The Preamble to the Constitution

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Sarah Palin Buzz (or return of the hockey Mom !)

Hey guess what ? More non-news !

Sarah Palin has wrote a book.

OK. Lots of books every year.

She is going around promoting it.

OK. Lots of writers promote books.

The goofy liberals and hard core conservatives are both going nuts chompin at the bit trying to see who can bash her the hardest and the longest and get the most hateful comments out in record time because they really don't like this woman. I mean they (both sides) are expending huge amounts of political capital, doing all they can to discredit her and shut her down.

Newsweek went out and "found" (bought) an irrelevant photo of her in running shorts for its cover. They were not being sexist though. All that thigh on the front cover isn't sexist. It is normal for a politician (or ex-politician, whatever) to have pictures like this one on the front cover. They were just using the most interesting picture available. Oh Yeah ? When is the last time you can remember this BS being done to a man? or a Democrat? or a female Democrat? Lord knows Hillary has never done anything or said anything that may warrant such treatment.

Who you kiddin? The picture originally went on the cover of a running magazine. Hence the running shorts. What does the running shorts have to do with Sarah Palin in the context of VP Nominee, ex-Governor Of Alaska, Book author? Not a damn thing.

Sex sells. Cheap sex sells better.

hahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, right. What a load. This is so stupid it makes me giggle.


You know what they don't really like about her? (and in the interest of full dsiclosure, I didn't vote for her either). She speaks plain old fractured english , just like a regular american , and nothing like the political doublethunk, doublespeak that every other politician speaks. It scares the hell out of them, because what she says, gets heard and remembered. Classic pavlovian response.

Think about it all you Palin hatin , Bush Bashin, Obama lovers. When is the last time you can remember a politician saying something from the heart, that they meant, that you can remember without looking it up on youtube, and it has nothing to do with campaign slogans or inauguration speeches?

See, the truth is you remember "Hockey mom". You remember , "You betcha".

I might be misremembering this as good old "W" would say, but I think the best you can do is " Now , Listen to me, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Then again you are probably going to remember "Read my Lips, No new taxes!" and about 750 things GWB screwed up, but nothing substantial from anyone else, until you get back to the '60's.

That's ironic and hysterical at the same time.

I will bet you one thing though. I will bet that Sarah Palin sells more books than Obamalama did in two books, and , they will be more fun to read. His books (and Bills and Hillarys books) all sucked.

God it is a good time to be a satirist.

Anybody got a cigar I can borrow?

Thankx for reading my Rant !!


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