

I have a suggestion on how to defeat terrorism. I think it would be easy to wipe it out and it would never come back.

See we are approaching the problem all wrong. We are approaching this issue like it is a military struggle and it isn’t. Militaries fight wars against other nations or nations states that have opposing armies. Using military strategies to defeat an opponent who doesn’t use conventional command and control structures is doomed to fail. Who do you go after if no one is really in charge? How do you defeat an enemy who does not have a traditional structure, who doesn’t group soldiers on the battlefield and whom you cannot even identify by uniform?

Its nuts.

Then we cripple the effort we do provide by instituting so called “rules of engagement” which basically are the way a politician has their say in a process where they do not belong in the first place.

The military doesn’t need more rules, if anything I would argue they need less rules.

  1. 1. What would happen do you think, if we abandoned the traditional rules we fight under and just did to them , what they do to us only, make our response to their crap, a hundred fold in response?

Attack a building or a city in America, we fly a bunch of B-52’s and B1B Bombers to your home town once we figure out who you are and we just level it. Warn the residents if you like, but just make a pile of rubble out of anything connected to the terrorists. Then warn the rest of the world, you harbor terrorists or allow them to operate from your soil, sell them weapons, allow them safe haven, or assist them in any way and you are just as guilty as those bastards are.

How many cities would we have to just decimate until these buttholes got the message do you think?

  1. 2. If that doesn’t work, go ask the big city cops to identify the Crips, Bloods, MS-13 members, the Aryan nation, every serial killer, the Mexican mafia and the biker gangs in their home towns and prisons in their states. These idiots don’t want to live free in America anyway, they want to live in prison. Take all of the toughest SOB’s you can find in every prison and street gang, and put them all on planes and put them in the middle of this crap.

Give them whatever arms they need and tell them if they ever want to come back to America, they have to fight these buttholes into submission and earn their way back in.

Who is Muqtada_al-Sadr ?

How long before every idiot who thinks they can issue a fatwa is wondering how to get their kids off of crack or meth and they won’t have any more time to screw with us?

How long before Muqtada al-Sadr , gets sick of drive by shootings before he asks us for help do you think?

How long before you could answer the phone in the White House and a Mullah would be calling saying “Please Mr. Obama, come back and help us get rid of the Hells Angels?”. Too bad there isn’t an Al Qaeda city we could bomb into submission , huh?

Sometimes I am a maniac !

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Sandra Bullocks' Oscar Win

Watched the last 15 minutes of the Oscars the other night. Cannot watch the other 3 and ½ hours of this show as it is too long, too boring and who cares who gets an Oscar for best duct tape job by a southern camera man anyway? They give out so many technical awards it is painful to watch. I realize to the people who win these awards they are a big fat hairy deal that they have given a lot of their time , energy and effort to, but frankly, I could care less who gets the best use of colored sand award.

Best Movie ? Didn’t see it thanks to the town I live in and the surrounding area. Out of the ten movies, I think 3 or 4 of them were in release here. I did see Inglorious Basterds, The Blind Side, District 9 and Avatar. I would have been happy if any of them except District 9 won. It was OK, but not a best picture, not even close.

Best Actor in a leading Role? , Jeff Bridges? OK, he is a good to great actor. Loopy and Goofy acceptance speech, but whatever. Didn’t see any of those films anyway. I’m ok with that too.

Best Actress in a leading Role? Sandra Bullock. All I can say is it is about friggin time that an actress who understands that their job it to make movies that entertain us , is the winner in this category. I’ve been an SB fan for a number of years, even when she makes a crappy movie, it is entertaining. More than I could say about the other nominees this year. Who the hell was Carey Mulligan and Gabourey Sidibe anyway? NO offense but I’ve never heard of either of them, Thankx to Hollweird’s policy of actresses can’t be good after age 30, these people who look good, or are young keep getting pushed forward, and they have no idea how to act usually. Helen Mirren is a good actress but I haven’t really seen anything she has done either, mostly because she makes girl movies and I do everything I can to avoid those.

My fault I know, but… I hate ‘em.

Sandra Bullock however is a hard working, 45 year old woman who makes great movies, who makes stinky movies, who makes boring movies and who makes girly movies and gives every one of them everything she has and makes the roles shine. I Think she deserved the win.

To those of you who say she just takes roles that allow her to be herself and to act so that it matches her personality, I say “So what?”, play to your strengths, is what I say.

Congratulations Sandra. Hope you win a few more of them and ‘kudos on the Razzie appearance.

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