The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Too bad you can't trust a cop

Too bad you can't trust a cop..... to do the right thing anymore.

I am an old fart now I guess.

I always said I didn't want to be one of those old guys who said "Back in my day..." all the time, however I am just about to become one of those guys I think.

Times are not changing so much for the better I fear. I see things around us in this day and age that I just don’t agree with. Before I go any further let me acknowledge that there have always been problems in various times in our culture and everything wasn’t always rosy like ADAM-12 and T.J. Hooker.

That being said the cops of today are just plain crazy. I see them using the maximum force possible when the minimum would have worked just as well. They shoot first now and ask questions later. Just in the past 30 days Atlanta has had a shooting of a 90 year old woman, granted she fired the first shots and injured cops, then come to find out the warrant was suspect in the first place. Apparently they lied or enhanced the circumstances in order to get a judge to sign their warrant. New York cops shot an unarmed man 50 times. One guy fired 32 rounds. He had to re-load. The guy was unarmed. It’s a damn shame.

You call them for help now and they show up like John Wayne. A couple of 22 year old square jawed iron pumper’s get out of the car all macho looking for someone’s ass to kick. You don’t just get a ticket anymore. You get as many as they can write and if you are lucky as one of my relatives were they go back to the police barracks and write a few more later on. Hands on the car turned into hands on the ground twisted behind your back until you experience pain and then they slam your head into the car and break your eardrums and your jaw. “You must have been resisting sir”. Common sense has vanished.

I had occasion to be in a county courtroom recently. It was a joke. 14 Mexicans, 3 blacks, 2 white guys. The 2 white guys had 2 charges a piece. The blacks had 3 charges a piece. The Mexicans got the dog pile. I think each one of them had 8 or 10 charges. All of these guys were charged with about the same thing. I asked a deputy later and he said essentially “ One way to keep ‘em off the streets and out of our communities”. Sad. Racist. Bigoted. True.

I asked an older sheriff about the trend I was seeing and he told me he sees it too. The young ones think it is their job to write as many tickets or citations as they possibly can. They brag about it he told me. They treat it like it is a game. He said they (young cops) know that poor people get the majority of the police calls, that they do not have any money, that the cannot afford lawyers and that the indigent public defenders won’t see them until the day of their trial if they see them then, they are assured of a conviction and it looks good on their record.

By the way, Georgia just cut the money again on what they pay public defenders.

Then the big bellied sheriff grabbed the gun and said “Son why’d you do it”.

That’s the night that the lights went out in Georgia……..

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