The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Behold, the future is here

Well, I'm not saying it will never happen again, but I think I am about done writing about politics. It seems as if I write for the benefit of myself and a couple of other people and that's about it. It is almost the same way when the subject comes up in conversation. I'll answer a political question from someone with more than the standard , often repeated answer and slowly but surely the eyes begin their travels. First its side to side, then add in the up and down motion, then a look of panic and I get amused and now I can't stop talking because you look scared and then the eyes begin their travels into the back of your head as you slowly begin to gurgle.

Similar when I write about it. 8 paragraphs with facts and research and opinion and hard hitting concise comments and it gets turned into somebody Else's comment that usually is two words and the last one is either "sucks" or is "You". As in "He sucks" or "F**k you".

So whats the point ?

Its not like I work for Newsweek. I just think about this stuff and thought others would like to share in the dialog.

Guess not.

So until I find an audience for it, in a place where we can be as full of crap as the politicians, I am gonna find other topics I think.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An Important Lesson in Political Math

10 Steps to Bragging about what you are doing for the American Taxpayer

Or how politicians say they are saving you Money , therefore leading to their own re-election because of their historic voting , strong record and pro-business stance.
  1. Propose a program that will lead to some dubious untested benefit that does not have to be quantified, qualified or proven. Do not worry about whether or not the program will work as the other party will bash it greatly no matter what you say nor what you do.
  2. Come up with a final cost number in the Press release for the announcement of the Program something on the order of "Senator X says 60 Billion dollar jobs plan will help economy".
  3. Also somewhere in the statement guess at the number of "jobs" (or other benefits) that will be created as a result of implementing your plan. "Senator X says his job plan will create 2500 jobs."
  4. Ignore and do not count any jobs that are lost as a result of the plan and always count low paying non union jobs that replace high paying or unionized jobs as equal positions. For reference please see "NAFTA - What the hell happened to my job , by Dr. Suess"
  5. Create rules for implementing the program that keep out the Riff Raff, meaning anyone who has no need for the money created by this program.
  6. Add up the final expenses for the program and narrowly define as expenses only those items you really cannot blame on someone else. Assume this number is half of the original estimate no matter what the facts say.
  7. Add up the final jobs you say were created for the program and narrowly define as a created job every item for which tips, wages or barter like trading was used to pay anyone like a paperboy, your babysitter or the morning wino you give spare change to on your way to work. Include the homeless bum who holds the "Will work for food sign at the Interstate".  Assume this number is double the original estimate no matter what the facts say.
  8. Form exploratory committee and PAC to advise you on important issues. Staff both organizations with your cronies. Loan both organizations your top speechwriters. Have everybody except you put out press releases and articles to newspapers etc, saying what a wonderful job your program did for the American People. Have both organizations distort the facts and further muddy the waters by claiming wild claims like for example Tell one of them to say Your program has cured AIDS.
  9. Book several appearances on Sunday Morning Talk shows and talk to Important Newspaper writers, television news celebrities Like Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer. Make no public comments until you begin to speak out on the issues.
  10. Announce you are running for President and then ask for time to set the record "straight" in order to counter claim some of the more wild things that have been said in the past few days. Announce that your program saved the American Public 30 Billion dollars (Even though you actually spent 30 Billion dollars) and that it created 5000 jobs and spent less money than was projected in order to do so. Call this productivity at its highest level and then spend some time being humble , admitting somebody got it wrong by saying your program was a cure for anything.
Cue American Flag.

Cue Pictures of Family.

Fade to black.

Ride to Elected office in big black limo smoking fat black stogie.

Life is good.

Obama's New Job Plan - DOA

So the latest is that Obama has a new Jobs plan. Big whoopee. Another stupid political lie.

Supposedly it includes 300 Billion dollars and a lot of spending. Most of it I suspect is smoke and mirrors and a bunch of typical Washington DC Lies.

It will not be released until Thursday  when in a speech before a joint session of Congress he will propose to lift the ailing economy through the familiar and tired yet useful  litany of tax credits, job training for the unemployed , school renovations and a program to prevent teacher layoffs. Also somewhere muddled in this morass of jumbled items is a proposal to ask lawmakers to renew the 2% payroll tax cut and to once again extend jobless benefits to the unemployed. These details are fluid and could change as this is what is called “informed sources”; meaning leaked on purpose to gauge reaction and won’t be finalized until the Administration is ready to give the Speech.

That part pisses me off because what it says to me is that it really is not important enough to be a good plan as long as it looks like a good plan.  That means you and me? We are not important as long as we don’t do enough to make the Administration look good. This is probably one of the biggest arguments for term limits in my opinion. They work for reelection and don’t work for us. Democrats and Republicans alike are more worried about what they say and how it plays out in the press than they ever are worried about doing the right thing and helping the country get back on its ”proverbial feet”.

They are more worried about how it looks than they are about what it does. Actions mean nothing to this crop of Politicians. I could not serve with this bunch. I would be arrested once a week from slugging a few of them in the mouth every time they said something stupid or told another in a long string of lies.

See here is the part they won’t tell you. It may be a “Quote 300 Billion Dollar Program”, but when you look at the overall picture and at the total number of unemployed as well as the impact made by the 2% tax credit continuance which is part of that big number and the other parts you realize it really isn’t all that much money being directed at a trillion dollar problem. It doesn't spend the money creating jobs and won't help you ar me one bit. Just like always.

They are all scared to tell the American public that it will take at least another Trillion dollars to fix this mess.

We have almost 10 % Unemployment in this country. Just using these numbers to calculate against that represents at least 30 million unemployed. This number does not take into account all the adjusting and the people who are not counted in this number like the chronically unemployed, the underemployed and so forth. The 2% tax credit renewal counts for about 1/3 of the 300 Billion (about 90 Billion dollars) and this is not money we will spend at all, it is money we will not collect.

Without even doing any serious math you can see the cost of the program starts out at 210 Billion and the politicians lie about the non collection of future income being counted as expenditure. The tax credits amount to the same kind of thing. Revenue we will not collect and never see is counted as an expense.

Here is why this is important. Let’s talk about it like it is paycheck money.

Let’s say I am your employer and I tell you I am giving you a 25 % raise in the form of a credit. In order to earn the credit you must drive a brand new car that burns Bio-Diesel fuel, seats 9 people, participates in a car pool and is available to the local police department as a loaner vehicle. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it.? That’s no kind of raise at all is it? It’s not real money is it?

Well this is exactly how congress gives a tax cut and how it counts it as spending. When they project how much it will cost they say enormous sums like 45 billion dollars if it is fully utilized. Then reality sets in and people start to try to use the credit and they find out they do not qualify, because they do not meet the "reasonable conditions" of the program (sort of like the Loan Modification Programs in the housing loan mess huh ? ) .  

It turns out that nationwide only 5% of employees can meet the requirements of the program and the entire program only costs 5 Billion dollars.

If you ask a politician to explain it he will tell you that the American taxpayer under his watch saved 40 Billion dollars and nowhere in his response will he mention that he spent 5 billion bucks to implement a silly ass program like this in the first place.

The next thing is they are going to renovate a bunch of schools. I am asking FOR WHAT PURPOSE?? You have already fired all the teachers. Do any of you numbskulls read the news? What are you going to do, build a bunch of classrooms, and not have any teachers to teach in them?

I can’t wait to see the real numbers associated with this bull**t.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Politicians are all Crooks and here is why

My Dad used to say "Figures Lie and Liars Figure".

He was right I think because so far with all these Politicians all I have heard is a bunch of nonesense and lies.

So far I have heard them talking about a lot of things including the debt ceiling, the Economy in General, Growth, Unemployment (benefits mostly), what all of you are now terming as "ObamaCare" (which is stupid because both parties voted for it), and all the other cliche`d to death platform ideologies like abortion, Social Security, Medicare and Tax cuts.

Nothing has worked, we are still in a mess, nothing has any real traction they have not still ever addressed the real issue, and we get to watch them take several vacations, play golf and , drink beer, sail yachts and fly airplanes and la-te-freakin-da.

Surprise !! Rich people are still rich , Poor folk (like me) are still poor ! Not one damn thing has changed and nothing has gotten any better. Ooooh, wait I apologize, the one 2 lane bridge you rebuilt in my county is the best 2 lane country road bridge that money can buy. They say 17 million dollars was spent here, most of it towards schools, but you couldn't prove it buy looking. What a joke. What we have the most of is plywood windows. I wonder is the stimulus package paid for the wood?

You've talked about home mortgages like they were some kind of can on a grocery store shelf and introduced new programs which were supposed to be designed to help our struggling homeowners. Then you turned around and put the same jackasses in charge of the programs that created the problems in the first place. You bailed out the banks, told them their lending practices sucked and then put the banks in charge of helping the same struggling homeowners they were over charging and gouging to begin with. Oh yeah, that's gonna fix it. Good strategy, sorry I missed that meeting. What a bunch of dip shi**.

Now you idiots act all surprised like you didn't know they added an eighteen inch stack of paper and denied every single person who applied for help. You act like you didn't know they made the process so onerous and so complicated that no one normal person can understand it. You act like you didn't know that this was another boon for lawyers to scoop up the gravy on.

So if I understand the strategy and can analogize it, you spotted a theft, called the police, and arrested the cops. Smooth move !!

I mean, please. Quit lying.

That was the way it was designed in the first place. There was no way this was ever going to work, even I knew that. Hell, It is also why virtually no one has been able to use the so called "Loan Modification programs" why everyone in Bankruptcy was automatically excluded from participation and why now you want to Investigate and Prosecute the misdoers involved in the process. Please. What a load of crap.

Just tell the truth for once.

The Banks do not want to help us. They want to foreclose on us and sell the property to somebody else again. as they are protected against loss by their Insurance. Why the hell should they care, just cause you said so ? They are using the same tactic a Buy here -  Pay here car lot uses. They don't give a damn if you keep the house, they want to sell it and collect fees on it as many times as they possibly can before somebody actually buys it and pays it off.

The Cashier will help you understand this government program.

I have also seen you throw money at the issues without a concern for what the affect was after the fact. You have made medical care more expensive, passed more laws in the past two years than ever before, spent over a trillion dollars on a so called stimulus package and passed some real loopy ding dong laws , not the least of which was your ignorant cash for clunkers program which just made used cars more expensive and put thousands of auto mechanics who could have used those parts out of business because of the stupid asinine restrictions you put on the programs.

All that program did was create and artificial bump in sales that they will not be able to reproduce next year, and destroy a lot of good used cars. It was and is a dumb ass program.

Tax cuts by the way, DO NOT WORK for the middle class. Rich folks love tax cuts, the middle class can't use them, because they don't have any money to begin with. What the heck good is a tax cut gonna do for somebody with 3 kids, a mortgage and a car payment. They don't have any investment money !! The only people you are helping are the idiots who don't need it like bankers and Investment gurus and Millionaires. Normal society doesn't benefit from most of the tax cuts.

I have yet to hear one single politician say anything about the real problem which is this


Another fine example of Government at work, while you are left hanging.

How about this huh ?

One of you guys stand up and say "The Problem is we need to figure out how to get the American Worker, working again. That is the problem.

Guess what idiots ?

If I had a job, I can pay for my mortgage. If I had a job I can buy a new car. If I had a job I don't need unemployment benefits. If I could get a job I would not file for bankruptcy or be foreclosed upon. I'd pay my credit card Bills, I'd take a vacation, you would not need to spend money on a non-working stimulus package, you would not be bailing out car companies and banks and watching the rest of America slowly close up shop because the banks will not lend any more money because NOBODY HAS A FREAKING JOB !!

I mean, come on. It is not that hard to figure out what is wrong and in my opinion none of you have the guts to stand up and say it and propose something that will actually work. Instead all of you are just interested in not having the blame assigned to you by the opposing party so you can get elected during the next election.

I could care less if any of you get elected again.

You left me hanging when I needed you so I figure whats good for me is good for you.