The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Dead guys don't have rights

OK. Now the newspaper guys have lost their friggin' minds !

A newspaper writer (See the link to the story), who covers dirty politicians and such has been fired for recording a conversation with a politician who committed suicide shortly thereafter. They fired him for recording the conversation with the man, without his permission.

Two words. Huge story.

Two more words. Friggin' stupid.

Two additional words. No guts.

In their zeal ( read on the advice of guess what, a lawyer !) to appear ethically proper, they said he violated the law by not obtaining the mans permission first before taping.

Ridiculous rubbish. No violation can occur ex-post facto. The violation can only occur and can only be treated as a break with law if the man complains.

Obviously he can't do that because he is dead. Poof, bullet wound, departs earth. Bye bye now.

Sounds more like they are afraid of a lawsuit from the mans family and took the easy cheap out to protect their own butts. In this case, I am glad I do not subscribe to their paper, however I wish I did in a respect, so I could cancel on their candy-assess.

I can see it now . "Hello from CBS news. Our top story tonite, dirt is dirty and water makes it mud". Thats going to be the kind of reporting we see from now on. No tough subjects, no exposes, no digging in for the truth because No reporter in their right mind is going to stick their neck out anymore since all the junk has happened in the past month or so.

Has anybody ever really read the constitution who makes these kind of stupid bassackwards decisions? Sign the online petition and get behind decent journalism at

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