A stream of consciousness
How is it that a corporate CEO can make millions of dollars per year and millions more in bonuses and then feel justified in laying off people in his company in order to bump up the share price for the shareholders? Don’t the shareholders realize that at some point they could bump up their own share price, invest directly in their own companies and make more profit by having a nimble well trained and well staffed company? At least they would if it wasn’t the same 250 people on every board in every company in
In the same train of thought, Why is it that the news will report that a company laid off thousands of people, or closed a plant or sold a whole division and that bumps up the share price ? Seems to me bad news (less capacity and less employees to do the work), should key the directors and the shareholders that they have the wrong upper management in the first place. Seems to me they ought to hold the CEO responsible for the problem, not the hourly staff. The CEO can hang on for 10 years and he has a contract they have to buy him out of to get rid of him. Us? It’s a greased banana and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
It makes very little practical sense to fire the older workers because of high wages, to hire younger workers because of low wages, because to do so makes the purchasing power of the money they are paid (the younger worker) worth less. You earn less, everything costs more and your dollar doesn’t go anywhere as far as it used to. Global warming? Yeah, after we burn all the couches and chairs and dinner tables to keep warm maybe.
In companies like the ones I just alluded to, the CEO’s of those firms have one common personality type. They think, for some strange reason that laying off people, constantly firing and constant criticism will shake up the place and make people more productive. I just don’t get it. What happens when you constantly shake up the place is everybody starts looking for a way to protect their job and keeps their head down, with very little effort going towards getting and productive work done in the first place. Dilbert makes more and more sense every day.
For some years now corporate
How are we going to be able to buy anything in this new “World Economy” , if we don’t have anywhere to work that pays a decent wage and if there are no companies left to be loyal to?
What are we supposed to be loyal to now anyway?
A Brand?
“Yes maam, I’d like one TIDE t-shirt and two pairs of VIAGRA socks please”. Get a grip !
See the thing is , we are in the middle of a fallacy that is a downward spiral. Less jobs is less money. Less money is less purchasing. Less purchasing is a negative economic trend. We will not be able soon to buy anything made in
Who are all these poor third world nations going to sell to if they can’t sell it to us?
I couldn’t tell as I am late for my shift at McDonalds.
Today is dumpster clean out night and the kids are starving !!
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