The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Barry Bonds and Bud Selig

Hello Everybody,
On 08/04/2007, Barry Bonds hit Homer 755 , tying him Hank Aaron for the most lifetime home runs in a career. One more Home run and he will own the record.
He has hit home runs off of 445 (I think) different pitchers in a 22 year baseball career.
Don't get me wrong, steroids are a bad thing. Until very recently, Baseball didn't do any better testing for them though than the WWE does (although I wish golfers would use them so I could see somebody hit a 600 yard drive). I think if baseball didn't want it to be this way, it wouldn't be this way. (steroid allegations and such).
The fact of the matter is though, Barry has never been indicted, charged, or convicted of any crime.
Unless and until he is, being as that I am an American, he will be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
In America however we are innocent (not guilty) until proven guilty (by a preponderance of the evidence) in a court of law. I am not going to jump on the "Barry is Guilty" bandwagon until that happens.
And no I am not naive, O.J. did it, Rodney King was guilty, Bush is incompetent, and Teddy Kennedy is still a loser drunk who gets elected year after year.
Bud Selig is the commissioner of Major League Baseball. He has basically been avoiding Barry because he is a petty small man who does not understand his role in baseball and he is afraid his image will be tarnished if he supports Barry in his quest for the record. What a meaningless commissioner he has been. He has been pretty worthless.
I sent the following email to Mr. Selig expressing my feelings toward his attitude. He should retire and leave the game. I am truly sick of this guy.
To Mr. Selig,
Commissioner, Major League Baseball
You sir, are a distraction to baseball. You do more harm to the name of the game and the good will of the game by distancing yourself from Barry Bonds and his achievements. If you truly understood your role as baseball's commissioner, as baseballs representative, as baseballs ambassador, you would have long ago understood it is important that you embrace  Barry and instead you shun him, distance yourself and politicize him.
You are baseball. You stand for all the good in the game, the bad in the game and are charged with upholding traditions and rules, for the sake of the integrity of the game.You see yourself I gather, as Baseballs CEO. I disagree. What a shame. It is sad that you will be remembered in history as the commissioner who was more worried about looking right than being right.
As my mama used to say, "It ain't about what you say that counts, it's what you do that matters." To send out a memo after number 755 is an embarrassment. You should be ashamed of yourself and your actions (or lack of it). The problem with your current stance is you acknowledge publicly with your current attitude that your true function is to be the owners mouthpiece. Obviously you are more concerned about how it may be perceived than you are about how it actually is.
I look forward to the day you retire.
Maybe then we can get on with the game and stop getting on with the business of the game.
- bigmike
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