So the latest is that Obama has a new Jobs plan. Big whoopee. Another stupid political lie.
Supposedly it includes 300 Billion dollars and a lot of spending. Most of it I suspect is smoke and mirrors and a bunch of typical Washington DC Lies.
It will not be released until Thursday when in a speech before a joint session of Congress he will propose to lift the ailing economy through the familiar and tired yet useful litany of tax credits, job training for the unemployed , school renovations and a program to prevent teacher layoffs. Also somewhere muddled in this morass of jumbled items is a proposal to ask lawmakers to renew the 2% payroll tax cut and to once again extend jobless benefits to the unemployed. These details are fluid and could change as this is what is called “informed sources”; meaning leaked on purpose to gauge reaction and won’t be finalized until the Administration is ready to give the Speech.
That part pisses me off because what it says to me is that it really is not important enough to be a good plan as long as it looks like a good plan. That means you and me? We are not important as long as we don’t do enough to make the Administration look good. This is probably one of the biggest arguments for term limits in my opinion. They work for reelection and don’t work for us. Democrats and Republicans alike are more worried about what they say and how it plays out in the press than they ever are worried about doing the right thing and helping the country get back on its ”proverbial feet”.
They are more worried about how it looks than they are about what it does. Actions mean nothing to this crop of Politicians. I could not serve with this bunch. I would be arrested once a week from slugging a few of them in the mouth every time they said something stupid or told another in a long string of lies.
See here is the part they won’t tell you. It may be a “Quote 300 Billion Dollar Program”, but when you look at the overall picture and at the total number of unemployed as well as the impact made by the 2% tax credit continuance which is part of that big number and the other parts you realize it really isn’t all that much money being directed at a trillion dollar problem. It doesn't spend the money creating jobs and won't help you ar me one bit. Just like always.
They are all scared to tell the American public that it will take at least another Trillion dollars to fix this mess.
We have almost 10 % Unemployment in this country. Just using these numbers to calculate against that represents at least 30 million unemployed. This number does not take into account all the adjusting and the people who are not counted in this number like the chronically unemployed, the underemployed and so forth. The 2% tax credit renewal counts for about 1/3 of the 300 Billion (about 90 Billion dollars) and this is not money we will spend at all, it is money we will not collect.
Without even doing any serious math you can see the cost of the program starts out at 210 Billion and the politicians lie about the non collection of future income being counted as expenditure. The tax credits amount to the same kind of thing. Revenue we will not collect and never see is counted as an expense.
Here is why this is important. Let’s talk about it like it is paycheck money.
Let’s say I am your employer and I tell you I am giving you a 25 % raise in the form of a credit. In order to earn the credit you must drive a brand new car that burns Bio-Diesel fuel, seats 9 people, participates in a car pool and is available to the local police department as a loaner vehicle. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it.? That’s no kind of raise at all is it? It’s not real money is it?
Well this is exactly how congress gives a tax cut and how it counts it as spending. When they project how much it will cost they say enormous sums like 45 billion dollars if it is fully utilized. Then reality sets in and people start to try to use the credit and they find out they do not qualify, because they do not meet the "reasonable conditions" of the program (sort of like the Loan Modification Programs in the housing loan mess huh ? ) .
It turns out that nationwide only 5% of employees can meet the requirements of the program and the entire program only costs 5 Billion dollars.
If you ask a politician to explain it he will tell you that the American taxpayer under his watch saved 40 Billion dollars and nowhere in his response will he mention that he spent 5 billion bucks to implement a silly ass program like this in the first place.
The next thing is they are going to renovate a bunch of schools. I am asking FOR WHAT PURPOSE?? You have already fired all the teachers. Do any of you numbskulls read the news? What are you going to do, build a bunch of classrooms, and not have any teachers to teach in them?