The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

London et al

Well now we have Spain, The U.S., Bahrain, Egypt, various island nations (Philippines etc), Baghdad , and now London and who knows where else to add to the latest round of attacks by the "other culture". And no, before you get all crazy about tolerance, acceptance and sensitivity I am not talking about Muslims. This really has nothing to do with Muslims.

My opinion is that you can be crazy and an extremist and be any religion or any culture and live anywhere. Shoot, we got our own brand of stupid right here or anywhere else , anybody ever heard of the Unibomber or Eric Rudolph (, the I.R.A.? How about Timothy McVeigh or the abortion crazies? Crazy doesn't understand time zones, or dilpomatic solutions or need them. Tell me please what the difference is between a nut like Rudolph (who was bombing for his religion) and the latest flavor of crazy who thinks they go to heaven for it ? The only real difference is a matter of degree. One group burns a clinic, one blows up a federal building and the other three airliners, two office towers and the pentagon.

You ever notice though when they get caught, even though they profess to reject civilized methods of prosecution and our society that when push comes to shove they all "lawyer up" ?

The weak kneed and the extreme liberals seem to think if we negotiate and go through a bunch more diplomatic nonsense that we can somehow come to an understanding with these people. What would be the point of the negotiation ? What exactly is it we would be talking about with them? You can sit around singing "Kum-bay-yah", holding hands and praying for peace all you care to and the number of attacks and bombs won't decrease one bit.

Poor old London just keeps getting the crap knocked out of it decade after decade. Guess that gun control thing is a hit ain't it ? Nobody got shot, just blew the hell up !

I think we have to solve this by being a little bit crazier than they are. Yeah, I know, we don't want to sink to their level, but hey! If the price they would have to pay for their actions would escalate incremently as they grew bolder then would they have the nerve to continue ? It is reaaly too bad their isn't an "Al Quieda" city, so we could level it isn't it? Is this what is called heated rhetoric?

Rhetorically the issue really is international cooperation. If every nation on the earth said to them, "Start crap like this and here is the response...", and then would act on it we wouldn't have to put up with this nonsense. The price would be too high to pay. It'll never happen though because the N.I.M.B.Y. factor takes precedence. (Not In My Back Yard). Thousands more will die because we won't act as one. Politics and elections get in the way.

That is their one real advantage. We elect our leaders and they annoint theirs.

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