The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Mitt Romney? - I don't think so - He can't be trusted to be President

I cannot for the life of me figure out why anybody in their right mind would vote for a guy like Mitt Romney.
I mean, here is a guy, I mean a wealthy rich guy, who changes his mind on what he stands for more often than you change the oil in your car. He has been for and then against almost every major political point made (abortion, the War, immigration, etc) and has shaded the truth on just about everything else. If he wasn't for it , he was against it, unless the issue polled badly , then he was for it again.
In short, he is a typical politician. He will say or do pretty much anything to get elected. He says he doesn't cater to special interests and then points out he doesn't take any special interest money. Bull hockey. He is spending his own money, and got that money from special interests, his own. He is interested in padding his resume, looking good and winning.
The problem with a guy like him is basically, "What you see is what you get".
He has never met a position he could change, nuance, or spin to get someone to believe him.
How can we trust a guy like this?
Here is what he said on CBS's "Face the Nation" on 09/21/2007-
"Obviously, my position did change with regards to life.
But on other issues, my positions have been very consistent with my principles and my views."
--Mitt Romney
Of all the candidates, both Republican and Democratic, the former Massachusetts governor is most vulnerable to the charge of being a "flip-flopper." He has attempted to immunize himself from this accusation by making a virtue out of necessity, and acknowledging  his most blatant u-turn , on protecting the right to abortions. But an examination of his record shows that his positions have changed on a wide variety of other issues, from immigration to gay rights to gun control.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • In 1994 in a letter he wrote to Log Cabin Republicans, Romney said he was in favor of "gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly" in the military.
    • He now says it would be a mistake to interfere with the "don't ask, don't tell policy."
  • While campaigning for the governorship of Massachusetts in 2002, he said he would not "chip away" at the state's tough gun laws.
    • He later signed up for a lifelong member ship of the National Rifle Association in 2006, while contemplating a run for the Republican nomination.
  • In 2005, he favored immigration reform  along the lines proposed by Sen. John McCain.
    • He now denounces it as an amnesty plan.
    • The recent discovery that illegal immigrants continued to mow his lawn a year after he was told about it,  opens him up to the the charge of hypocrisy.
  • Romney's positions on abortion have shifted more frequently than anyone else I have ever seen , hardening during the primaries as he went after Republican votes and moving to the center during the general election.

    • To claim that his positions are "consistent with my principles and my views" is a tautology that conceals the deeper truth that his views and principles have a habit of changing with the political season.

    • It is also a stretch for Romney to claim that he lowered taxes while Governor of Massachusetts. He didn't lower taxes, he renamed them "fees". Fees are up in his state almost 700 %

    The question is " How can we trust a guy like this?" The answer is , "We can't".

    Just my opinion.

    You don't believe me ? Look it up on Google yourself.

    There are over 9000 google pages today where you can see the guy is full of crap.


    Thankx- bigmike
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