The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I take it back (even though I can't)


You can’t ever take it back


You ever have an argument with someone (like your wife or a co-worker) and end up saying something nasty like “ You are so stupid !” or worse?. I know I have heard this a multitude of times and always thought to myself, “Boy, they will regret saying that later”. In the middle of a spirited discussion we sometimes forget who we are talking to or maybe we just don’t care at the moment. You build relationships and friendships and alliances out of blocks just like LEGO toys and we take them apart about the same way. The blocks are many, many things and can be called by a lot of names, but the concepts are pretty simple to understand and most difficult to live out loud. The problem is that ugly stays ugly, no matter what you say after the fact. You can apologize and attempt to make amends all you want, but you rarely can replace what you destroyed.

In order for someone to be called your friend or something like it, I think you have to have a mutual understanding. Along with that is a sense of self that admits that the person we reference here is worthy of your attention and is compatible with your hopes, dreams desires and thoughts. Somewhere along the way we develop traits we assign to these people like trust, forgiveness, truth, compassion and so forth. We tell our wives they are beautiful (even if they aren’t) we tell our friends they are funny (even if they are offensive sometimes), we tell ourselves we can tolerate certain things to make allowances for someone’s character (even if we really don’t like it).

Then along comes an argument that starts out with a discussion of ideas and ends up being a rant against concepts. We trash the other persons character, ideas, thoughts, desires or dreams. We forget that we can just agree to disagree and move on. We want to be right. We want to have the last word. We have to exert control and we have to dominate. We want our ideas to be the standard of what things should be and not the oppositions ideas. We say something mean or hurtful or embarrassing or belittling or just downright stupid. We curse. We slam doors and throw things at each other. It ceases to be a discussion of ideas and turns into open warfare designed to inflict pain. We call each other vile names in the heat of battle. Alls fair in love and war is what we think.

Until the next argument.

When the cycle repeats itself, we hear about what we said the last time we fought. In this endless cycle of argument Armageddon we continue to lob word bombs until we hit our targets and then we retreat into our bunkers of silence until we calm down and can be more rationale.

What happens next?

We either repudiate the other person (and their ideas)  altogether and split from their company (divorce etc) or we call a truce and think our hateful speech but don’t say it or we try to apologize and take back the ignorant things we said in the first place. It is an endless cycle of build, destroy, rebuild that takes a whole lot of work to maintain and is difficult to keep up with because the load just gets heavier and heavier.

Very rarely have I ever heard of anything positive coming from total destruction except in a very large global sense. It may have been absolutely right to stop Tojo and Hitler, however  a lot of damage was done along the way to make it happen. Sometimes, even in modern warfare there is no value in trying to rebuild.

Nagasaki was not rebuilt after  WWII. It was destroyed by an atomic weapon and then everything that was there was scraped clean and new was put in its place. When the twin towers fell on 9/11, they were not and will not be rebuilt. they were completely destroyed and something altogether different  was designed to replace it, because it was not possible to replace what had been destroyed in the exact same condition as it was before the planes crashed.

Fighting and spraying verbal shrapnel at each other is a choice. It is a hard choice, but a choice nonetheless. You can at every opportunity choose to engage in linguistic warfare or not. I told my wife something when we first started going out 2 years before we got married that is true to this day and I hope is true to the end of our lives.

I told her I don’t fight. I choose not to , not because I cannot, but because I know myself. I know I can’t fight fair and won’t fight fair. I do not have the ability be civil during an argument. I have to either keep the discussion below storm level or leave the premises if a fight erupts around me because I know I will be “in it to win it”, so to speak. At least I know my limitations, I guess.

Instead of fighting, I promised her that if her opinion ( opinions are not facts) on a subject were different than mine, that I would agree that she had her own opinions and we could just agree to disagree, on whatever the subject was. So far it has worked pretty well. I know she doesn’t agree with me sometimes, yet because we have the ability to peacefully coexist we can be two humans with two different sensibilities and still love each like we did when we got started more than 12 years ago. She is a Democrat (for example) and I am a Republican.  Love transcends difference ?

What you cannot really do (in my own humble personal opinion) is ever successfully take back a stupid, mean, hurtful, spiteful thing you say during an argument. Sure you can buy flowers and apologize your butt off, but I think somewhere deep in the recesses of the other parties mind their will always be the nagging doubt that wonders if you really meant what you said when you were mad and were engaged in your "warfare with the enemy". I don’t think you can take it back any easier than you could take back an exploded bomb. You may be able to fill in the hole, but the bomb was still dropped and it still exploded. There was carnage associated with it.

Once you say it, it belongs to you.



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Friday, April 18, 2008

Fantasy AND Reality - Check Please !!


Fantasy is never the same as reality.


Sometimes we confuse reality of what we have and deserve with the fantasy of what we want.


How many times have you heard yourself or others say “I wish I had a better job”, or “I wish I had a better car”. 


I can’t tell you how many times I have heard these phrases and many more just like them in the past 30 years or so.


I have probably been guilty of saying it as well, especially when I was much younger.


My father was a stern disciplined kind of guy. Mr. No-Nonsense . Usually he meant exactly what he said. If Dad said be home at 10:00 p.m. and you came home at 10:01 p.m., you were still late. No excuses, you were going to catch hell for breaking the rules. He was a hard core teacher in the college of hard knocks. He was serious about most things in life, but all in all I'd say he was a great Dad for a guy like me to have . I liked to break rules and stretch limits and drive my parents absolutely nuts when I was a teenager, but hey Don’t get me wrong, he had his moments where he was over the top, gregarious and a non stop jokester and made up his own ridiculous curse words (because my mother objected to cursing), but for the most part, he believed what he believed and he was a pretty good Dad. He would endlessly repeat the same phrases over and over again until I could (and my 4 brothers could) recite them in our sleep. He loved his family and was married to my mother for about 150 years or so. He wasn't mean or vicious or overbearing , but he had a manner about him which made you listen and bicep muscles that could crack walnuts. He could do almost anything he put his mind to. I once saw him play the trombone ( When the saints come marching in no less) with no training after one of my brothers was griping about how hard it was , and I know for a fact he never had a lesson. He just said what's so hard about putting your lips a certain way and moving this tube back and forth?


He used to say things like  Crap in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first” and “People with their heads in the clouds get hit by trucks”. He’d say that no matter what you were going to for a living , for example say if you were …”Going to be a ditch digger, be the best damn ditch digger there ever was”. He had a phrase or a turn of the word for just about everything. the only thing he would not talk about and give advice on was his service in WWII. I understand why now, although at the time I didn't have a clue.


This rough hewn simple advice had a morality to it that was pretty rock solid simple. He simply didn’t think that wishing something to be better would ever make it to be better. He always thought positive results were attained through hard work. He didn’t believe in luck or coincidence. He thought the only way to get a pay raise was to work harder for it and demonstrate that you deserved it. Its pretty simple once you strip away the fluff and the chatter and the emotion. You want a better job or better car or a better marriage? Plan for it and work for it and then go after it. Ask yourself “What is it going to take for me to be able to buy a new car?”, find out and then take steps to make it happen.


Pretty much the same thing with everything else in life. You know what to do. Your own parents probably told you over and over again. Now you just have to go do it.


Nike ( The athletics company) pretty much has it right in this regard "Just do it". That's all it takes.


I know at least one of my brothers is going to be shocked to read this rant, because I’m sure he thought I was never paying attention (especially during the 1970's).


All I have to say to that is “Semper Fi”.


Next :You can’t ever take it back

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Enabling is the same as doing it

Being an enabler is about the same thing as doing the deed.


What is an enabler , you ask? Truth is it is not all that complicated, it is easy to explain, just hard as hell to personally accept..


Here is an example.


Say you have a spouse or child or relative or friend who takes about every penny they have and buys drugs or alcohol with it and then consumes said products (in quantity).


If they come to you and ask for the money, and you know they are going to buy drugs with it (or whatever), and you give it to them, knowing they are going to buy booze or whatever, then you may as well have bought the booze and poured it down their throat. You have become an enabler. You are their avenue to the funds used to purchase the products. Same thing applies if you give an arsonist matches, a teenager cigarettes or make excuses for someone and how they act with your permission. They are responsible for the act, you enabled them to act the way they did.


Don't confuse enabling with Love. You are not showing someone love by buying their addictions for them, they are not showing gratitude by saying thank you when you give it to them. You are hearing their addiction thank you and that is all. Your kid may throw a fit because you won't buy their cigarettes, however if they develop lung cancer will you feel the same way about it if you knew you provided the smokes? They will still get the smokes, they will still smoke, you will not have actively contributed to it in any way though. An alcoholic will drink whether you give them the money or not, they will find a way. Homeless poor ass people smoke every single day with no money at all , sometimes for days at a time, so it is a prime example of meeting your addictions creatively, with no one else contributing willingly to the problem. I've seen it. A homeless person will go to extraordinary lengths to get cigarettes if they really want them. I've seen them take butts from ashtrays in front of businesses, pick them up from the street and then plastic bag them to be re-rolled  later in rolling papers and also straight panhandle them from complete strangers in order to "feed the need". Same thing with money for booze or drugs or anything else really. An alcoholic will suffer through whatever they have to suffer through in order to get their hands on their drink of choice.


There is a older guy ( in his 60's) who stands at the Interstate exit near my home about 3 - 4 days a week. He has a sign that says simply "Please help". I asked him one day what happened to the old sign he used to show which said "Will Work for food". He shocked me a little bit with his answer, however I think he was being completely honest. He said, "I don't really want to work, and I'm not really looking for food. I need money." What are you going to do with the money I asked? He said "Go across the road to the ABC liquor store and buy some beer and some cigarettes." At least he was being straight with me I think. I told him he should change the sign to say "I need money", because help is not what he was getting. He laughed. I asked him if he was hungry. He said he was because he had not made enough yet to go eat yet.I went across to the Wendy's restaurant and bought him a #3 combo and a drink and gave it to him. He asked me for some spare change. I told him, "I will feed your nutritional needs, I won't feed your addictions". The cool thing was he said he understood and didn't blame me and he thanked me for the meal.


I didn't want the guy to starve, after all this is America for crying out loudWe are the richest country on the planet. Nobody should ever starve in this country. I'll waste the same amount of money I spent on a #3 drinking coffee or reading the Sunday paper, I'm probably not going to miss the $5 at all.


I'm not gonna be the guy who makes it OK for him to drink his life away though. 


That particular problem belongs to him. 


The question is ?... Are you an enabler? Me? I gave it up.


Next : Fantasy is never the same as reality.




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Give money, never loan it


Give money to help others, don’t ever loan it


I know, before you say it, this sounds like a load of crap doesn’t it? Why in the world would you just give money to another person without an expectation of repayment?


Well, before you get too deep in disagreement with me, let me clarify it for you. I never said you couldn’t expect to receive repayment. I just said philosophically, it makes sense to me to call it a gift and not a loan. I know, I’m weird. I think that sometimes we argue over semantics so much that we lose the meanings of what we say in the fiery dust storms of what we meant to say.


Here’s the thing.


Say for example a friend of yours (a very good friend) asks you for a $500 dollar loan. They promise to pay it back in 30 days. You agree and loan them the money, with the 30 day promise and you agree to a flat interest charge of say 10 %. The person borrows the money with the promise to pay it back plus 10 % in 30 days.


45 days go by and no payments come in. 60 days and 90 days go by and no payments come in.


You call your friend and can’t reach them.


You go by their house and they make excuse after flimsy excuse as to why they don’t have the money.


6 months later you still haven’t received a dime back from them as promised for the loan you made.


At this point you are probably thinking about your friend in a negative way aren't you?


What now? Do you call them all hours of the day and night and make threats ?


Are they still your friend? Are you now thinking like a loan shark? Are you gonna send “Vinnie the Nose” to their house to either get your money or break their legs? What exactly are you going to do about the money or about your friendship? How important was your friendship? Lets say you needed the money for something important like a car payment or rent of your own. What the heck do you do now? Chances are you have lost a very good friend forever over a measly $500 and your car payment is going to be late


Sucks all around doesn't it? You are probably going to say something about whose fault it is or are going to say how the person was not a very good friend because they "lied", about repaying it or something along those lines.


I think it is stupid and it makes very little difference who you assign the fault to. I also think you based your deductions about friendships on a very fragile basis if you do.


Does this resonate with you at all ?


I submit the problem is not the friend. Maybe it is in their agreed intention in promising something they could not deliver, but as they say “The road to hell is paved with good intention


The problem is,  in my humble opinion, is in how you thought about the initial loan in the first place.


If you had thought about the money as a gift with a payment plan and you could afford to lose the money, it would not have been any different to you than if you had bought $500 of stock from a company that then went bankrupt. You might have been disappointed that the money was gone maybe forever, but you may still have had a friend. You may have been able to forgive them and help them through a rough patch. You might even have gave them a little more time or even a little more money if they needed it.


If you couldn’t afford to give the money away and take a chance on losing it altogether, you couldn’t afford to loan it could you? It's better to tell your friend that you don't have the money to loan than it is to lose a friend over money you couldn't afford to lose, no matter if the amount is thousands of dollars or 10 bucks for gas. The amount in question makes absolutely no difference at all.


I think I’d rather have less money and more friends anytime.


I wouldn't want you as my friend if you would dump me over money.


Next :Enabling is the same as doing it


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Just Play Nice


Just Play Nice, (fighting is a last resort always)




If you are responsible for you and for your own actions and you cannot lie to the person staring out at you in the mirror, then why do we fight with each other?


The cold truth is if you examine the rationale we use, the reasons are pretty stupid and the rationale is pretty thin. I suppose you could assign all kinds of conditional statements to this observation and make the argument that fighting is sometimes necessary and I would probably agree with you. For example, a soldier fighting for their country under orders to fight, is a valid reason. I can think of dozens of other examples to fight that are probably  legitimate. I am not talking about any of those reasons however where you might say “What if ….you were attacked, you were being mugged, a stranger starts swinging at you, a large person is beating on a small person, etc, etc, etc.


I am talking about normal people beating the hell out of each other, verbally and physically, not criminals or gangs fighting for money, drugs etc.


Consider the following: According to the U.S. D.O.J, between 1998 and 2002:

  • Of the almost 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% of these were crimes against spouses.
  • 84% of spouse abuse victims were females, and 86% of victims of dating partner abuse at were female.
  • Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers
  • 50% of offenders in state prison for spousal abuse had killed their victims. Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse.

Matthew R. Durose et al., U.S. Dep't of Just., NCJ 207846, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Family Violence Statistics: Including Statistics on Strangers and Acquaintances, at 31-32 (2005), available at


We fight for stupid reasons. We fight because we can’t control our emotions. We fight because we think we are defending a concept (like the so called “respect issue), we fight because we have poor communication skills, we fight because we want to exert control, we fight because we abuse drugs and alcohol, we fight because we are taught to at an early age.


Here’s the thing.


Fighting usually doesn’t solve anything. Ever. Sure in a war, we may fight and win, but when is the last time you heard about a long successful marriage attributed to a series of good old knockdown drag-out fights? Fighting with each other is a choice. A choice we actively make and usually we lose in one way or another. Even if the fight is just an argument with no blows thrown, we lose. I may have no imagination, but I cannot imagine a scenario where my marriage would be strengthened because I was meaner and nastier than my wife was in our last fight.


Remember , you can always add to a conversation , but you can never take back an ugly insult thrown in anger.


Like I tell my kids , every time they go out the door "Be Good", your mother probably used to say "Play Nice".


Hell of a concept huh?


Next : Give Money, Don’t loan it.


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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Try to Lie to the Mirror

Try to Lie to the Mirror


You ever notice how some writers are better at one set of story lines than they are at others? Someone once asked Stephen King why he wrote mostly Horror novels. His answer, while not exactly reproduced here as a quote was something like …”It is what I know and I am good at it”.


Makes perfect sense to me.


Why does a physically large man beat on his small wife? The answer - Because he can and he is good at it. He chooses to be good at it. Do you think he gets up in the morning , goes into the bathroom, looks into the mirror and says to himself “Today, I will beat her until I can’t see either of her eyes.”  I think if he were the same size as his wife, she would stand a better chance. He is a bully and a criminal because he chooses to be so. He is an idiot to be sure, but it is his choice nonetheless.


The point is this.


Does the large man know (assuming he is not totally insane and then has absolutely no awareness of his actions) that beating his wife is fundamentally wrong on so many levels that it can’t be explained as a correct and right action no matter how hard he tries? Does he understand that with each blow to his wife all he is doing is exerting physical dominance and assuming control and showing his power over the physically weaker person?  Can you imagine a scenario where he would go into the bathroom the next morning after a horrific beating he gave to his smaller wife the night before, and look in the mirror and be comfortable with his explanation?


Could he in affect, lie to himself  and convince himself that he believes he was right to beat her because she shouldn’t have asked him how was his day? Do you think an alcoholic has the same type of conversation with himself? Does he truly believe he is right to drink 7 days a week? Did the guy that robbed the store and shot two people wake up the next morning and say, “I feel good , I think I’ll shoot two more people today !”


Of course not.


You can lie to everybody else on the planet (and if you are a politician you can lie to everybody on the planet all at once) , and you can spin the truth all you want. You can make up circumstances that explain your actions and may even justify them at some level.


What you can’t really do is go look in the mirror and lie convincingly to the one person that truly knows the difference.


Try it some time.


Next : Just Play Nice



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You are responsible for you


You are responsible for you


A rock thrown from your hand, crashes through a window and breaks it. You threw it on purpose. There could be any number of reasons (even entirely legitimate ones) why you threw the rock, but the facts are the facts. You threw a rock, the window is now broke and you did it. You can blame it on error, the wind, and dumb luck or you can claim it to be an accident, however the facts do not change because you do not like them.


You threw the rock and it is your fault the window is now broken.


This is a negative example of the thanking God theory from the previous post. It stands to reason that if the winning hit in a baseball game is due to Gods divine intervention, then the rock being thrown and the window being broken is because God did not intervene? Or is it because free will dictates the outcome?


I think it is more likely that the hitter practiced a lot and the pitcher threw a pitch that the hitter could hit. I don’t think it had a lot to do with intervention. God may have set him up for the hit by allowing his mind to be clear , by allowing his body to exercise, by keeping him focused and giving him good eyesight, but ultimately I think when he stepped into the batters box, God pretty much said “OK kid, lets see what you’ve got”.


The hitter (or the rock thrower) is responsible for the outcome.


The CEO got a Hummer because he convinced a bunch of other rich people to allow him to have the money to get one.


A team wins, a CEO gets rich, a murderer kills and a rapist rapes because they choose at some level to do so. The same factors are in play in most every case, with very little exception. Mental illness may be one area where this does not apply as handily, but then you have to believe that it is our divine self interest to have people wandering around committing mass murder.


Life is a series of choices. We come upon “T’s” in the road all them time. If we go left we shoplift a candy bar. If we go right, we pay for it. Simple as that and inescapable at the same time. You are responsible for you. You win, your fault. You lose, your fault. You don’t play, again, your fault.


Easy – Peezy. Nothing to it.


Next : Try to Lie to the Mirror



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Philosophy is what you believe, not what you are told

You ever heard the old maxim, “You are what you eat?”

Well personal philosophy is about the same thing I think. Every person, even if they don’t know it, carries within them a personal set of beliefs that guide them and mold their reactions to what happens around them in everyday life. It is an inescapable truth that what we truly believe influences what we do and makes us who we are and cannot be the other way around. I oversimplify for explanation purposes only.

Seems pretty basic huh?

It does to me as well, yet as I talk with people and see this occur, it seems as if some believe that they are unique. They think that because they have certain thoughts, that somehow their thoughts make them better, quicker, faster , etc (insert a verb, all of them apply) than the other people around them.

I think they have confused arrogance with confidence.

You see examples of this in Sports (for example) all the time. Team “A” wins and then somebody is interviewed and spends the next 2 minutes thanking God for being on their side. I can’t wrap my brain around that concept except to say “Wow, what arrogance”. It stuns me that this is looked upon with anything except pity or humor. Take your pick.

Imagine God sitting in front of the TV. Team “A” wins, God pops open a beer and says “Oh Yeah baby, I knew they would win, woo-hoo!!”. This scenario doesn’t seem very likely to me. It seems more likely that they just played better than the other team and that is all. I can’t imagine God taking time from his busy day etc, to root for a sports team. “Sorry Moses, got to go, the Packers are playing and they are counting on me tonight!!”.

Once that thought creeps into your head, it makes you wonder why would this athlete think this in the first place, or rather why would they say it publicly? I understand it doesn’t take a trained scientist to play a sport and not much in terms of supreme analytical ability to say something ludicrous. Without delving into a sacrilegious argument it makes as much sense as saying that God has a vested interest in one group of people over another group. I don’t mean to offend anyone with this, but I really think God cares very little for our personal success. He created us all and yet he doesn’t like our enemies? Not one of them? What happens when two Christian schools play against each other then? Does God love one of them less or have a better connection with only the catholic school?

On a global perspective it stacks up like quantum physics versus practical physics. It seems as if what happens individually to each of us , over time, is somehow different than the Global perspective. Hate, racism, fundamentalism, and even typical business all follow the same trends in this regard. All of the groups involved make individual efforts towards advancing their philosophy which support a common larger goal. The track of the individual goals most times does not line up with the track of the larger goals yet one seems to support the other.

In the sports analogy I used, it seems to make perfect sense at the time that a player or a coach would believe that because they had the help of God, they won.

Individually, the MVP of the game involved (pick your sport) says things that lead you to believe that God is responsible for his efforts and his success. On a group level, it makes less sense though.

Ask yourself, this question ? , “Is God honest?

Look at this story from the 2007, Colorado Rockies baseball team.

¨ You might recall this play: Left fielder Matt Holliday slid safely at home plate to score the winning run in the 13th inning of the crucial, one-game playoff with the San Diego Padres that sent his Rockies into the postseason. The problem, as replays made clear, was that he never touched home.

¨ When asked about the call after the game, Holliday apparently felt no duty to confess. That's in keeping with the values and norms of professional sports, where competitors never give an inch, even to the truth. But Holliday went on to implicate God in the umpire's error by publicly thanking the Lord for the victory and the season's many blessings.

Either the umpire was a heathen or Mr. Holliday enjoys a very special protected status.

In business a male CEO makes a hundred million dollars a year, gets a huge bonus, has perks out the kazoo, and then when interviewed he says he has only God to thank for his good fortune. It has nothing to do with his education, his political connections, his ability to be glib and talk a good game, or the alliances he formed with the board of directors of his company. It is just Gods will? I’m confused, God cares whether he gets a Pool and a Hummer? He cares whether or not his company has a jet to travel on?

I don’t think so. To accept that you have to also agree that he does not care if you or I have any of this. This is where the individual dynamic makes little sense on the group outcome. I don’t think God makes bets on football games. I can’t see him gambling in heaven Vegas on the Rockies baseball team either.

It seems to me that this is all a matter of personal belief. Things we believe influence what we do and how we do it. Luck, religion and right have very little to do with it in my opinion.

Having said all of that , here is why my postulations make sense to me.

Next : You are responsible for you

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Send this on to your favorite company or place where you get piss-poor service

If you read my rant about restaurants the other day, you know that it really yanks my crank to get poor service, in a place where really the only thing different they have to offer is service. Read between the lines, because this applies to a lot of businesses and not just restaurants. Here's my take on it and a why I think most company's (like restaurants) don't get it and spend their money promoting their brand in exactly all the wrong places and treat selection and training just like they do pricing the food. Its pretty basic.
  • The food is not really the reason we come to a restaurant (for example) to begin with. It might be why we come the first time or two , but once you have tasted a Big Mac, you know what it tastes like and it probably is not the reason we went back and bought another one or a tenth one. We went back to your restaurant the fourth or fifth time because we like how we were treated by your employees. It either wasn't bad or it was great. You have a 50-50 chance of seeing me again if it wasn't bad and probably an 100 % chance of seeing me again if it was great. You have a zero percent chance ( 0% ) of seeing me again anytime soon if your people should be cleaning gutters instead of waiting tables.
  • Everybody has burgers. Everybody has French fries, Everybody sells drinks. Yours, while made to your specifications in your extremely special way, is not really all that different than anybody else's. A burger is a burger is a burger is a burger. Taste may dictate the purchase and it may be that you like Big Macs over Whoppers for example, but if you get treated like a nobody where they make the one you like, chances are you will not go there as often. Treat me like I don't count and I won't come back. I'll eat my second choice ten times before I'll come back where I might like the food better but you hire morons,  so you make it easy for me, I go somewhere else where they don't.
  • Cute Uniforms and goofy accessories you make your employees wear really has no affect on where I spend my money or how many times I visit you. I can't remember the last time I decided to go visit a place again because the employee I interacted with was wearing a certain color shirt, some button with a cute saying on it or some goofy ball cap with your latest promotional saying on it. I came back over and over again because the employee inside the uniform wearing your button treated me like I meant something. They were polite. They said please. The called me sir (or learned my name and used it). When I said Thank you, they said you're welcome. They were prompt. There hands were clean. They didn't interrupt me while a conversation was taking place at the table. You either have to hire that characteristic in your folks or you may find it in people who will need your help to develop it by being trained extensively. The point is if you hire a rude moronic ding dong to wait on me, they will cost you more in the long run than it would have to spend the money to hire the right person and spend months to train them in the first place. Hiring the wrong person makes as much sense as lighting your gas appliances with hundred dollar bills.
  • Past visits dictate future business. Where we eat has nothing to do really with how cute your latest building is or your latest marketing slogan. You are wasting money thinking I will come into your business just because you put a red stripe on top of it or add neon signs to a window. My wife and I are probably just like a lot of people. We eat out a lot. 1-10 times a month , more or less. The conversation goes something like this. "Hey honey, you want to go out to eat?". "Sure", she says. "Where do you want to go", I say? "I don't know where do you want to go?", She says. Then we start naming restaurants. "Want to go to  (Insert Name)?" The very next thing said will determine whether or not I go to your establishment and I guarantee you it has nothing at all to do with TV commercials, Billboards, Logos, uniform or cutesy reader board signs. I'll say "How about (Insert name) and she'll say " Remember the last time we were there?".  At this exact moment in time, your future business depends upon her answer. If the last time I was there, your service sucked, we will go somewhere else. Period. All the money you put into everything else may as well have been burned in a pagan ceremony in front of your corporate headquarters extolling your stupidity. It probably also will make me think twice about visiting your other locations.
Every business that depends upon repeat customers would do well to read this article. My repeat customer business and my continuing loyalty has nothing at all to do with how much you spend on Marketing.
My advice is this. If you run a customer dependant business , remember the customer as you create your budgets. Then while you are determining how to spend the money you have allocated, quit viewing the training of your staff including the staff selection process as a line item cost. When you do that you will actively encourage your front line managers to figure out ways to reduce their costs in order to make the profit statements look better. Instead, make sure they spend the money on the selection process to get the right people and on the training process to encourage them to treat me right when I make the decision to show up at your front door. Put all your efforts into making sure my wife says your service doesn't suck and you won't need more billboards or cuter buttons.
Lets start a revolution back to good service . Send this on to your favorite company or place where you get piss-poor service

Thankx for reading my rant ! 
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

If I was the CEO of a large restaurant chain or any customer based business

As many of you may know, I spent a great number of years in the restaurant business (about 30).
Now I spend a good amount of time in any given month as a patron of the restaurant business. Several things about some of the trends I see really bother me. Most of these apply to any business that depends upon repeat customer business to survive. In a lot of restaurants I go to anymore, the service absolutely sucks. Couple bad service with long wait times, and cold food and then blame the economy when sales are down? Things like Slow service, dirty floors, servers that use "honey, buddy, you guys" and slang like crazy, the Las Vegas card dealers that deliver your food ("OK, Who had the shrimp?"), and there are 6 of you at the table and two of you ordered shrimp, bathrooms that have lists in them saying they have been checked and they are filthy and I could go on and on and on.
It really bugs me that there isn't a cashier on the planet that can make change when handed $5.01 if the bill is $4.61 without a calculator. I mean there are bad customers too, but who cares!
We chose you and we can go somewhere else. I make that decision every single day just like everybody else and it usually starts with " Lets see, the last time I was there....."
I think If I were in charge of a chain of restaurants, I would take about half the marketing money they spend on silly nonsense like Movie tie -ins, window clings and cute signs and put it back into the restaurants. I think the bang for the buck would be tremendous. Why ? Every chain in America is screaming about "same store sales" right now (A financial measurement that indicates how well a chain is growing customers and sales , year over year ) and bemoaning the fact that the economy is bad, sales are slow, stores are closing , franchising is very slow and so forth and so on. I think they ought to go and eat a few times in their own restaurants. The sad fact is, in a lot of cases, sales are down because the prices are too high, prices were raised because the sales are down, and quite frankly the service given to customers is the primary reason. If It were up to me and I were the boss, I'd fire the Marketing VP, lay off half the R & D staff (we don't need blue cheese topping on a hamburger) and begin a radical movement toward fundamentals.
Here is an interesting article about Customer Service
Here are 10 Suggestions I have to turn it around:
  1. Every restaurant has a "so many steps" to good service training program. 
    • Here is a radical thought. Use it. Religiously.
    • and then, ding, ding, ding, ding, Expect your managers to know it.
    • Ask your servers to explain it to you, watch them work and see if they follow it. Make it the most important thing a server has to know and pound it in their head that they have to do the job the way you expect them to.
    • I've watched training go on in restaurants for years both as a supervisor and as a customer and I can't tell you how many times I have heard "This is the way you are supposed to do it, BUT, this is the way I do it." Hell, just burn the money in the till don't bother to give it to marketing because it will not help anyway.
    • See if the silverware comes before the food, and if the salad comes before the entree.
    • Why is it if I order a glass of milk anywhere in America (except for a friggin waffle house), the server will have to be reminded twice to bring it to the table? What in the heck is so hard about milk?
  2. Servers are salespeople, teach them to actually sell, heck maybe even teach them your menu.
    • I've been asked literally hundreds of times "You guys don't want desert do you?"
    • If there is a special, you should not have to be in a $50 a plate restaurant to be able to actually expect the server to be able to answer questions about it.
    • I can't tell you how many times I've asked about an ingredient in food only to be told "I don't know, let me check". You don't know if there is cabbage or carrots in your salads? You've served literally hundreds of them this week and you don't know?
    • If I ask a server "What is the soup today" and they don't know, trust me , If I am your customer I will not understand this and I will not be happy.
  3. Atmosphere is created by the people who work in the front of the house, not by your ding dong policies.
    • It is not cute or desirable to be able to hear your server complain loudly to another employee about their personal life, the manager, the silly uniform you make them wear or how unfair it is they could not take a break in the middle of the rush hour.
    • Last week I actually saw a young man, who was obviously a newer manager in a restaurant, yell loudly at a server from the kitchen area, to "Get her butt back here and get her food delivered". I walked back there asked the young man if he was the manager and he said yes, then I said " I am your customer, I do not want to hear this crap, Please take this silliness into the back room". He actually said" I didn't think you could hear me". Nobody has that policy in their manual, I know, but has anyone ever explained the laws of physics to this guy? Sound travels to customers at the same rate it does to employees and we hate it, even if he is near the Passover or behind the server station, when he yells. We don't like our conversation interrupted by your business. I was actually closer to him than the server was.
    • I asked for Hot French fries once after just being served cold ones (in a fast food restaurant), the cashier said "Do you have a receipt?", I said "No I'll do you one better, I have the crappy cold fries you just handed me !", She actually said "I can't do anything without a receipt". Since the manager was only 15 feet away on the cook line, I just walked back to him (and you would have thought I had crossed into enemy lines during a war because I went behind the counter), handed the manager the cold fries and said " I would like to look at your policy manual that says you can serve me cold crappy fries, but won't let a cashier replace them with fresh hot ones , even if she was the dingbat that handed them to me 2 minutes earlier, and didn't give me receipt in the first place." I them told him I would have been glad to provide a receipt if his cashier wasn't wadding them up and throwing them in the trash behind the counter. He went over and handed me hot fries, embarrassed as all get out, apologized all over his self
  4. If you have a "Please wait to be seated" sign at the front door, please have someone up there doing this job all the time.
    • And if there is a choice in the matter, train them and follow up with them to make sure they understand the job.
    • Please don't put your newest hire on the door, who doesn't have a clue about your business to answer the "How long" question.
    • I don't mind waiting a reasonable amount of time, just don't lie to me or make me wait 5 minutes for somebody to acknowledge that a customer is standing near the sign and wants to spend money in your restaurant. It'll just piss me off and I'll go somewhere else.
  5. Teach and expect management to follow up on the silly work you all make servers do before they go home.
    • What servers are interested in doing once they have stopped waiting on tables and collecting their tips is in getting the hell out of dodge. If you expect anything else, you have to make sure it is done right.
    • Nothing irks a customer more than sitting down to eat at a sticky table, or unrolling silver ware that is bent , dirty or is missing one the things that is supposed to be in there. If rolled silver ware is supposed to have a spoon in it, How do I stir my coffee if you leave out the spoon, because the dishwasher doesn't have it washed yet?
    • If the menus are supposed to be clean or the salt and pepper shakers are supposed to be full, go look at them and make sure they are. The concept here is called "Trust but verify". Customers expect basic things to be non-issues. Nobody wants to go to your bathroom and not have soap or paper towels (or TP) to use , why should the salt shaker not be clean and not stuck to the table. While you are at it, DRY THE TABLE. I hate sitting at a table only to find out after I put my arms on it that it is wet. This should be a no-brainer if you ask me, But I can't tell you how many times I've went behind your server stations and grabbed a handful of your expensive napkins to bring back to my table and dry it off.
  6. Every customer know the food we get served won't look like the menu pictures. It never has and never will.
    • It would be nice though to not have eggs swimming in motor oil, hash browns that are not limp and greasy, hamburger buns without finger holes in them, tomatoes that do not have the stem still in the middle , lettuce in salads that isn't frozen or brown and coffee that was actually made this week.
    • A local ice cream chain in my town has these "Waffle" looking containers they serve deserts in. It was great at first. Two weeks later, they forget the words fresh, crisp, appealing and appetizing when they kept them until they sold all of them before they made more of them. If is supposed to be hot, put a thermometer in it and see if it is. Hot food served hot, Cold food served cold. What a concept.
    • Please Mr. CEO, go and look at the raw food you are serving to America. I reject it every time, but you would be surprised at some of the junk people bring to me that they think I will actually eat. I don't care if you work at McDonalds, the French fries should be served hot. I mean for crying out loud they cook for 2-3 minutes in a deep fryer at 350 degrees (or so) ! The funny thing is most servers I run into think I am being picky and even the ones that consider me a regular will roll their eyes, or make a smart ass comment about how I am just too picky. Huh?
    • In the food business they call this " It's not old till its sold or old and growing mold".
  7. I can spot a the difference between a one owner franchise restaurant from a company owned one in 3 seconds flat.
    • In most cases, the one owner one will have (among other things) :
      • Employees with poor hygiene and ratty uniforms.
      • Nametags with cute employee names like "PimpDog" or "The Man" instead of Bill or John.
      • Notes hanging everywhere telling employees what they will be fired for next.
      • Damaged dining room furniture, chairs, menus and blinds and carpets with grease trails going back to wherever employees walk.
    • I wonder why this is? Like deep throat said "Follow the money".
    • The fact is though, I should not be able to tell the difference in who owns it.
    • I know a franchise owner in Chattanooga TN. In her 6 stores , they always look better than any company restaurants ever did. I wonder why this is ?
  8. Marketing is supposed to make me want to come into your restaurant and eat there, It is not designed to make me sick .
    • If the marketing pictures are old, sun faded, torn and worn out what does this say about your restaurant?
    • I don't care how convenient it is, Please don't market to me by hanging a food picture banner on your dumpster gate. Its disgusting.
    • Most of the time, nobody ever goes out and looks the condition of the dumpster or the back door where the mounds of trash get taken out and it is gross and disgusting anyway. There is usually spilled grease, food everywhere and open dumpster doors with flies everywhere anyway. Why would you want associate your brand name with the trash in the first place? This is especially true if it is a busy fast food restaurant.
    • The trash has to be taken out as it is created and it should not be the last job of the day , before the dishwasher goes home. See #5.
    • If you can see a black trail of grease that goes from a restaurants back door to the dumpster area or the sidewalk at the back door looks like it has a special black non-slip coating , this is an accurate indicator of what the back of the restaurant that you can't see looks like if you are a guest/customer.
  9. I don't care who helps me, I really don't
    • Hundreds of times I've asked someone passing my table " Hey can you hand me a napkin?" Hundreds of times I've been told "I'll tell your server".
    • How stupid a response is that?
    • I usually just get up and get it myself and ignore the looks and stares I get from your people at this point, because I am walking where no mere customer should be allowed to tread.
    • The point is that everybody who works in a restaurant should be trained to handle mundane customer concerns. The server doesn't own the table just because I am the one who is tipping her. This makes me nuts. Anybody can pick up a napkin, and anybody can deliver it. Get over it.
  10. Please take a look at your actual employees before you allow them to serve me
    • It is not cute to be able to see the butt crack of a young server girl , because although she has on the right color slacks, they are too small for her to wear to work and when she bends over her underwear is exposed. She probably thinks this will lead to bigger tips (and it may, who knows), but is this the image you are striving for? I also do not care how cool the cook thinks he is, If I can see his boxer shorts, then you are serving crap and your image is crap as well.
    • If you have a uniform standard, spend the money to get it right and expect it to stay that way. Then, every once in a while instead of a meeting in an office, go to lunch at one of your stores and see what the public sees. If a person works full time for you, they need a full compliment of uniforms.
    • How would like to have only two shirts in your closet you can wear to work and have to wash a shirt every day in order to be the CEO. You would not do it and it is stupid when you managers do this to their staff in order to "save money". You are not saving money, you are killing your image.
    • It doesn't matter how much money you spend on marketing or TV commercials, if the server who waits on me has a ratty-ass worn out shirt on with a grease slicked apron while wiping down the table you want me to set at with a dirty discolored and stained towel.
    • It is amazing to me how many owners do not understand that the image of a business is created by the staff and is maintained by marketing and not the other way around. I mean If you are picking a new uniform, and you don't employ a staff that looks like the ones at Hooters, then put it on people who look like the ones that work for you and see what it will look like, when it is worn 4 times a week for 6 months and washed 30 times.
All of this seems like common sense to me and most of it probably is, however one question comes to mind when evaluating your customers, their experience and your business.
When is the last time you went into a restaurant and had too much good service, the restaurant was too clean, and the food was too hot?
If this stuff isn't right first, then don't blame the economy when your sales are down. Go look in the mirror.
Here is an interesting article about Customer Service
Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at