The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Everybody Poops

Tuesday March 31, 2020 about 7:45 am

Hello fellow humans,

If you are looking at this then the chances are that (1.) You are bored or (2.) You are looking for something to laugh at or (3.) Wondering what my goofy ass is up to now.

Hard to figure and tough to answer as I really don't have a process that I go through daily when I write these blog entries and I do not see myself as either a journalist or as an astute observer of life. I just sometimes wonder ? WTF ? What the Hell was that??

When I have a WTF moment I like to write them down so my family can read them and laugh or so my family can read them and then shake their heads or so in the future my children and grandchildren will have a little piece of me that they can read and know what I was like. It's the same reason I record videos on youtube and facebook. I'm just trying to leave something behind for them to share and laugh about when I'm gone instead of sitting around all mopey and crying for some dumbass reason.

Listen !!Everybody Poops. At the end of your life when you expire, all muscle tension releases and you poop, maybe just a little, but it still happens. You probably pee a little too but hey! I do that already. I've beat this into all of them. Laugh don't cry !! Everybody Poops.

My 5 things are weak ones to day , I mean not everyday is all star day.
  1. I don't know (and truth be told, respectfully I don't care) what a Tiger King is. I get the basic story, roadside gay zoo owner gone bad, sentenced to 20+ years in prison. I don't know and don't care about the details. Is that bad? Supposedly , allegedly this show is the number one show on streaming services. I've never watched a minute and don't know anyone who has (or they know better than to tell me). 
  2. I think I spend about 20 minutes everyday looking at various video sites. I used to watch youtube a lot, however I got SICK TO DEATH of being pestered by their ADS and free trial shit and started looking elsewhere. Now I spend more time looking at than anywhere else. Its where I eventually landed. It used to be, but all their content restrictions and nutty code on their site finally drove me away. 
  3. All day , every day on every source is COVID-19, everything you could ever want to know and then a little more. TV is now beginning to produce specials and have video of people who are reporting the tragedies from the front line like NY City and LA. I think I will stick it out in small town USA, and avoid everybody (like the plague?), follow the instructions and see if I can not get sick and not die from this crap. I am not going to watch it unfold in living color as they follow funerals and see people expire and or watch as Hollywood produces and shows specials about the brave men and women who are fighting and dying trying to treat people who have this disease though. It's too tragic, too sad, too close to home. My wife is a nurse. I worry too much as it is. No way Jose`.
  4. According to recent reports the Mafia (especially NY City) is taking a big hit right now because all of their traditional sources of income are sidelined and shut down because of COVID-19. Well, it could not happen to a nicer bunch of people.
  5. Is it just me??  or have the ads at the bottom of news and internet pages getting worse and more gross and becoming more stupid by the day??  I know targeting advertising uses what you've searched about and things like that but I clear my browser tracks every day. I erase cookies, sites, passwords and a lot of other internet debris , so how  they pick the ads about "How a Top Surgeon keeps telling ME TO PROPERLY EMPTY MY BOWELS" I'll never know.
That's all folks !! ThankX for reading.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Be a Vigilante Superstar

Monday 03/30/2020 about 6:30 a.m. EST, from the studios of BigMikeRant Enterprises.

Morning people sunrise is about 30 minutes away,

Today's look at things or theme if you will I'm gonna call it "Be a Vigilante Superstar", and I really don't mean get a gun and go shoot people either or go enforce the law either.

There's enough of you keyboard Warriors to go around already. It's amazing some of the things I see and read online that folks will type into their browsers or make comments that you know good and well they wouldn't say out loud. They damn sure wouldn't say it around their kids, and if they said it around their significant other you know they would smack them upside the head for saying crazy crap that's in your brain,  out loud.

So why do you think people are so brave and run their mouths so obnoxiously online when you know they wouldnt do it in person? That's the folks I call Keyboard Warriors. They remind me of the kids that are pictured sitting at a window with a keyboard and mouse looking out the window with the caption" Reality- Worst Game Ever !!"

It's almost like playing Halo online and hearing some 12 year old tell you to "Shut up you old fart blanket", or some such nonsense. Its funny because they can't curse effectively yet, and they can't put words together that make sense anyhow, but they are also brave because they know Mom isn't listening and she's making lunch and they know that they can say whatever they want to as long as she doesn't hear him.

It's funnier than hell. I'm not an online gamer anymore but I would always do my part and teach them effective cursing at the very least. HA !

Tips to being a Vigilante Superstar
  1. I've seen a lot of so called temporary changes in response to the Covid-19 virus pandemic that is sweeping the globe. Some of them make sense and some of them I am struggling a little bit to make sense out of, however its nice seeing people try trying to accommodate their fellow citizens in some manner. My doctor has a big sign outside his office that tells you to Stay in your car, Call the office and they will come out and get you when its your turn. No more waiting room. They come out wearing masks and gloves and escort you right back. My last appointment, for the first time ever was by telephone with my doctor. It went OK, he sounded very concerned and had a lot to say. That was unusual. I've also saw shuttered churches that have switched to online streaming only. My Friend Dr. Brooks Green conducted his sermon yesterday to an empty building but they live streamed the service. That was cool. Innovative thinking, Politics is busier than normal, somehow. For some reason I thought this would shut everybody up, sadly No. Coolest thing I saw was the Mayor of Chattanooga TN authorizing the delivery of sealed beer so you didn't have to go out to get it. BEER DELIVERY? I didn't see that one coming.
  2. There was an article in the newspaper (Crap I'm old huh?) , about How to Prepare for and then Spend your stimulus check. DUH. As if. Stay in lockdown, pay your bills, when lockdown is over you are gonna get evicted if you don't pay your rent somehow. Seems like a stupid topic to me however I never account for stupidity well enough.
  3. Liquor stores are an essential business however Hobby Stores like Hobby Lobby are not. Apparently Football, Baseball , hockey and Basketball are out but Golfing on the other hand is OK. Good to know I guess. Who Knew.
  4. Spring has sprung where I live. I'm glad sitting on my ass winter is over. However this 6 meals a day quarantine is not gonna help and I am fatter than ever. Bring on the Zyrtec, However my wife has eliminated Ibuprofen from our pill consumption routines and switched us to Tylenol. I got the mandatory patient education warnings too. Okee dokey. Treat the asthma, Emphysema, COPD and full sinuses with everything but the NSaids. Boy am I glad she is around to manager that crap. I think we are about 12  days into this isolation quarantine stuff.
  5. Liberty University students in SC, were told to come back to campus by the President of the school, Jerry Falwell Jr. He reopened the campus, said the wait is over and moved on. 12 students promptly came down with Corona Virus symptoms, 8 of them are in intensive care. What a dipshit.
Remember kids, it took 50 years to develop a vaccine for Polio , There is still no vaccine for the Zika virus, Aids, Ebola and a couple others. Like the coronavirus, no one has ever cured the common cold either and on average it takes about upwards of 16 years to make a vaccine that's effective. If you're looking for a quick cure, Its probably not gonna happen.

Thankx for Reading,


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sorry about Your Luck Pal

03/29/2020 Sunday about 7:15 a.m. or so

Good Morning Blogheads !

Hey if you get a minute go on YouTube and look up a movie called " Trailer park shark", I understand that's the only place where it's at and it has a friend of mine in it. I don't have any idea as to it cinematic value or the storyline I thought it would be cool to  promote something that somebody else has done, that I know. I have no idea if she is even proud of it. I'm going to take a minute and look at it after while.

I was scanning through the happenings on a couple of news sites this morning and the theme for today is "Sorry about your luck pal", as I'm reading about insurance companies that cover business losses when they have an interruption of their business, that have had the foresight to write into their coverages a condition that says will cover you for loss of business except in case of your business being interrupted by viruses or bacteria. I have no idea how in the hell they figured out that they needed to exclude that, however it is amazing how insurance companies make more money than most other companies (one company makes more money than most other companies combined) and they figure out a way to not pay claims continuously,  so amazing.

Anyway here's my top 5 for today.

  1. The National Enquirer reportedly is cutting their payroll by 23% with the stated intention of doing so in order to not have to lay people off. Apparently that includes all of the AMI company publications, or at least 9 of them as the way I understand it. This takes effect somewhere around April the first and they are calling it the death knell of that company. Not to be political but just to refresh your memory this is the company where the CEO or the president was chummy with President Trump and did the old capture and kill on stories that were negative about the him. Supposedly they had a whole safe full of bad stories he didn't want published.  In their heyday at the height of their history they had over 4,000,000 in circulated readers now it's somewhere South less than 100,000. Sorry about Your Luck Pal
  2. Like I was saying before,  business interruption insurance is an insurance policy sold by insurance companies supposedly to cover businesses, I guess when they lose revenue due to unforeseen circumstances with the most common ones being things like fire and etc. It's supposed to replace income after a covered loss and just about every small business owner assumed that something like the coronavirus would be a covered loss. OOPS Not really, um  yeah, in about 2006 (because of the other bugs are hanging around like the swine flu and E coli in the bird flu and all those) they put a rider on all those policies excluding coverage because of viruses or bacteria although they didn't really publicize that they were excluding coverage for that. It seems like they are actually in the business of collecting money or premiums and denying claims . That's how they do business, although their marketing indicates that they collect premiums and pay claims. Seem like there is a big assed disconnect there somewhere. Sorry about Your Luck Pal
  3. Also in the news this morning is the daily dose of facts and figures that say the death toll has passed over the 2,000 mark. Also I found out that one of my cousins is in the hospital in Indianapolis with this virus. CRAP. I am praying for him, he doesn't deserve it, he's a great guy, Husband and father. I hope he gets well soon. The governor of California Mr. Newsom reports this morning that 170 ventilators that were sent  to California by FEMA , DON"T WORK. Can you believe this crap? So they loaded all of them into trucks and vans and took them right to a repair shop that is fixing them supposedly as we read this. Amazing. Incredible. Idiotic. Supposedly also things like Evictions, utility cut offs and etc are going to banned through the end of May. On June 1st ? You guessed it, Sorry about Your Luck Pal
  4. The NRA and other groups are in the process of suing California, Gov. Newsom and other elected officials over closing Gun stores and declaring the non essential businesses, meanwhile the Industry is projecting that by May 15th, the USA will be out of condoms. Allegedly this is due to manufacturers being retasked to make PPE like gloves and etc. I guess sex toys are next and we are screwed in more ways than one. Sorry about Your Luck Pal
  5. Here is a good one. My prediction is that this one will create a true american incident and somebody is gonna lose their mind over this and come back to work with a huge handgun and a lot of ammo. Apparently a few employers are thinking that because their employees (I dont know who, the reporting is sketchy about this) are going to receive stimulus checks, they can deduct the amount from the pay they are due, thereby reducing their payroll costs and saving money. I would not want to be a supervisor at one of these places if they do. Holy Frijole` , that's goona be UUUUUgly! Sorry about Your Luck Pal

Ya'll have a great Day, 

Thankx for reading,


Saturday, March 28, 2020

My goofy observations maybe the top 5

Saturday , March 28th, 2020 about 5:40 a.m.

Good Morning,

You can subscribe to my blog without being on facebook if you would like. Look around, there's a button somewhere.

I wonder why old people get up so early in the morning? In my previous life when I was working and I had a purpose ,  it was hard to get out of bed. A lot of times I was known as the guy that was always gonna be 10 minutes late and that was pushing it (Rita Mae could tell you, she used to get so pissed off at me, especially when it rained). I had a boss tell me one time that if I didn't want to be late I would not be late. I said oh yes I love being yelled at, I love having your foot up my a**, I love having everybody and there brother mad at me, I love having to adjust 10 time records everyday to make sure the people that were there on time got paid even though I was late, it was a blast. He said I needed to work on my attitude as I was a little bit of a smart a**. I said I haven't had any coffee I don't know what you expect.

For the first time by the way I am using a feature of Windows 10 which allows me to talk into a microphone and it transcribes it to words. I'm sure at some point it is going to screw up my English however I figure it can't be anywhere near as bad as I do on my own. Let me know if you see obvious transliteration errors and I will do my best to correct them however, even as I see the machine do its work and I proofread it I know I'm still going to miss some of them.

I call this the top 5 because I think that's all most people can take of me I could probably go on and on and write a top 100 and I think only I would read them. It's hard to hit a homerun every time you step up to the plate so a few of my postings are pretty good and others are probably boring and they suck and it's just the way it is.

I do my best and you are stuck with junk, sometimes.

Here is today's weird observations.

  1. I'm noticing as I watch the various TV news and entertainment shows that the host of the shows and the talking heads and the reporters,  announcers and all the people that work on the shows are doing their shows ,from their house. You can see it in the way that the camera work is done and the sound work is done and you can notice it in the quality of the picture but I guess that's a good thing unless you like watching reruns all the time. I pretty much hate that so , so however they want to do it is OK with me. I'm also noticing on YouTube and then on some of the news stories I follow there's been a lot of entertainers, actors, rappers and etc. that are showing up on Skype and services like them. One observation I have is that there should be a ton of new music or a ton of new albums when this is all over because that's one thing you can actually do very well at home, which is create new music and stories. The comedy should be amazing.  Something else I noticed is a trend and is that Walmart is reporting that they are having a run on clothing but they are only selling clothing  tops. Their sales of bottoms like jeans and pants and etc have exceptionally low sales at this point however the sales of tops are through the roof. They are attributing that to work from home and conferencing. I guess there is a dress code when you are on camera. Who knew. Go Figure.
  2. Funny factoid of the day was a video I saw of entertainer Seth Rogan making his Alexa make fart sounds. It was kind of comical. Try this quote "Alexa play fart sounds" , she will respond with various sort of comical responses like that was a wet fart or that was just a little pooter would you like to hear more? I found that to be sophomoric and good for a laugh for a couple of minutes. Some of this stuff I like other times I think he's an idiot but it's all in good fun. Try asking for a "cheek wobbling fart". Hysterical.
  3. I did not know I was a theologian until the other day. A friend of mine said it should be in the Bible that you can slap stupid people. I said I think you just have to know where to look and look at the right verses. Then I sent her the following response and it generated big laughs. This is probably sacrilegious and it'll probably p*** off one of the people that read this, but it's all in good fun. Don't get your panties twisted .
    Yea verily though I strode through  the the valley of death , Thou art with me, thy stick and thine pistol they comfort me, thy attitude be with me, my hand be dry from oil, my holster be tight and true ,my coffee cup runneth over with the finest blend. Crap you shall not take from the stupid for they not know the depth of thine anger, the width of thine ability nor the pure assholiness of thou responsiveness.  -  (from the book of Mike 1:1)
  4. Here's something thing I've also wondered about. There are hundreds of thousands of very vulnerable people in the USA, people like heroin addicts, crackheads, Methican Americans that are addicted beyond belief, porn stars, prostitutes  the homeless, and a lot more I'm sure that I have left out but or can't think of at the moment. The people that fall through the cracks of society into every other normal circumstance. Nobody is talking about them right now, and I mean I haven't heard a single report about any of them. There are cities where the homeless gather together in larger numbers than some small American towns. It seems like if this virus ran unchecked through a homeless encampment that it would basically kill him all because none of them ever go to the doctor . At the very least there would be a lot of sick homeless people. I don't think there's an outreach program on this planet that could help this situation. I wonder what they're gonna do about this. This is one of the goofy things that I think about, wondering how 3-6  months ago , they were all talking about the large homeless population in America and today nobody is talking about them. It doesn't exist. I also heard today that we have more than 100,000 cases (More than anyone - Yay!! we're #1) We have 100,000 confirmed virus cases,  but that we also have the worst testing regimen in the industrialized world. So they're telling people that show up to a hospital sick that they aren't sick enough to be hospitalised and they should go home until they get deathly ill and then come back . People are soylent green.
  5. Hundreds of thousands of stories have been written about the hoarding of the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, paper towels, sanitary wipes and about a dozen other things. If they hoard coffee there is gonna be serious trouble. There has even been stories about how the influx of flushed wipes have backed up toilet systems all over America and how they have had to come out and clean out of toilet system that are overwhelmed by sanitary wipes. Now I'm reading that although demand for the product is outstripping our ability to supply them the manufacturers are running it more than 120% of capacity trying to build back up the supply in each store but we're still seeing empty shelves,  basically after every delivery because people are walking in and still buying everything that was just delivered. Who are these idiots? So if this is panic buying and people are hoarding because they are afraid that there won't be any when they need them then why are we running out of things like toilet paper. it does make any sense. 12 packs of toilet paper being sold in record numbers and they say the average 4 person family needs a new 12 pack about every something like 40 to 60 days. so if you bought 7 packs then you have enough for a year and a half. Now even if my math is wrong, the point is still valid that you are going to have more toilet paper then you can use in about a year. Was that to eliminate the ability of anyone staying in your guest bedroom because it's full of toilet paper or are you trying to keep your mother in law out of your house is that the idea? I don't think there's a prepper on the planet that would support the idea of taking sleeping space over with supplies of toilet paper.

    Thankx for reading,  

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Defining Moment In a national crisis

It's about 8:55 a.m. on Friday 03/27/2020

Good Morning Y'all,

These are just my observations from my twisted point of view where I am walking 45 degree to the sidewalk and You aren't.

My topic today is this. In just about every crisis there is defining moment or a defining act that makes a lot of people remember the moment. It's one of those "Where were you when this happened", kind of things. Obviously depending upon your generation, some of you weren't born when certain things happened, however the point remains. Once the date is burned in our consciousness , the collective memory remembers it forever.

  • Where were you on 09/11/2001?
  • Where were you on 11/22/1963?
  • Where were you on December 7th, 1941
  • Where were you on January 28, 1986 ?

For example, During the tragedy in New Orleans that was hurricane Katrina , a hero emerged from the chaos named Lt. General Russell Honore`. Almost everybody remembers him coming on the scene , telling the soldiers to put their guns down and help these people, this aint no war zone. The link below opens a youtube video about this incident.

In the civil rights movement there was Dr. King spoke about his dream.
during World War II Harry Truman said "The buck stops here."

President Roosevelt said "All we have to fear is fear itself

So have we ever faced ANYTHING that is as big of a culture shock as this pandemic in our modern era? Have we faced anything that strained our consciousness to the limit the way this has? I've heard a lot of things this month that I've not heard in person ever before. I've seen a lot of reporting and heard the talking heads wondering out loud about subjects that you would just assume are handled in advance planning or are modeled and it's something we should have prepared for thousands of times.

It turns out that in this crisis we have fallen very short in a lot of ways. For example some very smart people in the medical field are learning how to share a ventilator between patients so that you can use one ventilateur to serve 2 critically ill patients at the same time. It has limitations such as both patients must be on the same settings and it is very hard to get the pressure to be the same but it seems to be something bad may help to solve a shortage. Who knew we would have a shortage a ventilators like the one that is predicted to happen within 30 days. Who knew I would know that N-95 is a model number of a type of mask that nurses and etc will need? Why do I need to know that?

It seems to me that we are coming up on what could be best described as a Mad Max scenario. The states are bidding against each other for personal protective equipment. One governor said he discovered that one of his biggest rivals for equipment (that he was bidding on) was the federal Emergency Management Agency.

Who would have predicted that FEMA would be bidding against a state for personal protective equipment for first responders, doctors, nurses and others. There is a now bed shortage predicted that is unrivaled in history. A lot of the experts are saying that our hospital capacity which is almost full now, will be overwhelmed within 30 days and we need to at minimum triple our current capacity of ICU beds. Triple. I don't think anybody saw that coming. Then they said its likely higher than that! Higher than Triple? Crap.

The National Guard and the military medical commands of all of the United States military services are conducting voluntary recalls of retired nurses and doctors worldwide. To be clear, right now it is voluntary. I can envision a scenario where people that retired from the military would be recalled to service, in a similar fashion that people that want to retire are prevented from doing so under stop loss orders. I reckon that's not the way we want it to be, however it may be one of the only ways we have to staff A shortage this severe, and the President has the authority to do so. If you've ever served you are subject to recall.

Personally I believe that recall orders from the president and from each service is forthcoming. I think that folks that have been out of the military for a long time could be recalled under direct orders from the president. They are building mash type hospital beds everywhere you look in the high volume infection states right now. I think it is only a matter of time before you start to see that where you live if you aren't seeing it now.

I saw an interview with the commanding general of the army corps of engineers who talked about keeping things at its most simple, with the  basis being to let out contracts working with independent contractors, with the the government of each state identifying and using things like dorm rooms, hotel rooms, convention centers, sports stadiums and the like in turning them into either hospital beds for patients.

The man's name was Lt. General Todd Schonite, and he is the commanding general of the army corps of engineers. During this interview he said that currently we do not have the ability nor the capacity to be complicated and that we cannot build from the ground up hospitals. The best we can do is to convert existing structures into negative pressure rooms that will serve the same purpose on a temporary basis. He talked about building metal pole structures on tennis courts or on places like on soccer fields. He talked about converting college dorm rooms into negative pressure ICU facilities. He said it in such a way that it was believable. Is this our moment? Does this define the crisis? Somehow I do not believe that president trump's quote that  "It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear”, and because of that I'm still waiting to hear from that leader who will step up and rise to the occasion and give us that defining moment. I don't think I've heard it yet, I don't think I've heard anyone say it yet and if you have I like to know what it was.



Thursday, March 26, 2020

The daily dose

Hey Y'all

Thursday 03/26/2020 at about 8:30 a.m. est

Sometimes I just get this glimmer of how deep the madness pool is in my surroundings.  I run into this crap everyday and every now and then I think I must be so out of step with the mainstream that the reason I see this as goofy is because I am the outlier. I am actually the idiot. Maybe. Just maybe it's possible that I am crazier than the lunacy that I write about?

No? Read on.

Here's my top 5 for today.

  1. People are dumping their beloved family pets at their locals shelters because as one put it "I'm afraid he's a gonna get the corona and spread it to me and my children." They are afraid that the DOG is going to give them the virus. Um, Uh, what? Wait? Where did they hear this? Where did the dog get it? The dog hasn't been out of the house either right? No one , not even the hated LIBTARDS are reporting that dogs are spreading the virus right? I've not heard this one until today. Shelters are allegedly posting notices telling people not to drop off their animals for this reason and they are somewhat overwhelmed by it. Can you believe this ? Is it just me? 
  2. Something I didn't know. There is a national stockpile of  ventilators somewhere. Apparently governors have to request them or something along with hundreds of other items in the National stockpile. Now I don't have an opinion as to whether or not we should or should not have a stockpile , I'm just curious about something? How long has this been going on? Do we have an outdated stockpile of Iron Lungs too? How is the stockpile updated? How long does something stay in the stockpile before its outdated or obsolete? How is it replenished? I don't understand how it works but I hope a medical professional in in charge of triage on how to distribute the items, otherwise politicians will be and we know they are not capable of good decisions.
  3. There are numerous places where you can go on the Interwebs and find rates of infections, length of quarantines, rates of death etc. Its amazing how detailed it is. You can watch what happened in Wuhan and Italy and hundreds of other places day by day charted against what they did to curb the death rate and everything else. One place is the CDC and another is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). There are hundreds of other places including every media site. That being said how can any group of politicians see the same charts and not see the same or close to the same answers? Stay at Home or shelter in place orders appear to work in curbing the rate of infection. No matter, several Governors say "No way Jose`, we aint doing it!" So, um why not?
  4. There is no stay at home order right now in Florida , Idaho or Mississippi despite evidence that orders such as these do a lot of good in preventing infection, overwhelmed hospitals and healthcare  in general and a flattening of the curve in death rates. The governor os Mississippi has even signed legislation that effectively says if a local Mayor or council has ordered something different than that state has, well crap,  its null and Void and the state order or lack of one takes effect instead.  I mean is it just me or is this stupefyingly stupid?  Florida just now started closing beaches because I suppose they didn't want to kill their tourism economy. One college kid was on the news saying "(sic) Hey man, if I get it, I get it. Oh well." This is a college senior who doesn't understand if he gets it then statistically he will spread it to 1000 other people before he even shows symptoms. Great, The next generation of dumbasses.
  5. Oh and UH Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world are fighting a price war over oil. This was driving down the price of oil to record lows, lower than its been seen in 20 years. I don't know if its good or not but The President has bought a bunch of oil at cheap prices to fill the SNR (Strategic National Reserve). It remains to be seen whether that's a good idea or not but the price war and our added pressure on prices hurts our own gas and oil industry. The businessman  president is making decisions that hurt American Oil Businesses. When it was mentioned to him you know what his answer was? , "Oh well. Cheap oil is cheap oil."

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

CoronaVirus and the Quarantine

Hey Y'all,

Today is about day 5 or 6 of our self imposed quarantine from this virus.
We are all coping fairly well with it and I have some observations that have occured to me. They've  more than likely occurred to you too, but I only have one blog so you will have to get your own blog to publish them ! HA!

Here are 5 thoughts I had.
  1. It only took a couple of days before the stupidity started. Somehow this is all a hoax and the conspiracy theorists have already began to come up with their usual nonsense in trying to explain it to the rest of us. The twisted logic used by some many posters on social media is staggering. It's not a virus , it's a chip implanted in us to begin mind control. It's a hoax, there is no virus, just implemented by the rich to control us all. It's a ruse began by the Chinese in order to destroy America. It's another in a long list a supposed  hoax diseases that are spread year after year by the LEFTIST mainstream media in order to advance their socialist agendas. The amazing thing is the facts don't matter, the deaths don't concern these idiots and they have bassackwards logic for everything. Totally stupid.
  2. It's the beginning of the apocalypse, therefore the only way to save yourself is to buy all the toilet paper on every shelf, every bottle of hand sanitizer and all kinds of soap . Except now you are pissed that Costco and every big box store and grocery won't take it back as a return and every sale site like ebay and Amazon won't let you sell it for Triple the normal price in order to make a profit off others misery. Amazing. I love dumbasses. 
  3. The industries being decimated by this virus are just staggering. They are talking about 6 trillion dollar bailouts (in America alone), not counting what the other 265 countries are trying to do in order to stave off a total collapse of our societies. Its gotten so bad in some places that gun and ammo stores are being forced to close and no where is as bad as Italy is , yet.
  4. Retired nurses and doctors are being called back into service in huge numbers. HUGE NUMBERS. More than 400,000 alone in the UK, thousands in New York and California. The demand for hospital services and care is already outstripping our ability to deliver it. Hospitals are under all kind of emergency restrictions. No elective surgeries, no visitors, demands to increase beds by 50% or more, reusing face masks because they are not enough to go around. Its nuts already and it ain't even peaked yet. I can't wait to see what they think of next.
  5. Our politicians are all across the board and most are clueless and useless. Governors, mayors and local officials are being left to make their own set of rules according to how they feel about the impact of the virus on their communities. The Governors of Washington and California are going full on lockdown and meanwhile the Governor of Idaho doesn't seem to give two shits what goes on. It's business as usual in Idaho. Go figure.