The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thrillseeker or IDIOT ?

They say people who climb real high mountains , especially those who do it without bottled air are thrill seekers. Same goes for base jumpers, spelunkers, Para gliders, parachutists, free divers and etc. You hear the news people all the time talking about this kind of stuff being noble, heroic and assorted other adjectives and then they throw in a little "hero" action to be able to pump up the volume and make something out of it.

I am missing something here, I think.

I mean you want to risk your life climbing some impossibly high big –ass mountain and go into a zone where there is no oxygen and not take bottled air with you to breathe, fine with me. What you do is your own business I suppose. You want to explore some cave 500 feet down and twist into some impossibly small space just to say you’ve been there, OK, go for it. Same with you loony’s who want to jump off of Buildings Antennas Structures or Earth (B.A.S.E jumping) Go for it.

The thing I don’t get is why I or anyone else on the planet has to read about your exploits, rescue you when you don’t make it, hear your story on the 6 o’clock news, hear a debate about whether it is nobler to get to the summit and let you die or bring you down or any of the other invective we are subjected to because of the exploits you enjoy so much.

Personally, I don’t think any of you maniacs are someone to look up to. You are all suicidal. If you are not a soldier being ordered to do so, there is no good reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane just to float to the ground. People who jump off of high power antennas are just stupid, not courageous. Guys who brag about climbing past other dying climbers because the other guy “Knew the risks” are just arrogant s.o.b’s who don’t deserve to breathe the same air as decent people. You can’t rescue a fellow human because that would get in your way of reaching the top ?

You are not a winner, you are not a thrill seeker, you are a loser.

I wouldn’t want to know you.

My word for you is not thrill seeker. It is idiot.

You obviously don’t understand the physics of the situation you are in and you obviously don’t understand your own physiology, no matter how much you know claim about edema and the symptoms of high altitude sickness.

Mountain climber into the no air zone? IDIOT.

Cave explorer dies in tight space 500 under the earth? IDIOT.

Base Jumper chute opens late, slams into ground? IDIOT.

You dive 350 feet down into the ocean without air, no tanks and just holding your breath?

You guessed it.


You want to impress me, rescue somebody from a burning building, otherwise I don’t want to hear about it.

Why you say?

Who has the time to deal with IDIOTS?

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