The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

My take on the 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidates

Good Afternoon,
There has been a lot of hype and hyperbole about how many candidates in both parties there are for the 2008 Presidential election. I cannot remember a time where there were this many, this early, saying this little.  I know some of you could care less about politics, but as many of you know it is my passion and I follow it pretty closely. I think we will elect a President from this pool, because nobody likes GW anymore and the war in Iraq is wearing us out and consequently we don't like republicans or trust them as a result. Just because I want to therefore, here is my take on the Democrats. Personally I think America is finally strong enough for either a Black, Hispanic or a woman to be President. Given the level of distrust in Bush and for all the reasons above, I think we will look past gender and race as a result.
I'll do the Republicans later. Remember, you get what you pay for.
Knowledge is Power.
Thankx- bigmike
posted from "The Rant from bigmike" at
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******My Opinions on the 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidates******
Joe Biden - 
Really Smart guy. Very presidential bearing. Knows his stuff. Doesn't have a chance to get elected because he has "foot in mouth" disease and because he cannot compete with the superstars in his own party. Has a lot of substance , style turns people off because he comes across as a smart aleck and always has some wisecrack that seems petty coming from the President. Pity.
He may be the best of the bunch and will not get a chance because he cannot be something he is not, which is charismatic and genuine. There is not a warm people friendly bone in his body.
Also has problems with his past that the Republicans will beat him to a bloody pulp with. Too proud to be the VP, will disappear and write books after this election.
Christopher Dodd -
Numb nuts rich guy. Claim to fame is he is wealthy and has been in politics forever. 5 time senator blah , blah, blah. Boring and wishy washy. No real chops. What might be called a "lightweight" candidate. All style, no chance of being president. Couldn't win a debate with Hillary about how to put air in a car tire. Has secured his legacy as a mere footnote in history.
John Edwards -
Pretty lawyer who made his money suing people. Now he wants to "give something back", What ? A believable trial lawyer?. Perfect hair. Tries to tout his home town appeal while sporting hundred dollar haircuts. Was John Kerry's running mate in 2004. More boring than Al Gore if that is possible. Millionaire senator who wants to represent the common man? Unbelievable rhetoric. Kind of disingenuous when you think about it. Wife is sick with cancer, which may help with liberal base a little, but will not help with swing voters who usually vote republican. Pisses off rich people, cannot get elected by ticking off the donors. Kind of reminds me of Dan Quayle in a smart kind of way.
Mike Gravel
Who? Non name recognition. Nobody knows him. He is politicking to be the VP. Anybody else know where he is the past Senator from? Claim to fame is helping to end the draft during the Vietnam war as well as advocating a couple of other goofy unrelated ideas. Had a large part in releasing the Pentagon papers. Ho-Hum. Wasted vote.
Al Gore-
Not a candidate. Boring and bored with Politics. His day is over. Fugghaadaaboutittt. Gives a hell of a slide show about global warming. Did I hear that his Movie won an Oscar? Likeable guy. Would be President now if he had not abandoned Bill Clinton in his first run in 2000. Stooooooopid move. Cannot stand his wife Tipper "Frantic causes" Gore.
Dennis Kucinich -
Mr. "I run for President whether I have the support or not". Nutcase with No democratic support. Former elected official from Ohio. Calls himself the "Peace Candidate". Just what we need, a President who is a pansy. How is he going to deal with Iran, China, N. Korea, Russia or anybody else who hates us? Invite them for dinner and play scrabble? Please. Somebody should leash this guy, whoop his butt and send him back home.
Bill Richardson -
Smart guy who cannot help but shoot himself in the foot and ass with stupid comments and deeds. Google him and see what I mean. Constantly re-explaining himself. Pity, because he has strong foreign policy and domestic credentials. Would make a good President, probably has a better shot at VP though. First Hispanic candidate. Career Politician.
Al Sharpton -
Not an candidate and shouldn't be. Pentecostal minister. Scam Artist. Friend of Jesse Jackson. Tawanna Brawley. Picks a cause of the week. Led the protests and Duke against Lacrosse players. Consummate race baiter. Wants to be the "Black Person" representative and go to guy for all news about blacks. Dishonest , disingenuous past. Ran for President in 2004 and now campaign money questions still linger. Need I say more? Personally . I cannot stand this guy and given the chance I would tell him off to his face.He is in it for the money and the fame. Doesn't give a damn about people. (Sorry if this offends you, not him.) Wouldn't vote for this guy to be dog catcher. It would be an insult to dogs everywhere. Can't be trusted, shouldn't be elected to any position. No integrity.
Barack Obama -
Nice guy. Speaks very well and lucidly. Has no background in public policy to speak of except he has wrote a couple of best selling political books. Very strong on style, haven't heard a thing yet on substance. Well liked candidate, and pretty smart guy. I like to listen to him, yet cannot hear any answers, just warm background noise. Gets compared to the buzz that surrounded Jack Kennedy during his heyday, a lot. Gets rock star crowds at his rallies and appeals to young voters (who don't vote in big numbers), and has an easy down to earth rhetoric that is very smooth and is hard to criticize.
Problem is he has NOTHING on the table that goes directly to the issues at hand.
Sounds good and looks good right now, wait until he starts getting whacked by Republicans and Democrats and has to have better answers than the platitudes he has going for him now before you decide.
Right now he has Ideas and not answers. Big Difference.
Has a better than average shot at being President.  Probably the candidate to beat if and only if the other candidates figure it out, admit it and then back him.
The problem is the Democrats still have figured out how to speak with one voice. Too proud to be the VP candidate, so no dream team chance. (with him and/or Hillary in either role).
Seems to be his election to lose.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton -
Former First lady and current US Senator from New York state. Wife of Bill (depends on the meaning of the word of). Lots of baggage and a big mountain of it to overcome.
for example LAWYER. Whitewater. Monica. Gennifer Flowers. Ken Starr.
Polarizing candidate is not the word for it. With this woman, you either love her or you do not. You either see her as the answer or you would like for her to go away.
Burned up any good will she may have had as a former first lady a long time ago.
First real woman candidate ( I mean who had any kind of chance to get elected).
If she uses Bill wisely and gets him to keep it in his pants, she may have a shot. Smart and strong. I wouldn't want to piss her off though. Seems like she could order a missile strike.
Has had a lot of negative press, mostly generated by Republicans, very little from Democrats.
Reminds me of Margaret Thatcher (Former PM of England when Reagan was President). Strong Political organizational skills. The haters hate her and the lovers love her.
If she gets the right VP candidate to run with her (for example Her and Barack)  she would be unbeatable.
Has a plan for everything. Has an answer for every question and appears to have a sense of humor. Has to have, because she is married to "Baggage Bill".
Will be there to pick up the pieces when Obama falters.
Probably the nominee.
Am I wrong? You tell me. Post a comment on the blog and let me know.

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