The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I am so slick, check me out

Man Christmas in my house was a blast this year!

I am probably the only guy on the planet who was able to give his wife geeky electronics and a household appliance and she loved both of them, even though she didn’t understand the electronics until today and the appliance was a vacuum.

It was definitely one of our better moments.

Let me explain for all of you who think I have lost my mind.

First, I also got her some diamonds.

Little diamonds, but diamonds nonetheless.

Second, I burned and turned all of her Cd’s onto her computer in mp3 format (and got her an mp3 player as well).

Then I got her a streaming media player. If you don’t know what a streaming media player is, the short version is it is a router like device that allows you to play photos, music, videos etc from your home computer wirelessly back through the player and outputs the file through our home theatre system. Poof, you can now look at all of your pictures and play all of your CD’s through the TV and surround sound. I got it working tonight and she likes it a lot. When she first opened it she kind of looked at it and with a kind of sideway look said “ Thank you honey, I love it, what is this ? What does it do”. Now she gets it and it turns out she loves it. Additional I provided her with a quality pair of headphones so she can listen to her music while she studies.

Now the vacuum.

It’s a robot.

An “Roomba” to be exact.

Roomba link

Charge it up, let it go, feet up, eat bon bons.

That’s how you ought to do the cleaning. The appliance literally does most of the work.

Man, I am so good.

I am so slick.

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