The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Some thought on various subjects

I watched clips and excerpts from the Republican debate the other day.
  • Fred Thompson said "I'm not doing hand shows today",
    • In answer to one of those silly show of hands , yes or no questions by some liberal moderator.
    • Good for him.
    • They already reduce the answers to thirty seconds, which tells you nothing about what they think.
    • I'm glad he stood up for that point.
One of Hillary Clintons advisers "quit", the campaign the other day, over some remarks he made about Obama, where he referenced Mr. Obama's prior admitted drug use.
  • He just spoke the truth. Obama has admitted prior use of drugs the way I understand it. maybe a long time ago, but what's the point?
  • He did admit it, it is part of the record.
  • He "quit" because it was convenient to do so and it took the heat off of Hillary.
  • Whatever.
The long awaited Mitchell report is out. Steroids are/were in baseball.
  • What a waste of time and money.
  • If Bud Selig wanted to do something about this, he could have said enough is enough, a long time ago and he did not need George Mitchell's report to do it.
  • From my point of view, if it was illegal, turn it over to the authorities, let them prosecute it.
  • If it was against the rules let the commissioner act on the facts.
  • Otherwise if you can't prove it, innocent until proven guilty, and move on.
    • Steroids do not help you to hit a round ball with a round bat in a contact area about as big as a nickel in the first place.
    • All the whack jobs in the world who rail about the "integrity" of the game? Please. Its been about money and that's all for 25 years or so. Get over it. Baseball had 6 billion dollars in revenue last year.
  • And by the way, Where have these idiots been? America has had a "drug problem" for 200 years.
  • Whatever. I could care no less.
Al Gore won an Oscar and a Nobel peace prize.
  • And he invented the internet and he didn't win the election.
  • He can have the Oscar and the peace prize, second place is where he belongs.
Does anybody else find it to be moronic that the Game manufacturers would have us believe that they can't produce enough Game consoles to meet demand?
  • First the X-box couldn't be made fast enough.
  • Everybody else followed suit. (Playstation2 and 3, Nintendo Wii, X-Box 360)
  • We are a world of supply and demand pricing. If the demand is high and the supply is low, guess what happens to the price?
    • Go check the price of a gallon of gas and you will have your answer.
    • We are not that gullible are we?
Has anybody else heard enough about "Britney" ?
  • I'm done and have been for a long time. (Same with Paris, Diana, Nicole and whoever else)
  • Move on please. Your clogging up the news with crap.
The CIA destroyed tapes they made torturing prisoners.
  • Yeah, and that surprises you ?
  • Why? Key words here were CIA.
Microsoft in the news again, being investigated again, for another supposed transgression, again.
  • Now , the makers of Opera, an alternative browser, claim that Microsoft is being anti-competitive because Internet Explorer comes pre-installed on Windows computers, and that gives them an unfair advantage.
  • As many of you know I am no fan of Microsoft in the most general of senses, however.....
    • First, The product is made by Microsoft. (Windows is a Microsoft product.)
    • Second, if I buy a Ford, I expect Ford designed brakes on the car.
    • Third, If I do not like Ford designed brakes, I can go to an aftermarket supplier, and get aftermarket Brakes to replace the Ford designed brakes.
  • You can do the same with  a Browser.
    • If you do not know how to do this, that is not the fault of Microsoft , nor is it the fault of the makers of Opera.
    • I don't get it, Is Microsoft supposed to sell their product for them?
    • By the way, the "Plays for sure" program was killed by Microsoft today. Best news I've heard all day.
And , last but not least,-
Michael Vick got sentenced to 23 months in prison for his role in dog fighting.
  • I don't care really, just to say he is stupid. Should have got him some hookers and a private plane and had a party like every other spoiled rich kid athlete does.
  • If I had 200 million dollars I wouldn't mess around with dog fighting when I could buy an island to fight humans on.
  • Who cares ! (Yeah, I think its wrong by the way, dog fighting that is.)
  • The point is that we'll spend millions of dollars everyday to prosecute high profile, high dollar , big news media stories, and we won't spend 25 cents to make sure that people in this country actually get a fair trial.
  • It's ridiculous.
    • You can get charged with 15 crimes in a three year period in most every major metropolitan city in America, wait 2 - 3 years to go on trial, and get probation  as punishment!!
    • I'm supposed to care about some rich ass athlete who fought dogs, then was investigated by the FBI, the Federal government, a slew of cops in three states, who gets more time in jail than the average drunk driver does?
  • I'll bet that Vick's attorney's get a fat paycheck though, whata ya wanna bet?



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