You ever notice how some writers are better at one set of story lines than they are at others? Someone once asked Stephen King why he wrote mostly Horror novels. His answer, while not exactly reproduced here as a quote was something like …”It is what I know and I am good at it”.
Makes perfect sense to me.
Why does a physically large man beat on his small wife? The answer - Because he can and he is good at it. He chooses to be good at it. Do you think he gets up in the morning , goes into the bathroom, looks into the mirror and says to himself “Today, I will beat her until I can’t see either of her eyes.” I think if he were the same size as his wife, she would stand a better chance. He is a bully and a criminal because he chooses to be so. He is an idiot to be sure, but it is his choice nonetheless.
The point is this.
Does the large man know (assuming he is not totally insane and then has absolutely no awareness of his actions) that beating his wife is fundamentally wrong on so many levels that it can’t be explained as a correct and right action no matter how hard he tries? Does he understand that with each blow to his wife all he is doing is exerting physical dominance and assuming control and showing his power over the physically weaker person? Can you imagine a scenario where he would go into the bathroom the next morning after a horrific beating he gave to his smaller wife the night before, and look in the mirror and be comfortable with his explanation?
Could he in affect, lie to himself and convince himself that he believes he was right to beat her because she shouldn’t have asked him how was his day? Do you think an alcoholic has the same type of conversation with himself? Does he truly believe he is right to drink 7 days a week? Did the guy that robbed the store and shot two people wake up the next morning and say, “I feel good , I think I’ll shoot two more people today !”
Of course not.
You can lie to everybody else on the planet (and if you are a politician you can lie to everybody on the planet all at once) , and you can spin the truth all you want. You can make up circumstances that explain your actions and may even justify them at some level.
What you can’t really do is go look in the mirror and lie convincingly to the one person that truly knows the difference.
Try it some time.
Next : Just Play Nice
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