The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

My goofy observations maybe the top 5

Saturday , March 28th, 2020 about 5:40 a.m.

Good Morning,

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I wonder why old people get up so early in the morning? In my previous life when I was working and I had a purpose ,  it was hard to get out of bed. A lot of times I was known as the guy that was always gonna be 10 minutes late and that was pushing it (Rita Mae could tell you, she used to get so pissed off at me, especially when it rained). I had a boss tell me one time that if I didn't want to be late I would not be late. I said oh yes I love being yelled at, I love having your foot up my a**, I love having everybody and there brother mad at me, I love having to adjust 10 time records everyday to make sure the people that were there on time got paid even though I was late, it was a blast. He said I needed to work on my attitude as I was a little bit of a smart a**. I said I haven't had any coffee I don't know what you expect.

For the first time by the way I am using a feature of Windows 10 which allows me to talk into a microphone and it transcribes it to words. I'm sure at some point it is going to screw up my English however I figure it can't be anywhere near as bad as I do on my own. Let me know if you see obvious transliteration errors and I will do my best to correct them however, even as I see the machine do its work and I proofread it I know I'm still going to miss some of them.

I call this the top 5 because I think that's all most people can take of me I could probably go on and on and write a top 100 and I think only I would read them. It's hard to hit a homerun every time you step up to the plate so a few of my postings are pretty good and others are probably boring and they suck and it's just the way it is.

I do my best and you are stuck with junk, sometimes.

Here is today's weird observations.

  1. I'm noticing as I watch the various TV news and entertainment shows that the host of the shows and the talking heads and the reporters,  announcers and all the people that work on the shows are doing their shows ,from their house. You can see it in the way that the camera work is done and the sound work is done and you can notice it in the quality of the picture but I guess that's a good thing unless you like watching reruns all the time. I pretty much hate that so , so however they want to do it is OK with me. I'm also noticing on YouTube and then on some of the news stories I follow there's been a lot of entertainers, actors, rappers and etc. that are showing up on Skype and services like them. One observation I have is that there should be a ton of new music or a ton of new albums when this is all over because that's one thing you can actually do very well at home, which is create new music and stories. The comedy should be amazing.  Something else I noticed is a trend and is that Walmart is reporting that they are having a run on clothing but they are only selling clothing  tops. Their sales of bottoms like jeans and pants and etc have exceptionally low sales at this point however the sales of tops are through the roof. They are attributing that to work from home and conferencing. I guess there is a dress code when you are on camera. Who knew. Go Figure.
  2. Funny factoid of the day was a video I saw of entertainer Seth Rogan making his Alexa make fart sounds. It was kind of comical. Try this quote "Alexa play fart sounds" , she will respond with various sort of comical responses like that was a wet fart or that was just a little pooter would you like to hear more? I found that to be sophomoric and good for a laugh for a couple of minutes. Some of this stuff I like other times I think he's an idiot but it's all in good fun. Try asking for a "cheek wobbling fart". Hysterical.
  3. I did not know I was a theologian until the other day. A friend of mine said it should be in the Bible that you can slap stupid people. I said I think you just have to know where to look and look at the right verses. Then I sent her the following response and it generated big laughs. This is probably sacrilegious and it'll probably p*** off one of the people that read this, but it's all in good fun. Don't get your panties twisted .
    Yea verily though I strode through  the the valley of death , Thou art with me, thy stick and thine pistol they comfort me, thy attitude be with me, my hand be dry from oil, my holster be tight and true ,my coffee cup runneth over with the finest blend. Crap you shall not take from the stupid for they not know the depth of thine anger, the width of thine ability nor the pure assholiness of thou responsiveness.  -  (from the book of Mike 1:1)
  4. Here's something thing I've also wondered about. There are hundreds of thousands of very vulnerable people in the USA, people like heroin addicts, crackheads, Methican Americans that are addicted beyond belief, porn stars, prostitutes  the homeless, and a lot more I'm sure that I have left out but or can't think of at the moment. The people that fall through the cracks of society into every other normal circumstance. Nobody is talking about them right now, and I mean I haven't heard a single report about any of them. There are cities where the homeless gather together in larger numbers than some small American towns. It seems like if this virus ran unchecked through a homeless encampment that it would basically kill him all because none of them ever go to the doctor . At the very least there would be a lot of sick homeless people. I don't think there's an outreach program on this planet that could help this situation. I wonder what they're gonna do about this. This is one of the goofy things that I think about, wondering how 3-6  months ago , they were all talking about the large homeless population in America and today nobody is talking about them. It doesn't exist. I also heard today that we have more than 100,000 cases (More than anyone - Yay!! we're #1) We have 100,000 confirmed virus cases,  but that we also have the worst testing regimen in the industrialized world. So they're telling people that show up to a hospital sick that they aren't sick enough to be hospitalised and they should go home until they get deathly ill and then come back . People are soylent green.
  5. Hundreds of thousands of stories have been written about the hoarding of the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, paper towels, sanitary wipes and about a dozen other things. If they hoard coffee there is gonna be serious trouble. There has even been stories about how the influx of flushed wipes have backed up toilet systems all over America and how they have had to come out and clean out of toilet system that are overwhelmed by sanitary wipes. Now I'm reading that although demand for the product is outstripping our ability to supply them the manufacturers are running it more than 120% of capacity trying to build back up the supply in each store but we're still seeing empty shelves,  basically after every delivery because people are walking in and still buying everything that was just delivered. Who are these idiots? So if this is panic buying and people are hoarding because they are afraid that there won't be any when they need them then why are we running out of things like toilet paper. it does make any sense. 12 packs of toilet paper being sold in record numbers and they say the average 4 person family needs a new 12 pack about every something like 40 to 60 days. so if you bought 7 packs then you have enough for a year and a half. Now even if my math is wrong, the point is still valid that you are going to have more toilet paper then you can use in about a year. Was that to eliminate the ability of anyone staying in your guest bedroom because it's full of toilet paper or are you trying to keep your mother in law out of your house is that the idea? I don't think there's a prepper on the planet that would support the idea of taking sleeping space over with supplies of toilet paper.

    Thankx for reading,  

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