The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Monday, June 12, 2006

WE Love Wal-Mart because (let me count the ways)

This post is my anthem as to why I think Wal-Mart has lost their focus and is now nothing more than a big ole cash register, and that is all they seem to care about.

They are a money machine and a stock price, an ROI if you will. Nothing more and nothing less. The cha-ching is all that matters.

WE Love Wal-Mart because :

...Americans love to stand in long ass lines (on any typical night - not Christmas !)

...We love to be annoyed by the overhead speakers so loud and so frequent that you can't have a conversation with the person next to you

...We love the "bong bong " We're sorry announcement and an old person pawing through our stuff to make sure we paid for it, because the security tag never gets de-activated by the over worked cashiers!

...We also love ignoring the announcement to see if the fat person at the door will get off her lazy butt and chase you down to your car and how many times they will yell "SIR" at you when you just don't respond to their screaming!!

...We love hearing the employees bitch about how rotten it is to work there because of the slavedriver management, and then also hear how they have "gotten them" with the latest scams to get even.

...We love to be treated rudely by red-shirted people who could give a crap less about those "annoying customers".

...We love to see one cashier for 35 check out lanes.

...We love to wait for 25 extra minutes at midnight because "The registers do this automatically, nothing we can do SIR !!!"

...We are thrilled with digging into a shipping crate 5 feet deep full of crappy DVD's in the middle of an aisle

...There is nothing better than dodging a cart full of speeding teenagers coming straight at you on Saturday night is there ?

...We need the exercise of dodging all the pallets and boxes stacked everywhere

...We like being run down by the stock people who move all the pallets and stock around

...We love arrogant managers. I like being told "I just don't understand".

...We love walking 5 acres back to our car after they locked the door we came in two hours ago, (and we stood in line for an hour of that time)

...We are thrilled to have a cashier tell us what we have to do with products that are bought and paid for

...We like being called "Sir" or "Ma'am" in the loudest voice possible by the fat person sitting on their butt at the door.

...We love standing in line (twice if you smoke) to get gigarettes in the 10 items or less line and then being told they won't ring up your other stuff because you have too many items in your cart, even though the only line you can buy them in is the 10 item or less line.

...Americans just adore a good stiff stupid corporate policy !!

and finally the number one reason we love Wal-Mart

...We adore playing "obstacle course" driving around the 500 shopping carts all over the parking lot while one scruffy teen-ager with a cart machine tries to wrangle them all with a cart machine 6 city blocks long.

What's not to love ? I mean 20 acres of shopping a whole afternoon killed and you get to experience a whole different culture in your own home town ?

1 comment:

Comments are welcome (Keep it clean and I will publish it.) I fully support the 1st and 2nd amendments. Nasty comments and SPAM are deleted.