The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Be Very Careful hiring a Contractor !

Here is the thing.

Every contractor wants your money and a lot of them will do almost anything it takes to get their hands on it.

I almost never advocate watching TV as a source of information. In this case, I am going to make an exception. One excellent show I watch helps me to be a better contractor. I wish I could go and work for this person for a year, heck if I could afford it I would go work for him for free just for the education.

The show is named Holmes on Homes. It is a home improvement show on The Discovery Home channel, which features a contractor from Toronto Canada, named Mike Holmes. Mike goes in to peoples homes after an unscrupulous , dishonest or shoddy contractor has either botched a job so badly the work has to be re-done or he cleans up the shoddy mess left behind by these people in order to give their houses and lives back to the people he helps. Six or Eight episodes of this show and you will know the basics and will see what can happen to you if you pick a bad contractor.

Visit his website at

Here are some things you should do to try and make sure you pick a good contractor.

Take your time and do your home work. The more time you spend picking a good contractor, the better chance you have of picking one that will do the work properly and will finish the job. Keep in mind you really do need a permit to do almost anything that involves the structure or the main systems (electrical, plumbing etc) in your home. If the contractor you are looking to hire says you do not need a permit, do two things immediately.

Ask why do I not need a permit? ( And see if he will put it in writing)
Then call your local building permit agency and ask them if you need a permit.

If the building permit agency (who issues permits) tells you that you do need a permit, then DO NOT HIRE this contractor!

They have already lied to you and are probably incompetent or may be crooked. Any competent contractor is used to dealing with permits and inspectors and will have no problem with having one on site. Crooked contractors tell you that you do not need a permit, because they can then cut corners, make more profit and charge you full price for shoddy work. The whole permit process is there to protect you and the contractor and is really your only line of defense if things go wrong. A building inspector who oversees building projects on your home can make a contractor follow the building code and do things right. This can save you enormous headaches in the future. The worst feeling in the world is seeing the job half-done, all the money gone and the contractor you have already paid is gone!

This may seem daunting but it is really pretty straightforward. A good tip I can give you is try to select contractors you may need on an urgent basis before you need them. Why? Because if you have an emergency repair and need to find someone quickly, (who is also good and fair) you don’t have time to go through a lengthy selection process.
The WORST thing you can ever do is picking someone from the Yellow Pages without interviewing them first.
I am not talking about getting a bid for work you do not need, but try to get the names before you need them of some well-recommended emergency contractors, like a plumbing or heating contractor. The easiest, and one of the best ways to select a possible contractor, is to get references from friends, family or a Realtor you trust.

Please, do not just use the “Yellow pages” and hire the first one who answers the phone.

There is a lot more you can do to help yourself.

Education is your best line of defense, Good luck in your search.

Here are some things you should do to try to make sure you pick a good contractor.

Ask to see their business license.

If they are a legitimate contractor, they will have no problem showing you a license to operate in your area.
Ask to see written proof of their Insurance.

Again, If they are a legitimate contractor, they will have no problem showing you they are Insured.
Ask them to provide references.

Call the references and if possible, go and look at their past work.
Call the local Chamber of commerce or Better Business Bureau and ask questions about them.
Get a written detailed estimate that spells out the nature, scope, inclusions and exclusions on the project. Payment terms are a part of this process.
Get some education for yourself about the nature and scope of the project you are getting ready to do.

Visit the library, look it up on the Internet, talk to professionals, do anything except take the first bid and take their word on it about everything the project takes.
Call the competition.

I know what my competitors will say about me.

I am comfortable with not being the cheapest person in this business.

Cheapest is not usually the best.

I think you get what you pay for.

Thankx, bigmike Check out my new business

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