The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Friday, June 16, 2006

'Stars" and their problems

Lately, there has been a lot in the news about so-called "stars" and their associated problems.

  • This one is getting divorced
  • That one is in rehab for drug abuse (insert addiction here)
  • This one has been arrested
  • That one has a car accident
  • This one drops (or almost drops) a baby
  • That one had a motorcycle accident

Now, like anybody else, I feel somewhat sorry that people (in general) have problems. I am not a mean spirited person. Not one atomic piece of me has total ignorance of the problems in the word. But, and this is a big but, why should I care about what happens to some rich media created playboy or girl?

Some big contract athlete making way too much money has a problem and somehow I am supposed to need to pray for them to recover, get better or rediscover their center?

Give me a break.

I have my own set of problems, just like you do and because I am neither rich nor famous, no front page stories are written about me or anyone I (or you for that matter) know, when life beats the crap out of us.

Who cares? And why in the world should I give a moments thought to any of it.

There is no need to worry about "stars" and their problems.

Either they will figure it out, like we have to, or they will pay someone to figure it out for them. There is a luxury we don't have. My family doesn't have a team of lawyers at the ready waiting to solve our problems. I'll bet neither does yours.

In an era of hundred million dollar contracts for athletes and multimillion dollar contracts for movie stars, and 300 million dollar CEO's, I am supposed to waste a breath thinking about Ken Lay, or Ben Rothlisberger, or Jessica Simpson or Brittany Spears or any of them?

Not very damn likely. Michael Jackson will keep grabbing his crotch no matter what I do, his sister will keeep showing the world her boobs at every opportunity, OJ did get off, athletes are basically out of control all over the world and the flakes in Hollywood will be as flaky as ever and nothing I do or say will make one damn bit of difference to the outcome.

So who cares?

I didn't watch OJ, I could care less about the Enron or MCI executives and the stupid moron who rides the fastest motorcycle on the planet, without a helmet, is nothing more than a rich organ donor if you ask me.

You want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for the families and victims of these idiots.

They are the ones that have to answer all the stupid questions. - bigmike

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