The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Soldiers coming home from war are treated like crap !

Oh man am I pissed!

Literally, I am outraged and flabbergasted and mad as hell. The movie "Network" comes to mind. At whom you may ask? Well……Lets just say the stupidity has a name but not a face this time.

Check out this link - Soldiers treated like crap , that I heard and read about on NPR, December 4th, 2006.

This is what Cindy Sheehan should be protesting.

This should not be allowed. This is criminal conduct in my mind.

This should be given the same news treatment by the liberal press that those pictures from Abu Gharib generated.

This should not be protected by top army brass. The President should appear on national television talking about this and he should be pissed off too.

Everybody involved in this mess should be booted from the military and then jailed doing hard time breaking rocks for about 20 years.

Army Officials at Fort Carson in Colorado are kicking soldiers out of the army for BS teeny tiny rule infractions instead of treating them for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The pinheads in charge do not think it is important to follow their own rules and do not care about what they are doing to their fellow soldiers. It is way more important to worry about the training schedule and their own records than it is to have basic common concern for their fellow soldier and his mental health.

It is absolutely incredible and I am just stunned we would treat our own soldiers like this and they would think it is OK. One sergeant interviewed gave advice that was essentially to “suck it up and be a man, I went through the same thing they did and it didn't bother me”. He says they are faking. He knows more about it than the doctors. He is brilliant. He is also a criminal in my book.

This is the beginning of the article-

Soldiers Face Obstacles to Mental Health Services
by Daniel Zwerdling Morning Edition, December 4, 2006 · The military promises to help soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with emotional problems, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. But an NPR investigation at one base in Colorado finds that soldiers aren't getting the services they need. (see Soldiers treated like crap )

And this is only the beginning and trust me , is not one-tenth of the eventual story.

They are denied the time to get to appointments. They are denied consults with doctors. They are denied timely care and made to wait weeks to see anyone because the facilities cannot handle all the men and women who need help. They are treated as outcasts. If they go to the doctor without some pinheads permission , even if this pinhead knows they have been diagnosed with PTSD or any one of a dozen other issues, they are declared AWOL (absent with out leave) and the military police comes to arrest them at their homes or at the doctors office. They may not see private doctors. They are ostracized. NO one talks to them, no one looks at them, they beat their wives and children, they turn to drugs and drink to make the pain go away, and NO ONE CARES! Basically their attitude is "too bad, so sad, get back in line you loser!!”

So in order to get rid of them, even if they were diagnosed with any kind of disorder, including PTSD, they are literally kicked out of the military on trumped up miniscule charges, given a dishonorable discharge and thrown out into the streets. Then because some pinhead Colonel or some self important moron ignorant General signed the papers kicking them out on an administrative discharge, they are also denied after military care, because they were “losers who couldn’t hack it”.

No treatment, no counseling, no medicine, no promotions, no care, and then a black stain on their record which denies them basic after military care at any military facility worldwide. All of this because the clinics are under funded, understaffed, and not a priority on this base and probably many others.

AAARRGGGGHHHH ! I can't believe this!!! What a load of crap. Somebody blows their own brains out right next to you and gets their brains on your face from the gunshot and you are supposed to not only not be affected, you should just say “Sucks to be you” and go to lunch.

Whistle while you work.........., BLAM, brains in your cornflakes, no problem. Happy go lucky me!

I want to see everybody in charge of this, sent to jail for criminal mistreatment of American Soldiers and American citizens. They prosecuted American soldiers for alleged mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, these jerk offs should have the book thrown at them too for mistreating American soldiers. They should not be leading American combat soldiers into the bathroom, let alone into a war.

My wife is a nurse. If she did this, she'd be prosecuted and fined and jailed and would never be able to nurse again.

These clowns are not competent enough to train dogs to piss on my lawn!

Everybody involved in this should go to JAIL.

My opinion? Yes. Extreme. No. If it was my son and this happened to him, Jail would be a light punishment for these morons. I'd love to have 5 or 10 minutes alone with a few of these idiots.

Then they could see what PTSD was all about and they may understand it completely, because I think they may experience it first hand.


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