The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

And now ....the news !!!

This just in : (and these are actual uncredited news stories)

Somehow all of this junk qualifies as Top News on 06/15/2006. I don't get it.

None of this junk is news.

WARNING - If you are looking for real opinion or real facts in this post, you are wasting your time. There is satire and sarcasm in these stories, mostly supplied by me.

FYI- The satire is not factual, although, based on the content of the stories, it probably could be.

  • President Bush makes fun of crippled reporter. Film at 11. (Go figure !!)

President Bush, who often teases members of the White House press corps, apologized Wednesday after he poked fun at a reporter for wearing sunglasses without realizing they were needed for vision loss.

It is reported that the President changed his nickname for the reporter from "Tall guy" to "Oopsiee". This has been unverified.

  • George Washington is going to haunt a Starbucks?

The historic Maryland Inn, a fixture of Annapolis since the 18th century when George Washington was a customer, is likely getting a 21st-century Starbucks coffee shop.

It is reported that the Starbucks is being built at the request of the ghost of George Washington who is reported to have said " There is just no good way to get caffiene in here, because I am dead". This is also unverified.

  • Funds for Iraq run low. The 20 billion given to Irag so far may run out within months.

Time and money are running out on the US-directed reconstruction effort in Iraq.
The main conduit for American rebuilding aid - the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (IRRF) - is scheduled to close at the end of this year. Almost all the cash Congress has allocated for the fund, some $20 billion in all, has been spent, or will be, in coming months.

A senior Iraqui official said on Wednesday that " We have done the best we could with the funds we were given. After all with the price of explosives being so high, it is very hard to stretch a dollar and make good IED's nowdays on the money of yesterday. Everything is more expensive that it was under Saddam. Even the avergae cost of a bribe to the ministry of wasting money is up 200 % since 2002". This is unverified as well.

Man, I am just so underwhelmed with the quality of reporting and the content of the news. No wonder most people under 25 think "The Daily Show - with Jon Stewart", is a real news show.

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