The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Stay informed even if you do not agree ! (PS- Eric Holder is an idiot !)

I know I hold a conservative viewpoint and will never apologize for that. You may feel free to disagree with me however in the interest of fairness and in providing full disclosure, I did vote in the last election, did not vote for Barack Obama and still do not think him qualified to be President. He ran a better campaign than the Republicans and won the election , but that still doesn’t make him a leader that inspires my confidence.

Having said that, I’m also not a fan of Janet Reno, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales and the current one, Eric Holder. I think Michael Mukasey (11/2007 to 01/2009) was ok, but he wasn’t there very long.

My problem with our current Attorney general is that he appears to be a mealy mouthed, double talking , lawyer who looks to be in over his head and has self-confidence issues. There are a ton of videos of him out there already, take a look at the following and tell me what you think.

Here are 2 very good videos of Sen. Lindsey Graham, absolutely destroying Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the US, and all he did was ask a couple of questions. Another great example of how badly this is being handled by the Democrats. This guy looks and sounds pathetic, and he is the nation’s top lawyer. I am unimpressed.

and during Eric Holders confirmation hearing:

There are also lots and lots of Blogs and articles being written about Politics and specifically about Sarah Palin.

Check these two out.

This one is very, very good and very informative.

Be sure to check this one out.

This one is kind of self serving but makes a lot of spot on good points.

I think it is best to be informed even if you don’t agree don’t you?

Thankx for reading my rant !


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